Feature: Loading an arbitrary Ruby file as a reporter Background: Given the tests have started running Scenario: The file loaded does not contain a Ruby class When I pipe to xcpretty with "-r /bin/bash" Then the exit status code should be 1 Scenario: The file loaded contains a Ruby class Given I have a file to compile When I pipe to xcpretty with a custom reporter Then the exit status code should be 0 Scenario: Showing failed tests Given I have a failing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with a custom reporter Then I should see a failed test in my custom report And the custom failure counter should show 1 test Scenario: Showing passing tests Given I have a passing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with a custom reporter Then I should see a passing test in my custom report Scenario: Showing pending tests Given I have a pending test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with a custom reporter Then I should see a pending test in my custom report