/* ************************************************************************
************************************************************************ */
* This class demonstrates how to define unit tests for your application.
* Execute generate.py test
to generate a testrunner application
* and open it from test/index.html
* The methods that contain the tests are instance methods with a
* test
prefix. You can create an arbitrary number of test
* classes like this one. They can be organized in a regular class hierarchy,
* i.e. using deeper namespaces and a corresponding file structure within the
* test folder.
extend : qx.dev.unit.TestCase,
members :
* Here are some simple tests
testSimple : function()
this.assertEquals(4, 3+1, "This should never fail!");
this.assertFalse(false, "Can false be true?!");
* Here are some more advanced tests
testAdvanced: function ()
var a = 3;
var b = a;
this.assertIdentical(a, b, "A rose by any other name is still a rose");
this.assertInRange(3, 1, 10, "You must be kidding, 3 can never be outside [1,10]!");