require 'iconv' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class PayboxDirectGateway < Gateway TEST_URL = '' TEST_URL_BACKUP = '' LIVE_URL = '' LIVE_URL_BACKUP = '' # Payment API Version API_VERSION = '00104' # Transactions hash TRANSACTIONS = { :authorization => '00001', :capture => '00002', :purchase => '00003', :unreferenced_credit => '00004', :void => '00005', :refund => '00014' } CURRENCY_CODES = { "AUD"=> '036', "CAD"=> '124', "CZK"=> '203', "DKK"=> '208', "HKD"=> '344', "ICK"=> '352', "JPY"=> '392', "NOK"=> '578', "SGD"=> '702', "SEK"=> '752', "CHF"=> '756', "GBP"=> '826', "USD"=> '840', "EUR"=> '978' } SUCCESS_CODES = ['00000'] UNAVAILABILITY_CODES = ['00001', '00097', '00098'] FRAUD_CODES = ['00102','00104','00105','00134','00138','00141','00143','00156','00157','00159'] SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 'The transaction was approved' FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'The transaction failed' # Money is referenced in cents self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'EUR' # The countries the gateway supports merchants from as 2 digit ISO country codes self.supported_countries = ['FR'] # The card types supported by the payment gateway self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :jcb] # The homepage URL of the gateway self.homepage_url = '' # The name of the gateway self.display_name = 'Paybox Direct' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options super end def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) commit('authorization', money, post) end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) commit('purchase', money, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) post[:numappel] = authorization[0,10] post[:numtrans] = authorization[10,10] commit('capture', money, post) end def void(identification, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id, :amount) post ={} add_invoice(post, options) add_reference(post, identification) post[:porteur] = '000000000000000' post[:dateval] = '0000' commit('void', options[:amount], post) end def credit(money, identification, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_reference(post, identification) commit('refund', money, post) end def test? @options[:test] || Base.gateway_mode == :test end private def add_invoice(post, options) post[:reference] = options[:order_id] end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:porteur] = creditcard.number post[:dateval] = expdate(creditcard) post[:cvv] = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value? end def add_reference(post, identification) post[:numappel] = identification[0,10] post[:numtrans] = identification[10,10] end def parse(body) body = Iconv.iconv("UTF-8","LATIN1", body.to_s).join results = {} body.split(/&/).each do |pair| key,val = pair.split(/\=/) results[key.downcase.to_sym] = CGI.unescape(val) if val end results end def commit(action, money = nil, parameters = nil) parameters[:montant] = ('0000000000' + (money ? amount(money) : ''))[-10..-1] parameters[:devise] = CURRENCY_CODES[options[:currency] || currency(money)] request_data = post_data(action,parameters) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL, request_data)) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? TEST_URL_BACKUP : LIVE_URL_BACKUP, request_data)) if service_unavailable?(response), message_from(response), response.merge( :timestamp => parameters[:dateq]), :test => test?, :authorization => response[:numappel].to_s + response[:numtrans].to_s, :fraud_review => fraud_review?(response), :sent_params => parameters.delete_if{|key,value| ['porteur','dateval','cvv'].include?(key.to_s)} ) end def success?(response) SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:codereponse]) end def fraud_review?(response) FRAUD_CODES.include?(response[:codereponse]) end def service_unavailable?(response) UNAVAILABILITY_CODES.include?(response[:codereponse]) end def message_from(response) success?(response) ? SUCCESS_MESSAGE : (response[:commentaire] || FAILURE_MESSAGE) end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) parameters.update( :version => API_VERSION, :type => TRANSACTIONS[action.to_sym], :dateq =>'%d%m%Y%H%M%S'), :numquestion => unique_id(parameters[:order_id]), :site => @options[:login].to_s[0,7], :rang => @options[:login].to_s[7..-1], :cle => @options[:password], :pays => '', :archivage => parameters[:order_id] ) parameters.collect { |key, value| "#{key.to_s.upcase}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&") end def unique_id(seed = 0) randkey = "#{seed}#{}".to_i % 2147483647 # Max paybox value for the question number "0000000000#{randkey}"[-10..-1] end def expdate(credit_card) year = sprintf("%.4i", credit_card.year) month = sprintf("%.2i", credit_card.month) "#{month}#{year[-2..-1]}" end end end end