# Colour management with Ruby.
# Copyright 2005 Austin Ziegler
# http://rubyforge.org/ruby-pdf/
# Licensed under a MIT-style licence.
# $Id: rgb.rb,v 1.6 2005/08/08 02:44:17 austin Exp $
# An RGB colour object.
class Color::RGB
# The format of a DeviceRGB colour for PDF. In color-tools 2.0 this will
# be removed from this package and added back as a modification by the
# PDF::Writer package.
PDF_FORMAT_STR = "%.3f %.3f %.3f %s"
class << self
# Creates an RGB colour object from percentages 0..100.
# Color::RGB.from_percentage(10, 20 30)
def from_percentage(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0)
from_fraction(r / 100.0, g / 100.0, b / 100.0)
# Creates an RGB colour object from fractional values 0..1.
# Color::RGB.from_fraction(.3, .2, .1)
def from_fraction(r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0)
colour = Color::RGB.new
colour.r = r
colour.g = g
colour.b = b
# Creates an RGB colour object from an HTML colour descriptor (e.g.,
# "fed" or "#cabbed;".
# Color::RGB.from_html("fed")
# Color::RGB.from_html("#fed")
# Color::RGB.from_html("#cabbed")
# Color::RGB.from_html("cabbed")
def from_html(html_colour)
html_colour = html_colour.gsub(%r{[#;]}, '')
case html_colour.size
when 3
colours = html_colour.scan(%r{[0-9A-Fa-f]}).map { |el| (el * 2).to_i(16) }
when 6
colours = html_colour.scan(%r<[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}>).map { |el| el.to_i(16) }
raise ArgumentError
# Compares the other colour to this one. The other colour will be
# converted to RGB before comparison, so the comparison between a RGB
# colour and a non-RGB colour will be approximate and based on the other
# colour's default #to_rgb conversion. If there is no #to_rgb
# conversion, this will raise an exception. This will report that two
# RGB colours are equivalent if all component values are within 1e-4
# (0.0001) of each other.
def ==(other)
other = other.to_rgb
other.kind_of?(Color::RGB) and
((@r - other.r).abs <= 1e-4) and
((@g - other.g).abs <= 1e-4) and
((@b - other.b).abs <= 1e-4)
# Creates an RGB colour object from the standard range 0..255.
# Color::RGB.new(32, 64, 128)
# Color::RGB.new(0x20, 0x40, 0x80)
def initialize(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0)
@r = r / 255.0
@g = g / 255.0
@b = b / 255.0
# Present the colour as a DeviceRGB fill colour string for PDF. This
# will be removed from the default package in color-tools 2.0.
def pdf_fill
PDF_FORMAT_STR % [ @r, @g, @b, "rg" ]
# Present the colour as a DeviceRGB stroke colour string for PDF. This
# will be removed from the default package in color-tools 2.0.
def pdf_stroke
PDF_FORMAT_STR % [ @r, @g, @b, "RG" ]
# Present the colour as an HTML/CSS colour string.
def html
r = (@r * 255).round
r = 255 if r > 255
g = (@g * 255).round
g = 255 if g > 255
b = (@b * 255).round
b = 255 if b > 255
"#%02x%02x%02x" % [ r, g, b ]
