module Qless module Middleware # Monitors the memory usage of the Qless worker, instructing # it to shutdown when memory exceeds the given :max_memory threshold. class MemoryUsageMonitor < Module def initialize(options) max_memory = options.fetch(:max_memory) module_eval do job_counter = 0 define_method :around_perform do |job| job_counter += 1 begin super(job) ensure current_mem = MemoryUsageMonitor.current_usage_in_kb if current_mem > max_memory log(:info, "Exiting after job #{job_counter} since current memory " \ "(#{current_mem} KB) has exceeded max allowed memory " \ "(#{max_memory} KB).") shutdown end end end end end SHELL_OUT_FOR_MEMORY = -> do # Taken from: # Integer(`ps -o rss= -p #{}`) end unless defined?(SHELL_OUT_FOR_MEMORY) begin require 'rusage' rescue LoadError warn "Could not load `rusage` gem. Falling back to shelling out " "to get process memory usage, which is several orders of magnitude slower." define_singleton_method(:current_usage_in_kb, &SHELL_OUT_FOR_MEMORY) else memory_ratio = Process.rusage.maxrss / SHELL_OUT_FOR_MEMORY.().to_f if (800...1200).cover?(memory_ratio) # OS X tends to return maxrss in Bytes. def self.current_usage_in_kb Process.rusage.maxrss / 1024 end else # Linux tends to return maxrss in KB. def self.current_usage_in_kb Process.rusage.maxrss end end end end end end