require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") require "pairtree" describe "Pairtree::Obj" do before(:all) do @base_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../test_data/working") Dir.chdir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../test_data")) do FileUtils.cp_r("fixtures/pairtree_root_spec", "./working") end @root = @obj = @root.get("pfx:abc123def") end after(:all) do FileUtils.rm_rf(@base_path) end it "should read a file" do expect("content.xml")).to eql("") end it "should have entries" do expect(@obj.entries).to eql(["content.xml"]) end it "should glob" do expect(@obj["*.xml"]).to eql(["content.xml"]) expect(@obj["*.txt"]).to eql([]) end it "should be enumerable" do block_body = double("block_body") expect(block_body).to receive(:yielded).with("content.xml") @obj.each { |file| block_body.yielded(file) } end describe "Call a bunch of File methods" do before(:each) do @target = File.join(@base_path, "pairtree_root/ab/c1/23/de/f/abc123def/content.xml") end it "should open a file" do expect(File).to receive(:open).with(@target, "r")"content.xml", "r") end it "should call delete" do expect(File).to receive(:delete).with(@target) @obj.delete("content.xml") end it "should call link" do expect(File).to receive(:link).with(@target, @target + ".2")"content.xml", "content.xml.2") end it "should call rename" do expect(File).to receive(:rename).with(@target, @target + ".new") @obj.rename("content.xml", "") end it "should call utime" do expect(File).to receive(:utime).with(0, 1, @target) @obj.utime(0, 1, "content.xml") end end end