require 'active_support/inflector' module OrientSupport module Support =begin supports where: 'string' where: { property: 'value', property: value, ... } where: ['string, { property: value, ... }, ... ] Used by update and select _Usecase:_ ORD.compose_where 'z=34', {u:6} => "where z=34 and u = 6" =end # def compose_where *arg , &b arg = arg.flatten.compact unless arg.blank? g= generate_sql_list( arg , &b) "where #{g}" unless g.empty? end end =begin designs a list of "Key = Value" pairs combined by "and" or the binding provided by the block ORD.generate_sql_list where: 25 , upper: '65' => "where = 25 and upper = '65'" ORD.generate_sql_list( con_id: 25 , symbol: :G) { ',' } => "con_id = 25 , symbol = 'G'" If »NULL« should be addressed, { key: nil } is translated to "key = NULL" (used by set: in update and upsert), { key: [nil] } is translated to "key is NULL" ( used by where ) =end def generate_sql_list attributes = {}, &b fill = block_given? ? yield : 'and' case attributes when ::Hash do |key, value| case value when nil "#{key} = NULL" when ::Array if value == [nil] "#{key} is NULL" else "#{key} in #{value.to_orient}" end when Range "#{key} between #{value.first} and #{value.last} " else # String, Symbol, Time, Trueclass, Falseclass ... "#{key} = #{value.to_or}" end end.join(" #{fill} ") when ::Array{|y| generate_sql_list y, &b }.join( " #{fill} " ) when String attributes when Symbol, Numeric attributes.to_s end end # used both in OrientQuery and MatchConnect # while and where depend on @q, a struct def while_s value=nil # :nodoc: if value.present? @q[:while] << value self elsif @q[:while].present? "while #{ generate_sql_list( @q[:while] ) }" end end def where value=nil # :nodoc: if value.present? if value.is_a?( Hash ) && value.size >1 value.each {| a,b| where( {a => b} ) } else @q[:where] << value end self elsif @q[:where].present? "where #{ generate_sql_list( @q[:where] ){ @fill || 'and' } }" end end def as a=nil if a @q[:as] = a # subsequent calls overwrite older entries else if @q[:as].blank? nil else "as: #{ @q[:as] }" end end end end # module ######################## MatchConnection ############################### MatchAttributes =, :direction, :as, :count, :where, :while, :max_depth , :depth_alias, :path_alias, :optional ) # where and while can be composed incremental # direction, as, connect and edge cannot be changed after initialisation class MatchConnection include Support def initialize edge= nil, direction: :both, as: nil, count: 1, **args the_edge = edge.is_a?( Class ) ? edge.ref_name : edge.to_s unless edge.nil? || edge == E @q = the_edge , # class direction, # may be :both, :in, :out as, # a string count, # a number args[:where], args[:while], args[:max_depth], args[:depth_alias], # not implemented args[:path_alias], # not implemented args[:optional] # not implemented end def direction= dir @q[:direction] = dir end def direction fillup = @q[:edge].present? ? @q[:edge] : '' case @q[:direction] when :both ".both(#{fillup})" when :in ".in(#{fillup})" when :out ".out(#{fillup})" when :both_vertex, :bothV ".bothV()" when :out_vertex, :outV ".outV()" when :in_vertex, :inV ".inV()" when :both_edge, :bothE ".bothE(#{fillup})" when :out_edge, :outE ".outE(#{fillup})" when :in_edge, :outE ".inE(#{fillup})" end end def count c=nil if c @q[:count] = c else @q[:count] end end def max_depth d=nil if d.nil? @q[:max_depth].present? ? "maxDepth: #{@q[:max_depth] }" : nil else @q[:max_depth] = d end end def edge @q[:edge] end def compose where_statement =( where.nil? || where.size <5 ) ? nil : "where: ( #{ generate_sql_list( @q[:where] ) })" while_statement =( while_s.nil? || while_s.size <5) ? nil : "while: ( #{ generate_sql_list( @q[:while] )})" ministatement = "{"+ [ as, where_statement, while_statement, max_depth].compact.join(', ') + "}" ministatement = "" if ministatement=="{}" (1 .. count).map{|x| direction }.join("") + ministatement end alias :to_s :compose end # class ######################## MatchStatement ################################ MatchSAttributes =, :as, :where ) class MatchStatement include Support def initialize match_class, as: 0, **args reduce_class = ->(c){ c.is_a?(Class) ? c.ref_name : c.to_s } @q = reduce_class[match_class], # class as.respond_to?(:zero?) && ? reduce_class[match_class].pluralize : as , args[ :where ]) @query_stack = [ self ] end def match_alias "as: #{@q[:as]}" end # used for the first compose-statement of a compose-query def compose_simple where_statement = where.is_a?