== Kindeditor4.0 for Rails3 (include 3.1 and 3.0.x) Kindeditor for Rails3, including image and file upload using carrierwave. == Installation Add this to your Gemfile gem "carrierwave" gem "rails_kindeditor" Run "bundle" command. bundle Run install generator: rails generate rails_kindeditor:install That's all! By default, rails_kindeditor do not save upload file information into database. == Usage Basically include <%= include_kindeditor_if_needed %> under the element of your in your layout file: <%= include_kindeditor_if_needed %> In your controller, use include_kindeditor method to load kindeditor: include_kindeditor or include_kindeditor :only => [:new, :edit] Assign your textarea with id in your form: :id => "kindeditor_id" That's all. == Save upload file information into database(optional) rails_kindeditor can save upload file information into database. Just run migration generate, there are two ORM options for you: 1.active_record 2.mongoid, default is active_record. rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration or rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration -o mongoid The generator will copy model and migration to your application. When you are done, remember run rake db:migrate: rake db:migrate That's all. == Configuration options You can load kindeditor javascript only in some action if you needed: include_kindeditor :only => [:new, :edit] include_kindeditor :except => [:index, :show, :destroy, :create] You can config kindeditor by kindeditor-init.js file, please read Kindeditor's documents: public/kindeditor/kindeditor-init.js [Rails3.1] public/javascripts/kindeditor/kindeditor-init.js [Rails3.0.x] == License MIT License. Copyright 2011 == Kindeditor(4.x) for Rails3 中文文档 可供Rails3使用的gem, 包括了图片和附件上传功能,文件按照类型、日期进行存储。上传采用了Carrierwave。 == 安装 将下面代码加入Gemfile: gem "carrierwave" gem "rails_kindeditor" 运行"bundle"命令: bundle 安装Kindeditor,运行下面的代码: rails generate rails_kindeditor:install 完毕!默认情况下,rails_kindeditor在上传文件时不会把文件信息记录入数据库。 == 使用 在你的layout文件中的内包含下面代码: <%= include_kindeditor_if_needed %> 在你需要使用的controller里面,包含下面代码来控制加载javascript: include_kindeditor 或者 include_kindeditor :only => [:new, :edit] 把需要转换的textarea赋予下列id值: :id => "kindeditor_id" 完毕! == 将上传文件信息记录入数据库(可选) rails_kindeditor 可以将上传文件信息记录入数据库,以便扩展应用. 运行下面的代码,有两项选项:1.active_record 2.mongoid,默认是active_record。 rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration or rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration -o mongoid 运行下面的代码: rake db:migrate 完毕! == 配置选项(可选) 你可以有选择性地加载kindeditor的javascript: include_kindeditor :only => [:new, :edit] include_kindeditor :except => [:index, :show, :destroy, :create] 你可以通过修改kindeditor-init.js来配置kindeditor,详细配置方法可以阅读Kindeditor的文档: public/kindeditor/kindeditor-init.js [Rails3.1] public/javascripts/kindeditor/kindeditor-init.js [Rails3.0.x] == License MIT License. Copyright 2011