require 'spec_helper' require 'vagrant-notify' require 'vagrant-notify/action/install_command' describe Vagrant::Notify::Action::InstallCommand do let(:app) { lambda { |env| } } let(:config) { mock(notify: stub(enable: true, bind_ip: "")) } let(:env) { {notify_data: {port: host_port}, machine: machine, tmp_path: tmp_path} } let(:host_port) { 12345 } let(:ui) { mock(warn: true)} let(:name) { 'test-vm' } let(:machine) { mock(communicate: communicator, config: config, provider_name: provider_name, ui: ui, name: name) } let(:communicator) { mock(upload: true, sudo: true) } let(:host_ip) { '' } let(:provider_name) { 'virtualbox' } let(:tmp_path) { } let(:tmp_cmd_path) { tmp_path.join('vagrant-notify-send') } let(:guest_tmp_path) { '/tmp/notify-send' } let(:guest_path) { '/usr/bin/notify-send' } let(:stubbed_template) {'<%= host_port %>') } subject {, env) } before do ERB.stub(:new => stubbed_template) end after { FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_path.to_s } it 'compiles command script passing server port' do == "#{host_port}" end it 'uploads compiled command script over to guest machine' do communicator.should have_received(:upload).with(tmp_cmd_path.to_s, guest_tmp_path) end it 'creates a backup for the available command' do communicator.should have_received(:sudo).with("mv /usr/bin/{notify-send,notify-send.bkp}; exit 0") end it 'installs command for all users' do communicator.should have_received(:sudo).with("mv #{guest_tmp_path} #{guest_path} && chmod +x #{guest_path}") end it 'verify if ruby is installed on guest' do communicator.should have_received(:sudo).with("which ruby 2>/dev/null || true") end end