## Georgia Mailer Extension to Georgia CMS to store and send messages. Messages will be treated for spam before being sent to you. Make sure you have a working Georgia installation before proceding with these instructions. ### Installation Add migrations and migrate rake railties:install:migrations rake db:migrate If you selected ElasticSearch as your indexer, create the GeorgiaMailer::Message index: rake environment tire:import CLASS=GeorgiaMailer::Message FORCE=true ### Heroku Add Redis addon for Sidekiq heroku addons:add redistogo Generate GeorgiaMailer::Message index: heroku run rake environment tire:import CLASS=GeorgiaMailer::Message FORCE=true Add sidekiq to your Procfile: worker: bundle exec sidekiq ### Spam filtering To avoid pesky spammers, Georgia Mailer uses Akismet system to filter spam messages. 1. Sign up on [http://akismet.com/signup/](http://akismet.com/signup/) 2. Configure rakismet `key` and `url` in an initializer: ```ruby # config/initializers/rakismet.rb Example::Application.config.rakismet.key = '123456789XYZ' Example::Application.config.rakismet.url = 'https://www.example.com/' ``` For more information or alternatives, please read on the [rakismet](https://github.com/joshfrench/rakismet) gem.