XML Security Library News
- May 11 2011
The XML Security Library 1.2.18 release fixes
a serious crasher. All users are advised to upgraded as soon as possible.
- March 31 2011
Changes in XML Security Library 1.2.17 release:
- Fixed security issue with libxslt (CVE-2011-1425, reported by Nicolas Gregoire).
- Fixed a number of build configuration problems, pkcs12 file loading, and gcrypt init/shutdown.
- May 26 2010
Changes in XML Security Library 1.2.16 release:
- New xmlsec-gcrypt library.
- xmlsec-gcrypt: Added RSA with SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512/MD5/RIPEMD160,
DSA with SHA1, AES/DES KW support.
- xmlsec-gnutls: Added X509 support and converted the library to use
xmlsec-gcrypt library for all crypto operations.
xmlsec-mscrypto: RSA/OAEP and AES/DES KW support.
- Several minor bug fixes and code cleanups.
April 29 2010
Changes in XML Security Library 1.2.15 release:
- xmlsec-mscrypto: Added HMAC with MD5, SHA1, SHA256/384/512;
RSA with MD5, SHA256/384/512 support.
- xmlsec-mscrypto: Converted to Unicode (the non-Unicode builds are still available as compile time option).
- xmlsec-nss: Added MD5 and SHA256/384/512 support for digest, HMAC
and RSA (the new minimum required version for NSS library is 3.9).
- xmlsec-gnutls: Added SHA256/384/512 for digest and HMAC;
MD5 and RIPEMD160 digests support (the new minimum required version for
GnuTLS library is 2.8.0).
- Fixed typo: "Copyrigth" should be "Copyright".
- Several critical bug fixes and code cleanups.
December 5 2009
Changes in XML Security Library 1.2.14 release:
- XMLSec library is switched from built-in LTDL library to the system
LTDL library on Linux/Unix and native calls on Windows to fix
issue in LTDL.
- Fixed minor bugs (see log
for complete list).
September 12 2009
Changes in XML Security Library 1.2.13 release:
LibXML2 version 2.7.4 is now required
- Implemented support for C14N version 1.1
- Increase default minimum hmac size to 80 bits
- Added support for --with-libxml-src and --with-libxslt-src ./configure options
- Fixed XML dump output
July 14 2009
The new XML Security Library 1.2.12 release
includes the following changes (see ChangeLog for the complete list of changes):
- Fixed HMAC vulnerability with small values of HMAC length
(CERT VU #466161).
- Added support for the GOST implemented by Russian Crypto Pro CSP
(patch from Dennis Prochko)
- Added an option to return the replaced node (based on the patch from Frank Gross)
- Added new function xmlSecNodeEncodeAndSetContent for encoding
special chars in the node content.
- Added configurable Base64 line length.
- Bug fixes.
November 6 2007
The new XML Security Library 1.2.11 release
includes the following changes:
- Mingw port (Roumen Petrov).
- Better support for non micorsoft CSP's (Wouter and Ed Shallow).
- Bug fixes.
June 12 2006
The new XML Security Library 1.2.10 release
includes the following changes:
- GOST algorithms support (Dmitry Belyavsky)
- Ability to disable system trusted certs in xmlsec-mscrypto
(Dmitry Belyavsky)
- New functions for adding X509IssuerName and X509SerialNumber
nodes to the template (Dmitry Belyavsky)
- Better packaging support for Fedora and Debian (Daniel Veillard, John Belmonte)
- Cleanups from Coverity tool reports
- Bug fixes
July 12 2005
The new XML Security Library 1.2.9 release
includes few bug fixes and adds support for the recently released
OpenSSL 0.9.8 including several
new algorithms for xmlsec-openssl:
- SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512
- HMAC-SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512
- RSA-MD5/RIPEMD160/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512
March 30 2005
The new XML Security Library 1.2.8 release
merges OpenOffice.org changes to xmlsec-mscrypto and xmlsec-nss into
main xmlsec source tree.
