module ZendeskAPI module ResponseHandler def handle_response(response) if response.body.is_a?(Hash) && response.body[self.class.singular_resource_name] @attributes.replace(@attributes.deep_merge(response.body[self.class.singular_resource_name])) end end end module Save include ResponseHandler # If this resource hasn't been deleted, then create or save it. # Executes a POST if it is a {Data#new_record?}, otherwise a PUT. # Merges returned attributes on success. # @return [Boolean] Success? def save!(options = {}) return false if respond_to?(:destroyed?) && destroyed? if new_record? && !options[:force_update] method = :post req_path = path else method = :put req_path = url || path end req_path = options[:path] if options[:path] save_associations @response = @client.connection.send(method, req_path) do |req| req.body = attributes_for_save.merge(@global_params) yield req if block_given? end handle_response(@response) @attributes.clear_changes clear_associations true end # Saves, returning false if it fails and attaching the errors def save(options = {}, &block) save!(options, &block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::RecordInvalid => e @errors = e.errors false rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError false end # Removes all cached associations def clear_associations self.class.associations.each do |association_data| name = association_data[:name] instance_variable_set("@#{name}", nil) if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") end end # Saves associations # Takes into account inlining, collections, and id setting on the parent resource. def save_associations self.class.associations.each do |association_data| association_name = association_data[:name] next unless send("#{association_name}_used?") && association = send(association_name) inline_creation = association_data[:inline] == :create && new_record? changed = association.is_a?(Collection) || association.changed? if association.respond_to?(:save) && changed && !inline_creation && self.send("#{association_name}=", association) # set id/ids columns end if (association_data[:inline] == true || inline_creation) && changed attributes[association_name] = association.to_param end end end end module Read include ResponseHandler include ZendeskAPI::Sideloading def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Reloads a resource. def reload! response = @client.connection.get(path) do |req| yield req if block_given? end handle_response(response) attributes.clear_changes self end module ClassMethods # Finds a resource by an id and any options passed in. # A custom path to search at can be passed into opts. It defaults to the {Data.resource_name} of the class. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] options Any additional GET parameters to be added def find!(client, options = {}) @client = client # so we can use client.logger in rescue raise ArgumentError, "No :id given" unless options[:id] || options["id"] || ancestors.include?(SingularResource) association = options.delete(:association) || => self) includes = Array(options[:include]) options[:include] = includes.join(",") if includes.any? response = client.connection.get(association.generate_path(options)) do |req| req.params = options yield req if block_given? end new_from_response(client, response, includes) end # Finds, returning nil if it fails # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] options Any additional GET parameters to be added def find(client, options = {}, &block) find!(client, options, &block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError => e nil end end end module Create include Save def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Create a resource given the attributes passed in. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] attributes The attributes to create. def create!(client, attributes = {}, &block) ZendeskAPI::Client.check_deprecated_namespace_usage attributes, singular_resource_name new(client, attributes).tap do |resource|!(&block) end end # Creates, returning nil if it fails # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] options Any additional GET parameters to be added def create(client, attributes = {}, &block) create!(client, attributes, &block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError nil end end end module CreateMany # Creates multiple resources using the create_many endpoint. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Array] attributes_array An array of resources to be created. # @return [JobStatus] the {JobStatus} instance for this create job def create_many!(client, attributes_array, association = => self)) response ="#{association.generate_path}/create_many") do |req| req.body = { resource_name => attributes_array } yield req if block_given? end JobStatus.new_from_response(client, response) end end module Destroy def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethod) end # Has this object been deleted? def destroyed? @destroyed ||= false end # If this resource hasn't already been deleted, then do so. # @return [Boolean] Successful? def destroy! return false if destroyed? || new_record? @client.connection.delete(url || path) do |req| yield req if block_given? end @destroyed = true end # Destroys, returning false on error. def destroy(&block) destroy!(&block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError false end module ClassMethod # Deletes a resource given the id passed in. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] opts The optional parameters to pass. Defaults to {} def destroy!(client, opts = {}, &block) new(client, opts).destroy!(&block) true end # Destroys, returning false on error. def destroy(client, attributes = {}, &block) destroy!(client, attributes, &block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError false end end end module DestroyMany # Destroys multiple resources using the destroy_many endpoint. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Array] ids An array of ids to destroy # @return [JobStatus] the {JobStatus} instance for this destroy job def destroy_many!(client, ids, association = => self)) response = client.connection.delete("#{association.generate_path}/destroy_many") do |req| req.params = { :ids => ids.join(',') } yield req if block_given? end JobStatus.new_from_response(client, response) end end module Update include Save def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethod) end module ClassMethod # Updates, returning false on error. def update(client, attributes = {}, &block) update!(client, attributes, &block) rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError false end # Updates a resource given the id passed in. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] attributes The attributes to update. Default to { def update!(client, attributes = {}, &block) ZendeskAPI::Client.check_deprecated_namespace_usage attributes, singular_resource_name resource = new(client, :id => attributes.delete(:id), :global => attributes.delete(:global), :association => attributes.delete(:association)) resource.attributes.merge!(attributes)!(:force_update => resource.is_a?(SingularResource), &block) resource end end end module UpdateMany # Updates multiple resources using the update_many endpoint. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Array] ids An array of ids to update # @param [Hash] attributes The attributes to update resources with # @return [JobStatus] the {JobStatus} instance for this destroy job def update_many!(client, ids, attributes) association = attributes.delete(:association) || => self) response = client.connection.put("#{association.generate_path}/update_many") do |req| req.params = { :ids => ids.join(',') } req.body = { singular_resource_name => attributes } yield req if block_given? end JobStatus.new_from_response(client, response) end end end