// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars class EnhanceInstructionPage extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); let initTab = () => { return { current_page: 1, total_pages: 1, num_items: 0, total_hits: 0, items: [] }; }; this.state = { tabs: _.times(2, initTab) }; this.state = this.buildStateFromProps(props); } buildStateFromProps(props) { return { items: props.results, current_page: props.pagination.current_page, per_page: props.pagination.per_page, order: props.pagination.order, filterbar: props.filterbar, activeTab: props.tab, tabs: this.updateTabs(props) }; } updateTabs(props) { this.state.tabs[props.tab] = { current_page: props.pagination.current_page, total_pages: props.pagination.total_pages, num_items: props.pagination.num_items, total_hits: props.pagination.total_hits, items: props.results }; return this.state.tabs; } fetch(newState) { const tab = newState.activeTab; const current_page = newState.current_page || newState.tabs[tab].current_page; const url = Routes.lcms_engine_enhance_instruction_index_path({ per_page: newState.per_page, order: newState.order, page: current_page, tab: tab, ...newState.filterbar }); return $.getJSON(url).then(x => { this.setState(this.buildStateFromProps(x)); }); } handlePageClick(data) { const selected = data.selected; const newState = _.assign({}, this.state, { current_page: selected + 1 }); this.fetch(newState); } handleChangePerPage(event) { const newPerPage = event.target.value; const newState = _.assign({}, this.state, { per_page: newPerPage, current_page: 1 }); this.fetch(newState); } handleTabChange(idxTab) { if (idxTab !== (this.state.activeTab + 1)) { const newState = _.assign({}, this.state, { activeTab: idxTab - 1, current_page: 1 }); this.fetch(newState); } } componentWillMount() { urlHistory.emptyState(); } componentWillUpdate(_nextProps, nextState) { urlHistory.updatePaginationParams(nextState); } renderTab(title, idx) { const tabData = this.state.tabs[idx]; return ( } nextLabel={} breakLabel={
  • ...
  • } pageNum={tabData.total_pages} initialSelected={tabData.current_page - 1} forceSelected={tabData.current_page - 1} marginPagesDisplayed={2} pageRangeDisplayed={5} clickCallback={this.handlePageClick.bind(this)} containerClassName={'o-pagination o-page__wrap--row-nest'} itemClassName={'o-pagination__item'} nextClassName={'o-pagination__item--next'} previousClassName={'o-pagination__item--prev'} pagesClassName={'o-pagination__item--middle'} subContainerClassName={'o-pagination__pages'} activeClassName={'o-pagination__page--active'} />
    ); } render() { const tabResources = this.renderTab('Multimedia', 0); const tabGeneric = this.renderTab('Other Resources', 1); return (

    Enhance Instruction

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    {tabResources} {tabGeneric}
    ); } }