# -*- ruby -*- # vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 : # # Quickly dump size information for a given database. # Top twenty objects, and size per schema. # # Mahlon E. Smith # # Based on work by Jeff Davis . # require 'ostruct' require 'optparse' require 'etc' require 'ysql' SCRIPT_VERSION = %q$Id$ ### Gather data and output it to $stdout. ### def report( opts ) db = YSQL.connect( :dbname => opts.database, :host => opts.host, :port => opts.port, :user => opts.user, :password => opts.pass, :sslmode => 'prefer' ) # ----------------------------------------- db_info = db.exec %Q{ SELECT count(oid) AS num_relations, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('#{opts.database}')) AS dbsize FROM pg_class } puts '=' * 70 puts "Disk usage information for %s: (%d relations, %s total)" % [ opts.database, db_info[0]['num_relations'], db_info[0]['dbsize'] ] puts '=' * 70 # ----------------------------------------- top_twenty = db.exec %q{ SELECT relname AS name, relkind AS kind, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(pg_class.oid)) AS size FROM pg_class ORDER BY pg_relation_size(pg_class.oid) DESC LIMIT 20 } puts 'Top twenty objects by size:' puts '-' * 70 top_twenty.each do |row| type = case row['kind'] when 'i'; 'index' when 't'; 'toast' when 'r'; 'table' when 'S'; 'sequence' else; '???' end puts "%40s %10s (%s)" % [ row['name'], row['size'], type ] end puts '-' * 70 # ----------------------------------------- schema_sizes = db.exec %q{ SELECT table_schema, pg_size_pretty( CAST( SUM(pg_total_relation_size(table_schema || '.' || table_name)) AS bigint)) AS size FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY table_schema ORDER BY CAST( SUM(pg_total_relation_size(table_schema || '.' || table_name)) AS bigint ) DESC } puts 'Size per schema:' puts '-' * 70 schema_sizes.each do |row| puts "%20s %10s" % [ row['table_schema'], row['size'] ] end puts '-' * 70 puts db.finish end ### Parse command line arguments. Return a struct of global options. ### def parse_args( args ) options = OpenStruct.new options.database = Etc.getpwuid( Process.uid ).name options.host = '' options.port = 5432 options.user = Etc.getpwuid( Process.uid ).name options.sslmode = 'prefer' options.interval = 5 opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Connection options:' opts.on( '-d', '--database DBNAME', "specify the database to connect to (default: \"#{options.database}\")" ) do |db| options.database = db end opts.on( '-h', '--host HOSTNAME', 'database server host' ) do |host| options.host = host end opts.on( '-p', '--port PORT', Integer, "database server port (default: \"#{options.port}\")" ) do |port| options.port = port end opts.on( '-U', '--user NAME', "database user name (default: \"#{options.user}\")" ) do |user| options.user = user end opts.on( '-W', 'force password prompt' ) do |pw| print 'Password: ' begin system 'stty -echo' options.pass = gets.chomp ensure system 'stty echo' puts end end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Other options:' opts.on_tail( '--help', 'show this help, then exit' ) do $stderr.puts opts exit end opts.on_tail( '--version', 'output version information, then exit' ) do puts SCRIPT_VERSION exit end end opts.parse!( args ) return options end if __FILE__ == $0 opts = parse_args( ARGV ) report( opts ) end