February 23 2005
The new XML Security Library 1.2.7 release
includes several bug fixes and minor enchancements:
- (core) added xmlSecSimpleKeysStoreGetKeys() function;
- (core) added functions to create <X509Data/> node children
in the signature template;
- (core) fixed xmlSecGenerateID() function;
- (core) fixed dynamic linking initialization/shutdown when custom memory
allocation functions are used;
- (core) fixed encrypted text parsing and xmlParseInNodeContext() function;
- (openssl) fixed parsing quoted values in the certificate subject;
- (mscrypto) negative numbers support in xmlSecBnFromString()/xmlSecBnToString() functions.
August 25 2004
The new XML Security Library 1.2.6
fixes several minor bugs and adds support for loading keys and
certificates from memory.
July 27 2004
Created a list of books about
cryptography and security that covers most of the topics needed
for using XML Security Library.
April 15 2004
The new XML Security Library 1.2.5
includes a simple XKMS server implementation and fixes a nasty
bug with encrypting/decrypting nodes with an empty content.
January 27 2004
The new XML Security Library 1.2.4
release fixes many configuration and installation problems
found by John.
January 6 2004
The new XML Security Library 1.2.3
release upgrades xmlsec-gnutls code to support latest gnutls
library version (1.0.4) and fixes several configuration and
installation problems.
November 11 2003
The new XML Security Library 1.2.2
release includes several improvements in ./configure script
(Daniel, Roumen) and a bug fix for certificates serial number
processing in xmlsec-mscrypto.
October 14 2003
The new XML Security Library 1.2.1
release includes a special "hack" for supporting ID attributes
with invalid values in Visa 3D; fixed processing of root element
node siblings (bug #124245); template functions for creating
<enc:KeyReference/> and <enc:DataReference/>
nodes (Wouter); new "XMLSEC_DOCDIR" environment variable
for ./configure script; updated README files for xmlsec-crypto
September 30 2003
The major change in the new XML Security Library 1.2.0
release is the MS Crypto API support implemented by Wouter. Other changes
include loading public keys from certificates and improved namespaces
support for start node selection with "--node-xpath" command line option
for xmlsec command line utility; updated online XML DSig Verifier;
updated docs and man pages.
September 17 2003
The new XML Security Library 1.1.2 release
introduces dynamical crypto engines loading based on ltdl library (including
tutorial, API reference and documentation updates); adds an ability to build
multiple xmlsec-crypto libraries in one build on Windows; fixes minor problems
in test suite and multiple warnings when building on Sun Solaris.
August 21 2003
The new XML Security Library 1.1.1 release
adds <X509Data/> node templates support to xmlsec-nss (Tej);
includes new functions for reading keys and certificates from memory
for xmlsec-core and xmlsec-openssl (Joachim); fixes several problems
in xmlsec configuration files (Roumen) and a bug in URI attribute
XInclude processing.
August 5 2003
A great patch from Tej that dramaticaly improves xmlsec-nss functionality
deserves a minor version number update :). In addition to that, the new
XML Security Library 1.1.0
release includes <X509Data/> node templates support
for xmlsec-openssl (Roumen); separate pkg-config files for xmlsec-crypto
libraries and minor documentation updates (including coding style
and some useful commands for xmlsec developers in a new "HACKING"
July 15 2003
There were several minor patches during last month and it's time to do
a new XML Security Library 1.0.4
release to pick up them: x509 certificates names comparison function
now supports multiple entries woth the same object name (Roumen);
multiple build fixes; documentation mistypes fixes.
Also I gave an XML Security presentation at
OSCON 2003 last week.
You can download slides here.
June 17 2003
The XML Security Library 1.0.3
release adds PKCS#8 support for xmlsec-openssl (Tej) and fixes several
configuration and portability problems.
June 03 2003
The XML Security Library 1.0.2
release includes several fixes in xmlsec-nss configuration and
linking options (Tej), PKCS21 files reading improvements,
minor documentation and help file fixes. Also this release
includes some code for XKMS support. This is absolutely not usable
right now and not configured in by default. Please, don't
use or even compile it in.
