# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### # wxRuby3 buildtools configuration ### require_relative './unixish' require_relative 'pkgman/macosx' module WXRuby3 module Config module Platform def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include Config::UnixLike def debug_command(*args) args.unshift(FileUtils::RUBY) args.unshift('--') args.unshift('lldb') args.join(' ') end def dll_mask "{#{dll_ext},dylib}" end def get_rpath_origin "@loader_path" end def check_rpath_patch # no need to check anything; install_name_tool is part of XCode cmdline tools # and without these we couldn't build anything true end def patch_rpath(shlib, *rpath) # don't leave old rpath-s behind sh("install_name_tool -delete_rpath '@loader_path/../lib' #{shlib} 2>/dev/null", verbose: false) { |_,_| } # add deployment rpath-s sh("install_name_tool #{rpath.collect {|rp| "-add_rpath '#{rp}'"}.join(' ')} #{shlib} 2>/dev/null", verbose: false) { |_,_| } true end def update_shlib_loadpaths(shlib, deplibs) changes = deplibs.collect { |dl| "-change '#{dl}' '@rpath/#{File.basename(dl)}'"} sh("install_name_tool #{changes.join(' ')} #{shlib} 2>/dev/null", verbose: false) { |_,_| } true end def check_tool_pkgs pkg_deps = super # need g++ to build wxRuby3 extensions in any case pkg_deps << 'gcc' unless system('command -v g++>/dev/null') # need this to build anything (like wxRuby3 extensions itself) pkg_deps << 'xcode' unless system('command -v install_name_tool>/dev/null') pkg_deps end def install_prerequisites pkg_deps = check_tool_pkgs PkgManager.install(pkg_deps) [] end def get_wx_libs wx_libset = ::Set.new lib_list = wx_config("--libs all").split(' ') until lib_list.empty? s = lib_list.shift if s == '-framework' wx_libset << "#{s} #{lib_list.shift}" else wx_libset << s end end # some weird thing with this; at least sometimes '--libs all' will not output media library even if feature active if features_set?('USE_MEDIACTRL') lib_list = wx_config("--libs media").split(' ') until lib_list.empty? s = lib_list.shift if s == '-framework' wx_libset << "#{s} #{lib_list.shift}" else wx_libset << s end end end wx_libset.collect { |s| s.dup } end def do_link(pkg) objs = pkg.all_obj_files.collect { |o| File.join('..', o) }.join(' ') + ' ' sh "cd lib && #{WXRuby3.config.ld} #{WXRuby3.config.ldflags(pkg.lib_target)} #{objs} " + "#{WXRuby3.config.libs} #{WXRuby3.config.link_output_flag}#{pkg.lib_target}" end private def wx_configure bash('./configure --disable-optimise --disable-sys-libs --without-liblzma --prefix=`pwd`/install --disable-tests --without-subdirs --disable-debug_info CFLAGS="-Wno-unused-but-set-variable"') end def wx_make bash('make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) && make install') end end end def init_platform init_unix_platform @dll_pfx = 'lib' if @wx_version @cpp.sub!(/-std=gnu\+\+11/, '-std=gnu++14') @ld.sub!(/-o\s*\Z/, '') @extra_cflags.concat %w[-Wno-unused-function -Wno-conversion-null -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-overloaded-virtual -Wno-deprecated-copy] @extra_cflags << ' -Wno-deprecated-declarations' unless @no_deprecated # create a .dylib binary @extra_ldflags << '-dynamic -bundle' unless @wx_path.empty? libdirs = @wx_libs.select {|s| s.start_with?('-L')}.collect {|s| s.sub(/^-L/,'')} @exec_env['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "#{ENV['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH']}:#{dest_dir}:#{libdirs.join(':')}" end end end private :init_platform end end end