@import "../base";
/// @group objects/layout
// Example usage with Breadcrumbs, phase banners, back links:
// Example usage without Breadcrumbs, phase banners, back links:
@include govuk-exports("govuk/objects/main-wrapper") {
.govuk-main-wrapper {
// In IE11 the `main` element can be used, but is not recognized –
// meaning it's not defined in IE's default style sheet,
// so it uses CSS initial value, which is inline.
display: block;
padding-top: govuk-spacing(4);
padding-bottom: govuk-spacing(4);
@include govuk-media-query($from: tablet) {
// This spacing is manually adjusted to replicate the margin of
// govuk-heading-xl (50px) minus the spacing of back link and
// breadcrumbs (10px)
padding-top: govuk-spacing(7);
padding-bottom: govuk-spacing(7);
// Using the `.govuk-main-wrapper--auto-spacing` modifier should apply the
// correct spacing depending on whether there are any elements
// (such the back link, breadcrumbs or phase banner components) before the
// `.govuk-main-wrapper` in the `govuk-width-container`.
// If you need to control the spacing manually, use the
// `govuk-main-wrapper--l` modifier instead.
.govuk-main-wrapper--l {
@include govuk-responsive-padding(8, "top");