# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011 Rocky Bernstein require 'optparse' require 'rubygems'; require 'require_relative' require_relative '../command' require_relative '../../app/default' require_relative '../../interface/server' # server interface (remote debugging) class Trepan::Command::ServerCommand < Trepan::Command include Trepanning unless defined?(HELP) CATEGORY = 'support' DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :host => Trepan::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:host], :port => Trepan::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:port] } MAX_ARGS = 4 # Need at most this many NAME = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb') HELP = <<-HELP #{NAME} [{--port|-p} NUM] [{--host|-h} HOST-OR-IP] Put session into server mode which allows an out-of-process or remote connection to the debugged program. --port and --host can be supplied to specify the port number to use and the host name for TCP connections. If neither is given, the default host (#{Trepan::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:host]}) and the default port (#{Trepan::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:port]}) are used. Examples: #{NAME} # Accept remote connections using defaults #{NAME} --port 123 # Accept remote connections on port 123 #{NAME} --host my.host.net --port 2048 #{NAME} -h my.host.net -p 2048 # same as above HELP SHORT_HELP = 'Go into out-of-process debugging (server) mode' end def parse_options(options, args) # nodoc parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-h", "--host NAME", String, "Host or IP used in TCP connections for --server or --client. " + "Default is #{DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:host].inspect}.") do |name_or_ip| options[:host] = name_or_ip end opts.on("-p", "--port NUMBER", Integer, "Port number used in TCP connections for --server or --client. " + "Default is #{DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:port]}.") do |num| options[:port] = num end end parser.parse(args) return options end # This method runs the command def run(args) # :nodoc options = parse_options(DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup, args[1..-1]) msg("starting debugger in out-of-process mode on host #{options[:host].inspect}, " + "port: #{options[:port]}") @proc.dbgr.intf << Trepan::ServerInterface.new(nil, nil, options) end end if __FILE__ == $0 require_relative '../mock' dbgr, cmd = MockDebugger::setup # cmd.run([cmd.name]) # cmd.run([cmd.name, '--server']) end