require "date" require "nokogiri" require "htmlentities" require "json" require "pathname" require "open-uri" require "uuidtools" require "sterile" require "mimemagic" module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Utils class << self def anchor_or_uuid(node = nil) uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create node.nil? || || ? "_" + uuid : end def asciidoc_sub(x) return nil if x.nil? return "" if x.empty? d =, {header_footer: false}) b = d.parse.blocks.first b.apply_subs(b.source) end def localdir(node) docfile = node.attr("docfile") docfile.nil? ? './' : + '/' end def smartformat(n) n.gsub(/ --? /, " — "). gsub(/--/, "—").smart_format.gsub(//, ">") end def endash_date(elem) elem.traverse do |n| n.text? and n.replace(n.text.gsub(/\s+--?\s+/, "–").gsub(/--/, "–")) end end # Set hash value using keys path # mod from def set_nested_value(hash, keys, new_val) key = keys[0] if keys.length == 1 hash[key] = hash[key].is_a?(Array) ? (hash[key] << new_val) : hash[key].nil? ? new_val : [hash[key], new_val] return hash end if hash[key].is_a?(Array) hash[key][-1] = {} if hash[key][-1].nil? set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].nil? || hash[key].empty? hash[key] = {} set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].is_a?(Hash) && !hash[key][keys[1]] set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif !hash[key][keys[1]] hash[key] = [hash[key], {}] set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) else set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) end end =begin def warning(node, msg, text) return if @novalid warntext = "asciidoctor: WARNING"\ "(#{current_location(node)}): #{msg}" warntext += ": #{text}" if text warn warntext end =end def flatten_rawtext_lines(node, result) node.lines.each do |x| if node.respond_to?(:context) && (node.context == :literal || node.context == :listing) result << x.gsub(//, ">") else # strip not only HTML , and Asciidoc xrefs <> result << x.gsub(/<[^>]*>+/, "") end end result end # if node contains blocks, flatten them into a single line; # and extract only raw text def flatten_rawtext(node) result = [] if node.respond_to?(:blocks) && node.blocks? node.blocks.each { |b| result << flatten_rawtext(b) } elsif node.respond_to?(:lines) result = flatten_rawtext_lines(node, result) elsif node.respond_to?(:text) result << node.text.gsub(/<[^>]*>+/, "") else result << node.content.gsub(/<[^>]*>+/, "") end result.reject(&:empty?) end def reqt_subpart(x) %w(specification measurement-target verification import label subject inherit classification title).include? x end end def convert(node, transform = nil, opts = {}) transform ||= node.node_name opts.empty? ? (send transform, node) : (send transform, node, opts) end def document_ns_attributes(_doc) nil end NOKOHEAD = <<~HERE.freeze HERE # block for processing XML document fragments as XHTML, # to allow for HTMLentities # Unescape special chars used in Asciidoctor substitution processing def noko(&block) doc = ::Nokogiri::XML.parse(NOKOHEAD) fragment = doc.fragment("") ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with fragment, &block fragment.to_xml(encoding: "US-ASCII", indent: 0) do |l| l.gsub(/>\n$/, ">").gsub(/\s*\n$/m, " ").gsub("–", "\u0096"). gsub("—", "\u0097") end end def attr_code(attributes) attributes = attributes.reject { |_, val| val.nil? }.map do |k, v| [k, (v.is_a? String) ? : v] end.to_h end # if the contents of node are blocks, output them to out; # else, wrap them in

def wrap_in_para(node, out) if node.blocks? then out << node.content else out.p { |p| p << node.content } end end def datauri2mime(uri) %r{^data:image/(?[^;]+);base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri type = nil imgtype = "png" unless /^[a-z0-9]+$/.match imgtype["imageuri", ".#{imgtype}"]) do |file| type = datauri2mime1(file, imgdata) end [type] end def datauri2mime1(file, imgdata) type = nil begin file.binmode file.write(Base64.strict_decode64(imgdata)) file.rewind type = MimeMagic.by_magic(file) ensure file.close! end type end SUBCLAUSE_XPATH = "//clause[not(parent::sections)]"\ "[not(ancestor::boilerplate)]".freeze end end end