(String) && where.size <3 ? nil : "where: ( #{ generate_sql_list( @q[:where] ) })" '{'+ [ "class: #{@q[:match_class]}", as , where_statement].compact.join(', ') + '}' end def << connection @query_stack << connection self # return MatchStatement end # def compile &b "match " + &:to_s ).join + return_statement( &b ) end # executes the standard-case. # returns # * as: :hash : an array of hashes # * as: :array : an array of hash-values # * as :flatten: a simple array of hash-values # # The optional block is used to customize the output. # All previously defiend »as«-Statements are provided though the control variable. # # Background # A match query "Match {class aaa, as: 'aa'} return aa " # # returns [ aa: { result of the query, a Vertex or a value-item }, aa: {}...}, ...] ] # (The standard case) # # A match query "Match {class aaa, as: 'aa'} return " # returns [ { name }, { name }., ...] ] # # Now, execute( as: :flatten){ "" } returns # [name1, name2 ,. ...] # # # Return statements (examples from # " as name, friendship.since as since, as friend" # # " + \" is a friend of \" + as friends" # # "$matches" # "$elements" # "$paths" # "$pathElements" # # # def execute as: :hash, &b r = V.db.execute{ compile &b } case as when :hash r when :array{|y| y.values} when :flatten{|y| y.values}.orient_flatten else raise ArgumentError, "Specify parameter «as:» with :hash, :array, :flatten" end end # def compose # # '{'+ [ "class: #{@q[:match_class]}", # "as: #{@as}" , where, while_s, # @maxdepth >0 ? "maxdepth: #{maxdepth}": nil ].compact.join(', ')+'}' # end alias :to_s :compose_simple ## return_statement # # summarizes defined as-statements ready to be included as last parameter # in the match-statement-stack # # They can be modified through a block. # # i.e # # t= TestQuery.match( where: {a: 9, b: 's'}, as: nil ) << E.connect("<-", as: :test) # t.return_statement{|y| "#{y.last}.name"} # # =>> " return" # #return_statement is always called through compile # # t.compile{|y| "#{y.last}.name"} private def return_statement resolve_as = ->{{|s|':').last unless }.compact } " return " + statement = if block_given? a= yield resolve_as[] a.is_a?(Array) ? a.join(', ') : a else resolve_as[].join(', ') end end end # class ######################## OrientQuery ################################### QueryAttributes = :kind, :projection, :where, :let, :order, :while, :misc, :class, :return, :aliases, :database, :set, :remove, :group, :skip, :limit, :unwind ) class OrientQuery include Support # def initialize **args @q = args[:kind] || 'select' , [], # :projection [], # :where , [], # :let , [], # :order, [], # :while, [] , # misc '', # class '', # return [], # aliases '', # database [], #set, [] # remove args.each{|k,v| send k, v} @fill = block_given? ? yield : 'and' end =begin where: "r > 9" --> where r > 9 where: {a: 9, b: 's'} --> where a = 9 and b = 's' where:[{ a: 2} , 'b > 3',{ c: 'ufz' }] --> where a = 2 and b > 3 and c = 'ufz' =end def method_missing method, *arg, &b # :nodoc: if method ==:while || method=='while' while_s arg.first else @q[:misc] << method.to_s << generate_sql_list(arg) end self end def misc # :nodoc: @q[:misc].join(' ') unless @q[:misc].empty? end def subquery # :nodoc: nil end def kind value=nil if value.present? @q[:kind] = value self else @q[:kind] end end =begin Output the compiled query Parameter: destination (rest, batch ) If the query is submitted via the REST-Interface (as get-command), the limit parameter is extracted. =end def compose(destination: :batch) if kind.to_sym == :update return_statement = "return after " + ( @q[:aliases].empty? ? "$current" : @q[:aliases].first.to_s) [ 'update', target, set, remove, return_statement , where, limit ].compact.join(' ') elsif kind.to_sym == :update! [ 'update', target, set, where, limit, misc ].compact.join(' ') elsif kind.to_sym == :create [ "CREATE VERTEX", target, set ].compact.join(' ') # [ kind, target, set, return_statement ,where, limit, misc ].compact.join(' ') elsif kind.to_sym == :upsert return_statement = "return after " + ( @q[:aliases].empty? ? "$current" : @q[:aliases].first.to_s) [ "update", target, set,"upsert", return_statement , where, limit, misc ].compact.join(' ') #[ kind, where, return_statement ].compact.join(' ') elsif destination == :rest [ kind, projection, from, let, where, subquery, misc, order, group_by, unwind, skip].compact.join(' ') else [ kind, projection, from, let, where, subquery, while_s, misc, order, group_by, limit, unwind, skip].compact.join(' ') end end alias :to_s :compose def to_or compose.to_or end def target arg = nil if arg.present? @q[:database] = arg self # return query-object elsif @q[:database].present? the_argument = @q[:database] case @q[:database] when ActiveOrient::Model # a single record the_argument.rrid when self.class # result of a query ' ( '+ the_argument.compose + ' ) ' when Class the_argument.ref_name else if the_argument.to_s.rid? # a string with "#ab:cd" the_argument else # a database-class-name the_argument.to_s end end else raise "cannot complete until a target is specified" end end =begin from can either be a Databaseclass to operate on or a Subquery providing data to query further =end def from arg = nil if arg.present? @q[:database] = arg self # return query-object elsif @q[:database].present? # read from "from #{ target }" end end def order value = nil if value.present? @q[:order] << value self elsif @q[:order].present? "order by " << @q[:order] do |o| case o when String, Symbol, Array o.to_s else{|x,y| "#{x} #{y}"}.join(" ") end # case end.join(', ') else '' end # unless end # def def database_class # :nodoc: @q[:database] end def database_class= arg # :nodoc: @q[:database] = arg end def distinct d @q[:projection] << "distinct " + generate_sql_list( d ){ ' as ' } self end class << self def mk_simple_setter *m m.each do |def_m| define_method( def_m ) do | value=nil | if value.present? @q[def_m] = value self elsif @q[def_m].present? "#{def_m.to_s} #{generate_sql_list(@q[def_m]){' ,'}}" end end end end def mk_std_setter *m m.each do |def_m| define_method( def_m ) do | value = nil | if value.present? @q[def_m] << case value when String value when ::Hash{|k,v| "#{k} = #{v.to_or}"}.join(", ") else raise "Only String or Hash allowed in #{def_m} statement" end self elsif @q[def_m].present? "#{def_m.to_s} #{@q[def_m].join(',')}" end # branch end # def_method end # each end # def end # class << self mk_simple_setter :limit, :skip, :unwind mk_std_setter :set, :remove def let value = nil if value.present? @q[:let] << value self elsif @q[:let].present? "let " << @q[:let].map do |s| case s when String s when ::Hash do |x,y| # if the symbol: value notation of Hash is used, add "$" to the key x = "$#{x.to_s}" unless x.is_a?(String) && x[0] == "$" "#{x} = #{ case y when self.class "(#{y.compose})" else y.to_orient end }" end end end.join(', ') end end # def projection value= nil # :nodoc: if value.present? @q[:projection] << value self elsif @q[:projection].present? @q[:projection] do | s | case s when ::Array s.join(', ') when String, Symbol s.to_s when ::Hash{ |x,y| "#{x} as #{y}"}.join( ', ') end end.join( ', ' ) end end def group value = nil if value.present? @q[:group] << value self elsif @q[:group].present? "group by #{@q[:group].join(', ')}" end end alias order_by order alias group_by group def get_limit # :nodoc: @q[:limit].nil? ? -1 : @q[:limit].to_i end def expand item @q[:projection] =[ " expand ( #{item.to_s} )" ] self end # connects by adding {in_or_out}('edgeClass') def connect_with in_or_out, via: nil argument = " #{in_or_out}(#{via.to_or if via.present?})" end # adds a connection # in_or_out: :out ---> outE('edgeClass').in[where-condition] # :in ---> inE('edgeClass').out[where-condition] def nodes in_or_out = :out, via: nil, where: nil, expand: true condition = where.present? ? "[ #{generate_sql_list(where)} ]" : "" start = if in_or_out == :in 'inE' elsif in_or_out == :out 'outE' else "both" end the_end = if in_or_out == :in '.out' elsif in_or_out == :out '.in' else '' end argument = " #{start}(#{[via]',') if via.present?})#{the_end}#{condition} " if expand.present? send :expand, argument else @q[:projection] << argument end self end # returns nil if the query was not sucessfully executed def execute(reduce: false) #puts "Compose: #{compose}" result = V.orientdb.execute{ compose } return nil unless result.is_a?(::Array) result ={|x| yield x } if block_given? return result.first if reduce && result.size == 1 ## standard case: return Array work_on: resolve_target, work_with: result.orient_flatten) end :protected def resolve_target if @q[:database].is_a? OrientSupport::OrientQuery @q[:database].resolve_target else @q[:database] end end # end end # class end # module