require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'thor/core_ext/file_binary_read' namespace :hyhead do desc "Execute Continuous Integration build (docs, tests with coverage)" task :ci do if ( ENV['environment'] == 'test' ) Rake::Task["hyhead:doc"].invoke Rake::Task["hydra:jetty:config"].invoke require 'jettywrapper' jetty_params = { :jetty_home => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../jetty'), :quiet => false, :jetty_port => 8983, :solr_home => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../jetty/solr'), :fedora_home => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../jetty/fedora/default'), :startup_wait => 30 } # does this make jetty run in TEST environment??? error = Jettywrapper.wrap(jetty_params) do Rake::Task['hyhead:setup_test_app'].invoke puts %x[rake hyhead:fixtures:refresh RAILS_ENV=test] # calling hydra:fixtures:refresh from the root of the test app Rake::Task['hyhead:test'].invoke end raise "test failures: #{error}" if error else system("rake hyhead:ci environment=test") fail unless $?.success? end end desc "Easiest way to run rspec tests. Copies code to host plugins dir, loads fixtures, then runs specs - need to have jetty running." task :spec => "rspec:setup_and_run" namespace :rspec do desc "Run the hydra-head specs - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded." task :run => :use_test_app do puts "Running rspec tests" puts %x[rake hyhead:spec:run]'../../') end desc "Sets up test host, loads fixtures, then runs specs - need to have jetty running." task :setup_and_run => ["hyhead:setup_test_app"] do puts "Reloading fixtures" puts %x[rake hyhead:fixtures:refresh RAILS_ENV=test] # calling hydra:fixtures:refresh from the root of the test app Rake::Task["hyhead:rspec:run"].invoke end end # The following is a task named :doc which generates documentation using yard begin require 'yard' require 'yard/rake/yardoc_task' project_root = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../") doc_destination = File.join(project_root, 'doc') if !File.exists?(doc_destination) FileUtils.mkdir_p(doc_destination) end do |yt| readme_filename = File.join(project_root,'README.textile') textile_docs = [] Dir[File.join(project_root, "*.textile")].each_with_index do |f, index| unless f.include?("/#{readme_filename}") # Skip readme, which is already built by the --readme option textile_docs << '-' textile_docs << f end end yt.files = Dir.glob(File.join(project_root, '*.rb')) + Dir.glob(File.join(project_root, 'app', '**', '*.rb')) + Dir.glob(File.join(project_root, 'lib', '**', '*.rb')) + textile_docs yt.options = ['--output-dir', doc_destination, '--readme', readme_filename] end rescue LoadError desc "Generate YARD Documentation" task :doc do abort "Please install the YARD gem to generate rdoc." end end # # Cucumber # # desc "Easieset way to run cucumber tests. Sets up test host, refreshes fixtures and runs cucumber tests" # task :cucumber => "cucumber:setup_and_run" task :cucumber => "cucumber:run" namespace :cucumber do desc "Run cucumber tests for hyhead - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded." task :run => :set_test_host_path do Dir.chdir(TEST_HOST_PATH) puts "Running cucumber features in test host app" puts %x[rake hyhead:cucumber] # puts %x[cucumber --color --tags ~@pending --tags ~@overwritten features] raise "Cucumber tests failed" unless $?.success?'../../') end # desc "Sets up test host, loads fixtures, then runs cucumber features - need to have jetty running." # task :setup_and_run => ["hyhead:setup_test_app", "hyhead:remove_features_from_host", "hyhead:copy_features_to_host"] do # system("rake hydra:fixtures:refresh environment=test") # Rake::Task["hyhead:cucumber:run"].invoke # end end # Not sure if these are necessary - MZ 09Jul2011 # desc "Copy current contents of the features directory into TEST_HOST_PATH/test_support/features" # task :copy_features_to_host => [:set_test_host_path] do # features_dir = "#{TEST_HOST_PATH}/test_support/features" # excluded = [".", ".."] # FileUtils.mkdir_p(features_dir) # puts "Copying features to #{features_dir}" # # puts %x[ls -l test_support/features/mods_asset_search_result.feature] # %x[cp -R test_support/features/* #{features_dir}] # end # # desc "Remove TEST_HOST_PATH/test_support/features" # task :remove_features_from_host => [:set_test_host_path] do # features_dir = "#{TEST_HOST_PATH}/test_support/features" # puts "Emptying out #{features_dir}" # %x[rm -rf #{features_dir}] # end # # Misc Tasks # desc "Creates a new test app" task :setup_test_app => [:set_test_host_path] do # Thor::Util.load_thorfile('tasks/test_app_builder.thor', nil, nil) # klass, task = Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("hydra:test_app_builder:build") # klass.start([task]) path = TEST_HOST_PATH errors = [] puts "Cleaning out test app path" %x[rm -fr #{path}] errors << 'Error removing test app' unless $?.success? FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) puts "Copying over .rvmrc file" FileUtils.cp("./test_support/etc/rvmrc",File.join(path,".rvmrc"))"tmp") system("source ./test_app/.rvmrc") puts "Installing rails, bundler and devise" %x[gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri 'rails' -v "<3.1"] %x[gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri 'bundler'] puts "Generating new rails app" %x[rails new test_app] errors << 'Error generating new rails test app' unless $?.success?'test_app') FileUtils.rm('public/index.html') puts "Copying Gemfile from test_support/etc" FileUtils.cp('../../test_support/etc/Gemfile','./Gemfile') puts "Creating local vendor/cache dir and copying gems from hyhead-rails3 gemset" FileUtils.cp_r(File.join('..','..','vendor','cache'), './vendor') puts "Copying fixtures into test app spec/fixtures directory" FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.join('.','test_support') ) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join('..','..','test_support','fixtures'), File.join('.','test_support','fixtures')) puts "Executing bundle install --local" puts %x[bundle install --local] errors << 'Error running bundle install in test app' unless $?.success? puts "Installing cucumber in test app" puts %x[rails g cucumber:install] errors << 'Error installing cucumber in test app' unless $?.success? puts "generating default blacklight install" puts %x[rails generate blacklight --devise] errors << 'Error generating default blacklight install' unless $?.success? puts "generating default hydra-head install" puts %x[rails generate hydra:head -df] # using -f to force overwriting of solr.yml errors << 'Error generating default hydra-head install' unless $?.success? # set log_level to :warn in the test app's test environment. (:debug is too verbose) after = 'TestApp::Application.configure do' replace!( "#{path}/config/environments/test.rb", /#{after}/, "#{after}\n config.log_level = :warn\n") puts "Running rake db:migrate" %x[rake db:migrate] %x[rake db:test:prepare] raise "Errors: #{errors.join("; ")}" unless errors.empty?'../../') end task :set_test_host_path do TEST_HOST_PATH = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'..','tmp','test_app') end # # Test # desc "Run tests against test app" task :test => [:use_test_app] do puts "Running rspec tests" puts %x[rake hyhead:spec] rspec_success = $?.success? puts "Running cucumber tests" puts %x[rake hyhead:cucumber] cucumber_success = $?.success?'../../') if rspec_success && cucumber_success puts "Completed test suite with no errors" else puts "Test suite encountered failures... check console output for details." fail end end desc "Make sure the test app is installed, then run the tasks from its root directory" task :use_test_app => [:set_test_host_path] do Rake::Task['hyhead:setup_test_app'].invoke unless File.exist?(TEST_HOST_PATH) end end # Adds the content to the file. # def replace!(destination, regexp, string) content = File.binread(destination) content.gsub!(regexp, string), 'wb') { |file| file.write(content) } end