/* eslint-disable max-lines */ import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Button, DescriptionList, DescriptionListTerm, DescriptionListGroup, DescriptionListDescription, WizardContextConsumer, } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { get } from 'foremanReact/redux/API'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { selectJobTemplates, selectHosts, selectHostCount, selectTemplateInputs, selectAdvancedTemplateInputs, } from '../../JobWizardSelectors'; import { HOSTS_API, HOSTS_TO_PREVIEW_AMOUNT, WIZARD_TITLES, SCHEDULE_TYPES, } from '../../JobWizardConstants'; import { buildHostQuery } from '../HostsAndInputs/buildHostQuery'; import { WizardTitle } from '../form/WizardTitle'; import { parseEnd, parseRepeat } from './helpers'; import { HostPreviewModal } from '../HostsAndInputs/HostPreviewModal'; const maskValue = (isHidden, value) => isHidden ? '*'.repeat(value.length) : value; const ReviewDetails = ({ jobCategory, jobTemplateID, advancedValues, scheduleValue, templateValues, selectedTargets, hostsSearchQuery, goToStepByName, }) => { // eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types const StepButton = ({ stepName, children }) => ( ); const dispatch = useDispatch(); useEffect(() => { dispatch( get({ key: HOSTS_API, url: '/api/hosts', params: { search: buildHostQuery(selectedTargets, hostsSearchQuery), per_page: HOSTS_TO_PREVIEW_AMOUNT, }, }) ); }, [dispatch, hostsSearchQuery, selectedTargets]); const jobTemplates = useSelector(selectJobTemplates); const templateInputs = useSelector(selectTemplateInputs); const advancedTemplateInputs = useSelector(selectAdvancedTemplateInputs); const jobTemplate = jobTemplates.find( template => template.id === jobTemplateID )?.name; const hosts = useSelector(selectHosts); const hostsCount = useSelector(selectHostCount); const [hostPreviewOpen, setHostPreviewOpen] = useState(false); const stringHosts = () => { if (hosts.length === 0) { return __('No Target Hosts'); } if (hosts.length === 1 || hosts.length === 2) { return hosts.join(', '); } return (
{hostsCount} {__('hosts')}{' '}
); }; const [isAdvancedShown, setIsAdvancedShown] = useState(false); const detailsFirstHalf = [ { label: ( {__('Job category')} ), value: jobCategory, }, { label: ( {__('Job template')} ), value: jobTemplate, }, { label: ( {__('Target hosts')} ), value: stringHosts(), }, ...templateInputs.map(({ name, hidden_value: isHidden }) => ({ label: ( {name} ), value: maskValue(isHidden, templateValues[name]), })), { label: ( {__('Advanced fields')} ), value: isAdvancedShown ? ( ) : ( ), }, ].filter(d => d); const detailsSecondHalf = [ { label: ( {__('Schedule type')} ), value: scheduleValue.scheduleType, }, { label: ( {__('Recurrence')} ), value: scheduleValue.repeatType, }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.FUTURE && scheduleValue.startsAt && { label: ( {__('Starts at')} ), value: new Date(scheduleValue.startsAt).toString(), }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.FUTURE && scheduleValue.startsBefore && { label: ( {__('Starts Before')} ), value: new Date(scheduleValue.startsBefore).toString(), }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.RECURRING && { label: ( {__('Starts')} ), value: scheduleValue.isFuture ? new Date(scheduleValue.startsAt).toString() : __('Now'), }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.RECURRING && { label: ( {__('Repeats')} ), value: parseRepeat(scheduleValue.repeatType, scheduleValue.repeatData), }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.RECURRING && { label: ( {__('Ends')} ), value: parseEnd( scheduleValue.ends, scheduleValue.isNeverEnds, scheduleValue.repeatAmount ), }, scheduleValue.scheduleType === SCHEDULE_TYPES.RECURRING && { label: ( {__('Purpose')} ), value: scheduleValue.purpose, }, { label: ( {__('Type of query')} ), value: scheduleValue.isTypeStatic ? __('Static query') : __('Dynamic query'), }, ].filter(d => d); const advancedFields = [ { label: __('SSH user'), value: advancedValues.sshUser }, { label: __('Effective user'), value: advancedValues.effectiveUserValue }, { label: __('Description Template'), value: advancedValues.description }, { label: __('Timeout to kill'), value: advancedValues.timeoutToKill }, { label: __('Time to pickup'), value: advancedValues.timeToPickup }, { label: __('Concurrency level'), value: advancedValues.concurrencyLevel }, { label: __('Time span'), value: advancedValues.timeSpan }, { label: __('Execution ordering'), value: advancedValues.isRandomizedOrdering ? __('Randomized') : __('Alphabetical'), }, ...advancedTemplateInputs.map(({ name, hidden_value: isHidden }) => ({ label: name, value: maskValue(isHidden, advancedValues.templateValues[name]), })), ]; return ( <> {detailsFirstHalf.map(({ label, value }, index) => ( {label} {value || ''} ))} {isAdvancedShown && advancedFields.map(({ label, value }, index) => ( {label} {value || ''} ))} {detailsSecondHalf.map(({ label, value }, index) => ( {label} {value || ''} ))} ); }; ReviewDetails.propTypes = { jobCategory: PropTypes.string.isRequired, jobTemplateID: PropTypes.number, advancedValues: PropTypes.object.isRequired, scheduleValue: PropTypes.object.isRequired, templateValues: PropTypes.object.isRequired, selectedTargets: PropTypes.object.isRequired, hostsSearchQuery: PropTypes.string.isRequired, goToStepByName: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; ReviewDetails.defaultProps = { jobTemplateID: null }; const WrappedReviewDetails = props => ( {({ goToStepByName }) => ( )} ); export default WrappedReviewDetails;