April 28 2003
The XML Security Library 1.0.1
release is a maintanance release. It fixes several compilation
problems found in 1.0.0 release on the following platforms:
OpenBSD/sparc64, Win32 Wacom C, Sun Workshop CC 6.0. Also from
now on Win32 MSVC port enables the threading support
by default (this is a part of the Igor's change to
LibXML2/LibXSLT/XMLSec libraries).If you don't
use one of these platforms then you'll see no difference.
April 17 2003
The XML Security Library 1.0.0
release is the major upgrade from 0.0.X version.
The new version includes multiple crypto engines support
(with "out of the box" support for OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS);
simplified and cleaned internal structure and API;
several performance and memory usage improvements;
new or updated documentation (tutorial, API reference manual and
April 10 2003
The final release candidate XML Security
Library 1.0.0rc1 is available for download. This release includes
minor API polishing,
complete API Reference Manual,
new chapters in the tutorial and
several new examples.
Another big change is using major version number in library files
to prevent collisions between different library versions.
If no major problems will be found then the 1.0.0 release should
happen in a week from now.
April 8 2003
The new XML Security Library 0.0.15
release is a preparation for the upcomming 1.0.0 release and
provides an ability to have both versions installed together
on the same box.
Also this release includes updated expired certificates for
the regression test suite and a fix for minor bug in reading binary
keys on Windows.
March 26 2003 XML Security Library 0.1.1
release is the first release candidate for the new stable
version of XML Security Library. A lot of internal changes
including enchanced processing controls, performance improvements
for XML transforms, new documentation,
updated examples
and many many other small things.
Please try this release and report bugs. Again, it's the first
release candidate and it's very important for me to get your
feedback about it. Also if you are missing some features
in the library it's the best time to ask!
March 19 2003 XML Security Library 0.0.14 release
includes several minor bugfixes in references URI
processing, binary transforms processing and xmlsec
command line utility.
March 5 2003
The XML Security Library 0.1.0 release
creates a framework for integrating XML Security Library
with almost any crypto engine and even combining multiple crypto
engines in one application. As an example, basic support for GnuTLS and NSS
libraries is provided (digests, hmac and block ciphers).
This is a pre-alpha release not recommended for production
(please use the stable 0.0.X releases
instead). The new 0.1.X API and ABI will defenetly change.
However, if you plan to use XML Security Library with a new crypto
engine and plan to write some code then you can start now.
The "backend" API is pretty stable and I do not expect major
February 21 2003 XML Security Library 0.0.13 release
fixes incorrect processing of signatures with more than 3 binary
transforms in a row, improved pkcs12 files support and minor
documentation update.
January 26 2003
Two major fixes in HMAC and
algorithms are the reason for the new XML Security Library 0.0.12 release.
Also there are few other minor features and bug fixes (see Changelog in the
distribution for more details).
December 3 2002
New XML Security Library 0.0.11 release
fixes a major
problem in Reference URI attribute processing. This release
also includes several Win32 build process fixes from Igor.
October 20 2002
Almost two months from previous release and a lot of minor
enchancements are good reasons for the new
XML Security Library 0.0.10 release:
- Added a way to specify "current time" to verify certificates
expiration against it;
- Implemented XML results output format for the xmlsec command
line utility;
- Fixed XMLDSig examples and added a new one (thanks to Devin
- Resolved static link issue and a bunch of other improvements
for Win32 platform builds (Igor Zlatkovic);
- Added dynamic linking option for xmlsec command line utility
to help Debian port (John Belmonte);
- Minor bug fixes.
August 26 2002
I've completelly screwed up. The release 0.0.8 was totally broken
(I've simply packaged files from wrong CVS :) )
and I am doing a new 0.0.9 release
to fix all the problems. Please upgrade to the new version
if you use any of previous XML Security Library releases.
I am really sorry for my stupid mistakes and I promise to never
do releases on Friday :(
And special thanks to Ferrell Moultrie for pointing this out.
August 23 2002 XML Security Library 0.0.8 is released:
- New errors reporting system is created and all the code is updated;
- Added XPointer transform support;
- Major enveloped and XPath transforms performance improvements;
- Updated XPath 2 Filter implementation to reflect latest W3C specifications;
Man page for xmlsec utility is written;
- Automatically generated API Reference
- Manual (more than 370 symbols) is created;
- Minor Win32 bug fixes from Igor;
- Debian port from John Belmonte.
