module ErpTechSvcs module FileSupport class FileSystemManager < Manager REMOVE_FILES_REGEX = /^\./ def root Rails.root.to_s end def update_file(path, content), 'wb+') { |f| f.write(content) } end def create_file(path, name, contents) FileUtils.mkdir_p path unless File.exists? path, name), 'wb+') { |f| f.write(contents) } end # copy a file def copy_file(origination_file, path, name) contents = get_contents(origination_file) create_file(path, name, contents) end def create_folder(path, name) unless File.join(path, name) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(path, name) end end def save_move(path, new_parent_path) old_path = File.join(path) new_path = File.join(Rails.root, new_parent_path) result = false unless File.exists? old_path message = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST else name = File.basename(path) #make sure path is there. FileUtils.mkdir_p new_path unless new_path, File.join(new_path, name)) message = "#{name} was moved to #{new_parent_path} successfully" result = true end return result, message end def exists?(path) File.exists? path end def rename_file(path, name) result = false unless File.exists? path message = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST else old_name = File.basename(path) path_pieces = path.split('/') path_pieces.delete(path_pieces.last) path_pieces.push(name) new_path = path_pieces.join('/') File.rename(path, new_path) message = "#{old_name} was renamed to #{name} successfully" result = true end return result, message end def delete_file(path, options={}) result = false name = File.basename(path) is_directory = false if !File.exists? path and ! path message = FILE_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST else if path is_directory = true entries = Dir.entries(path) entries.delete_if { |entry| entry =~ REMOVE_FILES_REGEX } if entries.count > 0 && !options[:force] message = FOLDER_IS_NOT_EMPTY result = false else FileUtils.rm_rf(path) child_files = FileAsset.where(FileAsset.arel_table[:directory].matches("#{path.gsub(root, '')}%")) child_files.each do |file| file.destroy end message = "Folder #{name} was deleted #{name} successfully" result = true end else FileUtils.rm_rf(path) message = "File #{name} was deleted #{name} successfully" result = true end end return result, message, is_directory end def get_contents(path) contents = nil message = nil unless File.exists? path message = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST else contents =, 'rb') { |file| } end return contents, message end def build_tree(starting_path, options={}) find_node(starting_path, options) end def find_node(path, options={}) if options[:file_asset_holder] super else if File.exists? path if path path_pieces = path.split('/') parent = build_tree_for_directory(path, options) unless parent[:id] == path path_pieces.each do |path_piece| next if path_piece.blank? parent[:children].each do |child_node| if child_node[:text] == path_piece parent = child_node break end end end end parent = nil if parent[:id] != path parent else build_node(path, options) end else nil end end end def build_node(path, options={}) if if options[:preload] build_tree_for_directory(path, options) if options[:preload] else path.gsub!(root, '') unless options[:keep_full_path] {:text => path.split('/').last, :id => path, :iconCls => 'icon-content'} end else path.gsub!(root, '') unless options[:keep_full_path] parts = path.split('/') parts.pop download_path = parts.join('/') if !options[:included_file_extensions_regex].nil? && entry =~ options[:included_file_extensions_regex] {:text => path.split('/').last, :leaf => true, :iconCls => 'icon-document', :downloadPath => download_path, :id => path} elsif options[:included_file_extensions_regex].nil? {:text => path.split('/').last, :leaf => true, :iconCls => 'icon-document', :downloadPath => download_path, :id => path} end end end private def build_tree_for_directory(directory, options) if options[:keep_full_path] != false and !directory.index(root).nil? options[:keep_full_path] = true end tree_data = { :text => directory.split('/').last, :iconCls => ? 'icon-content' : 'icon-document', :id => directory, :leaf => !, :children => [] } tree_data[:id].gsub!(root, '') unless options[:keep_full_path] Dir.entries(directory).each do |entry| #ignore .svn folders and any other folders starting with . next if entry =~ REMOVE_FILES_REGEX tree_data[:children] << build_node(File.join(directory, entry), options) end if tree_data[:children].sort_by! { |item| [item[:text]] } tree_data end end #FileSystemManager end #FileSupport end #ErpTechSvcs