# salsify_rubocop ## v0.48.0 - Add `Salsify/RspecDotNotSelfDot` cop. - Add `Salsify/RailsApplicationSerializer` cop. - Update to `rubocop` v0.48.1 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.15.0. - Disable cops: `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation`, `Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters`, and `Style/SymbolArray`. ## v0.47.2 - Fix issue for `Salsify/Style` with nested access as the target for conditional assignment. ## v0.47.1 - Add `Salsify/StyleDig` cop to recommend using `#dig` for deeply nested access. - Add `Salsify/RailsApplicationRecord` cop. - Add new `rubocop_rails50` configuration for use with Rails 5.0 apps. ## v0.47.0 - Update to `rubocop` v0.47.1 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.10.0. - Enable `Bundler/OrderedGems` now that auto-correct is supported. - Disable new cop `Rails/FilePath`. - Disable `RSpec/MessageExpectation` and use `RSpec/MessageSpies` instead. - Add `DisplayCopNames: true` default for `AllCops`. ## v0.46.0 - Update to `rubocop` v0.46.0. - Disable new cops: `Bundler/OrderedGems` and `Style/EmptyMethod`. - Disable cops: `Style/MultilineBlockChain` and `Style/SingleLineBlockParams`. ## v0.45.0 - Update to `rubocop` v0.45.0 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.8.0. - Explicitly enable `Rspec/MessageExpectation` cop that is now disabled by default. ## v0.44.0 - Update to `rubocop` v0.44.1. - Disable new cops: `Metrics/BlockLength` and `Rails/HttpPositionalArguments`. ## v0.43.0 - Update to `rubocop` v0.43.0. - Update to `rubocop-rspec` v1.7.0. - Disable new RSpec cops: `LeadingSubject`, `LetSetup`, `MultipleExpectations`, and `NestedGroups`. - Disable new cop `RSpec/ExpectActual` for routing specs. - Disable problematic cops `Style/NumericPredicate`, `Style/SafeNavigation`, and `Style/VariableNumber`. - Disable `Style/IndentHash`, which applies to the first line, since we are not using `Style/AlignHash`. - Add `Salsify/RspecStringLiterals` cop to check non-doc string quotes for examples/example groups. - Modify `Salsify/RspecDocString` to treat names for shared groups and shared example as doc strings. ## v0.42.0 - Update to RuboCop v0.42. - Add `Salsify/RspecDocString` cop to check quoting for examples/example groups. ## v0.41.0 - `.ruby-version` can be used to determine TargetRubyVersion in RuboCop v0.41 - Change to `rubocop_rails` configuration: Rails/UniqBeforePluck: EnforcedMode: aggressive - Changes to `rubocop_without_rspec` configuration: Style/EachForSimpleLoop: AutoCorrect: false Style/ModuleFunction: EnforcedStyle: extend_self Style/NumericLiteralPrefix: Enabled: false ## v0.40.1 - Changes to `rubocop_without_rspec` configuration: Performance/RedundantMerge: MaxKeyValuePairs: 1 Style/ModuleFunction: Enabled: false Style/RaiseArgs: EnforcedStyle: compact ## v0.40.0 - Initial version