July 11 2002
XML Security Library documentation
July 10 2002
A new XML Security Library 0.0.7 release
includes all small bug fixes for last month and a new LibXML2 library
with improved canonicalization.
May 28 2002
New LibXML 2.4.22 is released
and new XML Security Library 0.0.6 is
- Win32 port is added: the idea and most of the configuration scripts
code was taken from LibXML2 (written by Igor Zlatkovic). I modified
original files so all errors are mine, not Igor's.
- Many different performance optimizations (especially for RSA/DSA
algorithms and enveloped signatures).
XPath Filter 2
and Alternative
XPath Filter (not compiled by default, use --enable-altxpath configuration
switch if you need this transform) support is added.
- Custom network protocol handler support is added. It is similar
to custom protocol handlers in LibXML2 but applied to binary files.
- Separated XML Security Library RPM into xmlsec and xmlsec-devel
(suggested by Devin Heitmueller).
May 14 2002
I've checked in new code for plugging in custom input handlers
(similar to ones that exist in LibXML2). The downside is that
you have to use daily
LibXML2 snapshot to compile daily XML Security Library snapshot.
April 28 2002 XMLSec 0.0.5 released:
- Big external and internal cleanup. Now the API looks much more consistent
and I hope simple. I hope to declare API frozen in the next couple weeks.
Meantime, all comments and suggestions are welcome!
- Added
symmetric key wrap (aes, des) support.
- Added RIPEMD-160 support.
April 19 2002
Minor release XMLSec 0.0.4 with main
goal to fix broken RPM:
- The RPM is recompiled using OpenSSL 0.9.6. The previous
version was compiled with OpenSSL 0.9.7 but I got few complains
that there are no RPMs for 0.9.7 yet. The downsides of using 0.9.6 are
some functionality limitations for XML Encryption (no AES support,
incorrect padding mode for DES, etc.). If you want to use
XML Encryption it is better to compile the library from sources
and use OpenSSL 0.9.7
- The testDSig, testEnc and testKeys scripts merged into standalone
"xmlsec" application.
- A couple minor bugs fixed.
April 17 2002
xmlsec mailing list.
April 16 2002
A lot of changes and time for new release XMLSec 0.0.3:
- The first release that includes XML Encryption support!
The bad news is that most of new features require OpenSSL 0.9.7 which is
not officially released yet.
- Options to enable/disable support for particular algorithms were
added to the
./configure script.
- All transforms header files were consolidated in "transforms.h".
April 6 2002
The RPM packages are now available.
April 5 2002
Test suite updates and new minor release XML
Security Library 0.0.2a.
interoperability tests
were provided by Merlin Hughes. XML Security Library successfully passed
all tests after small test program tweaking and adding workaround
OpenSSL CRL problem.
These new tests are included into the distribution and previous Merlin's
test suites are removed. Because of these changes I decided to generate
a new package that also will include the Online
XML Digital Signature Verifier code.
April 3 2002
The Online XML
Digital Signature Verifier is available! You can use this tool to
verify your XML Digital Signatures from online Web form or using a simple
Perl script. The idea was stolen from Manoj K.
March 31 2002
Some major changes and a time for new release: XML Security
Library 0.0.2. Now XML Security Library supports all MUST/SHOULD/MAY
features from XMLDSig standard!
- Added X509 certificates and certificate chains support
- The detailed signature generation/verification results are made available
to the application
- RetrievalMethod, Manifests and additional
algorithms are added
- The Transforms and KeyInfo code was significantly re-writen with a goal
to separate it from XMLDSig logic for better re-usability (in XML Encryption,
March 18 2002
- Fixed wrong way shift of the DSA digest result bug found by Philipp
Gühring. This bug is critical and I have to do a new
- Added "--with-pedantic" configuration option and fixed all but "unused
variable" warnings (bug reported by Daniel Veillard).
March 17 2002
The XML Security Library 0.0.1 is released
and available for download! Please try it out and send
me your comments/suggestions.