require 'pathname' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path.parent + 'spec_helper' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path.parent + 'examples/traffic_light' describe TrafficLight do before(:each) do @t = end it "should have an 'id' column" do @t.attributes.should have_key(:id) end it "should have a 'color' column" do @t.attributes.should have_key(:color) end it "should not have a 'state' column" do @t.attributes.should_not have_key(:state) end it "should start off in the green state" do @t.color.should == "green" end it "should allow the color to be set" do @t.color = :yellow @t.color.should == "yellow" end it "should have called the :enter Proc" do @t.log.should == %w(G) end it "should call the original initialize method" do @t.init.should == [:init] end describe 'forward!' do it "should respond to :forward!" do @t.respond_to?(:forward!).should == true end it "should transition to :yellow, :red, :green" do @t.color.should == "green" @t.forward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G Y) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G Y R) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G Y R G) @t.new_record?.should == true end it "should skip to :yellow then transition to :red, :green, :yellow" do @t.color = :yellow @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G R) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G R G) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G R G Y) @t.new_record?.should == true end it "should skip to :red then transition to :green, :yellow, :red" do @t.color = :red @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G G) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G G Y) @t.forward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G G Y R) @t.new_record?.should == true end end describe 'backward!' do it "should respond to 'backward!'" do @t.respond_to?(:backward!).should == true end it "should transition to :red, :yellow, :green" do @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G R) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G R Y) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G R Y G) @t.new_record?.should == true end it "should skip to :yellow then transition to :green, :red, :yellow" do @t.color = :yellow @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G G) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G G R) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G G R Y) @t.new_record?.should == true end it "should skip to :red then transition to :yellow, :green, :red" do @t.color = :red @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "yellow" @t.log.should == %w(G Y) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "green" @t.log.should == %w(G Y G) @t.backward! @t.color.should == "red" @t.log.should == %w(G Y G R) @t.new_record?.should == true end end end