# Converts the RGB colour to CMYK. Most colour experts strongly suggest
# that this is not a good idea (some even suggesting that it's a very
# bad idea). CMYK represents additive percentages of inks on white
# paper, whereas RGB represents mixed colour intensities on a black
# screen.
# However, the colour conversion can be done. The basic method is
# multi-step:
# 1. Convert the R, G, and B components to C, M, and Y components.
# c = 1.0 – r
# m = 1.0 – g
# y = 1.0 – b
# 2. Compute the minimum amount of black (K) required to smooth the
# colour in inks.
# k = min(c, m, y)
# 3. Perform undercolour removal on the C, M, and Y components of the
# colours because less of each colour is needed for each bit of
# black. Also, regenerate the black (K) based on the undercolour
# removal so that the colour is more accurately represented in ink.
# c = min(1.0, max(0.0, c – UCR(k)))
# m = min(1.0, max(0.0, m – UCR(k)))
# y = min(1.0, max(0.0, y – UCR(k)))
# k = min(1.0, max(0.0, BG(k)))
# The undercolour removal function and the black generation functions
# return a value based on the brightness of the RGB colour.
def to_cmyk
c = 1.0 - @r.to_f
m = 1.0 - @g.to_f
y = 1.0 - @b.to_f
k = [c, m, y].min
k = k - (k * brightness)
c = [1.0, [0.0, c - k].max].min
m = [1.0, [0.0, m - k].max].min
y = [1.0, [0.0, y - k].max].min
k = [1.0, [0.0, k].max].min
Color::CMYK.from_fraction(c, m, y, k)
def to_rgb(ignored = nil)
# Returns the YIQ (NTSC) colour encoding of the RGB value.
def to_yiq
y = (@r * 0.299) + (@g * 0.587) + (@b * 0.114)
i = (@r * 0.596) + (@g * -0.275) + (@b * -0.321)
q = (@r * 0.212) + (@g * -0.523) + (@b * 0.311)
Color::YIQ.from_fraction(y, i, q)
# Returns the HSL colour encoding of the RGB value.
def to_hsl
min = [ @r, @g, @b ].min
max = [ @r, @g, @b ].max
delta = (max - min).to_f
lum = (max + min) / 2.0
if delta <= 1e-5 # close to 0.0, so it's a grey
hue = 0
sat = 0
if (lum - 0.5) <= 1e-5
sat = delta / (max + min).to_f
sat = delta / (2 - max - min).to_f
if @r == max
hue = (@g - @b) / delta.to_f
elsif @g == max
hue = (2.0 + @b - @r) / delta.to_f
elsif (@b - max) <= 1e-5
hue = (4.0 + @r - @g) / delta.to_f
hue /= 6.0
hue += 1 if hue < 0
hue -= 1 if hue > 1
Color::HSL.from_fraction(hue, sat, lum)
# Mix the RGB hue with White so that the RGB hue is the specified
# percentage of the resulting colour. Strictly speaking, this isn't a
# darken_by operation.
def lighten_by(percent)
mix_with(White, percent)
# Mix the RGB hue with Black so that the RGB hue is the specified
# percentage of the resulting colour. Strictly speaking, this isn't a
# darken_by operation.
def darken_by(percent)
mix_with(Black, percent)
# Mix the mask colour (which must be an RGB object) with the current
# colour at the stated opacity percentage (0..100).
def mix_with(mask, opacity)
opacity /= 100.0
rgb = self.dup
rgb.r = (@r * opacity) + (mask.r * (1 - opacity))
rgb.g = (@g * opacity) + (mask.g * (1 - opacity))
rgb.b = (@b * opacity) + (mask.b * (1 - opacity))
# Returns the brightness value for a colour, a number between 0..1.
# Based on the Y value of YIQ encoding, representing luminosity, or
# perceived brightness.
# This may be modified in a future version of color-tools to use the
# luminosity value of HSL.
def brightness
def to_grayscale
alias to_greyscale to_grayscale
# Returns a new colour with the brightness adjusted by the specified
# percentage. Negative percentages will darken the colour; positive
# percentages will brighten the colour.
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_brightness(10)
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_brightness(-10)
def adjust_brightness(percent)
percent /= 100.0
percent += 1.0
percent = [ percent, 2.0 ].min
percent = [ 0.0, percent ].max
hsl = to_hsl
hsl.l *= percent
# Returns a new colour with the saturation adjusted by the specified
# percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the saturation; positive
# percentages will increase the saturation.
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_saturation(10)
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_saturation(-10)
def adjust_saturation(percent)
percent /= 100.0
percent += 1.0
percent = [ percent, 2.0 ].min
percent = [ 0.0, percent ].max
hsl = to_hsl
hsl.s *= percent
# Returns a new colour with the hue adjusted by the specified
# percentage. Negative percentages will reduce the hue; positive
# percentages will increase the hue.
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_hue(10)
# Color::RGB::DarkBlue.adjust_hue(-10)
def adjust_hue(percent)
percent /= 100.0
percent += 1.0
percent = [ percent, 2.0 ].min
percent = [ 0.0, percent ].max
hsl = to_hsl
hsl.h *= percent
attr_accessor :r, :g, :b
remove_method :r=, :g=, :b= ;
def r=(rr) #:nodoc:
rr = 1.0 if rr > 1
rr = 0.0 if rr < 0
@r = rr
def g=(gg) #:nodoc:
gg = 1.0 if gg > 1
gg = 0.0 if gg < 0
@g = gg
def b=(bb) #:nodoc:
bb = 1.0 if bb > 1
bb = 0.0 if bb < 0
@b = bb
require 'color/rgb-colors'