require 'spec_helper' describe LightOperations::Core do let(:login_service) { double('login_service') } let(:params) { { login: 'pawel', password: 'abc' } } let(:dependencies) { { login_service: login_service } } let(:binding_object) do do |klass| klass.class_eval do def success_action(_subject); end def error_action(_subject, _errors); end end end def subject_factory(&block) do |klass| klass.class_eval(&block) end subject { } it 'raise error when #execute is not implemented' do expect { subject.on(success: :do_nothing).run }.to raise_error('Not implemented yet') end context 'use cases' do # dependency using context 'dependency usage' do subject do subject_factory do def execute(_params) dependency(:login_service) end end end before { subject.on(success: lambda { |_subject| }) } it 'is allowed when is initialized correctly' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end context 'raise_error' do let(:dependencies) { {} } it 'when dependency missing' do expect { }.to raise_error(described_class::MissingDependency) end end end # error handling context '.rescue_from specific error' do TestError = before { subject.on(success: lambda { |_subject| }) } context 'by block' do subject do subject_factory do rescue_from TestError do |exception| fail "execute block instead original #{exception.class}" end def execute(_params) fail TestError, 'What now' end end end it 'call' do expect { }.to raise_error('execute block instead original TestError') end end context 'by defined method' do subject do subject_factory do rescue_from TestError, with: :rescue_me def rescue_me(exception) fail "execute rescue_me method instead original #{exception.class}" end def execute(_params) fail TestError, 'What now' end end end it 'execute' do expect { }.to raise_error('execute rescue_me method instead original TestError') end end end # on actions success/fail context 'when operation is successful' do subject do subject_factory do def execute(_params) :success end end end context '#on_success' do it 'when bind_with and send_method is used' do expect(binding_object).to receive(:success_action).with(:success) subject.on_success(:success_action).bind_with(binding_object).run end it 'when block is used' do subject.on_success { |result| expect(result).to eq(:success) }.run end end context '#on_fail' do it 'when bind_with and send_method is used' do expect(binding_object).not_to receive(:error_action) subject.bind_with(binding_object).on_fail(:error_action).run end it 'when block is used' do block_to_exec = lambda {} expect(block_to_exec).not_to receive(:call) subject.on_fail(&block_to_exec).run end end it '#errors' do expect(subject.on_success(:success_action).run.errors).to eq([]) end it '#fail?' do expect(subject.on_success(:success_action) eq(false) end it '#success?' do expect(subject.on_success(:success_action).run.success?).to eq(true) end end context 'when operation is fail' do subject do subject_factory do def execute(_params) fail!([email: :unknown]) :fail end end end context '#on_success' do it 'when bind_with and send_method is used' do expect(binding_object).not_to receive(:success_action) subject.bind_with(binding_object).on_success(:success_action).run end it 'when block is used' do block_to_exec = lambda {} expect(block_to_exec).not_to receive(:call) subject.on_success(&block_to_exec).run end end context '#on_fail' do it 'when bind_with and send_method is used' do expect(binding_object).to receive(:error_action).with(:fail, [email: :unknown]) subject.bind_with(binding_object).on_fail(:error_action).run end it 'when block is used' do subject.on_fail do |result, errors| expect(result).to eq(:fail) expect(errors).to eq([email: :unknown]) end end end it '#errors' do expect(subject.on_fail(:error_action).run.errors).to eq([email: :unknown]) end it '#fail?' do expect(subject.on_fail(:error_action) eq(true) end it '#success?' do expect(subject.on_fail(:error_action).run.success?).to eq(false) end end end context 'prepare operation to reuse or simply clear' do it '#unbind!' do subject.bind_with(:some_object) expect { subject.unbind! }.to change { subject.bind_object } .from(:some_object) .to(nil) end it '#clear_actions!' do subject.on(success: :abc, fail: :def) expect { subject.clear_actions! }.to change { subject.send(:actions) } .from(success: :abc, fail: :def) .to({}) end it '#clear_subject_with_errors!' do %w{ subject fail_errors errors }.each do |variable| subject.instance_variable_set("@#{variable}", variable) end expect(subject.subject).to eq('subject') expect(subject.instance_variable_get('@errors')).to eq('errors') expect(subject.instance_variable_get('@fail_errors')).to eq('fail_errors') subject.clear_subject_with_errors! expect(subject.subject).to be_nil expect(subject.instance_variable_get('@errors')).to be_nil expect(subject.instance_variable_get('@fail_errors')).to be_nil end it '#clear!' do expect(subject).to receive(:unbind!) expect(subject).to receive(:clear_actions!) expect(subject).to receive(:clear_subject_with_errors!) subject.clear! end end context 'Operation executed several times' do subject do subject_factory do def execute(params = {}) fail!(:missing_result) unless params.key?(:result) params[:result] end end end it 'always start with clean state of subject and errors' do subject .bind_with(binding_object) .on(success: :success_action, fail: :error_action) expect(binding_object).to receive(:error_action).with(nil, :missing_result) expect(binding_object).to receive(:success_action).with(:success) :success) end end end