% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.
gem 'origen_memory_image', '<%= Origen.app.version %>'
##### To use in a plugin:
Add the following to your plugin's gemspec:
spec.add_runtime_dependency 'origen_memory_image', '~> <%= Origen.app.version.major %>', '>= <%= Origen.app.version %>'
and require the gem in your code:
require 'origen_memory_image'
### How To Use
Create a memory map object that points to a specific source file, note that
you do not need to supply the format.
Also note that the format is detected by looking at the file content and the naming
and extension of the file has no relevance (so it can be called anything).
The path to the file can be absolute or relative to Origen.root
my_srec = OrigenMemoryImage.new("source_files/test_atd.abs.S19")
my_hex = OrigenMemoryImage.new("source_files/math.hex")
By default any partial data words are right justified. Change this behavior to left justified like this:
my_srec = OrigenMemoryImage.new("source_files/test_atd.abs.S19", ljust_partial_data: true)
my_hex = OrigenMemoryImage.new("source_files/math.hex", ljust_partial_data: true)
Partial data example:
# Default interpretation into 32-bit word:
# Left justified interpretation into 32-bit word:
Memory images can also be created directly from a string:
str = <<-END
0D 15 0F 13 0E 14 10 12
00 00 04 17 04 03 05 06
my_hex = OrigenMemoryImage.new(str, source: String)
Every memory image object then supports a common API.
The start_address
method returns the start (execution start) address. If the memory image
contains an indication of the execution start address that record value will be returned. If there is
no start address record, the lowest address will be returned. The has_start_record
indicates whether a start address record was found:
my_srec.start_address # => 0x3000_F000
my_srec.has_start_record # => true
The to_a
method returns the file content as an array of address/data pairs,
this method supports options to set the data width, flip the data endianness, and crop the data
between starting and ending address:
my_srec.to_a # => [[0x3000_F000, 0x11223344], [0x3000_F004, 0x55667788], [0x3000_F008, 0x99AABBCC], ...]
my_srec.to_a(flip_endianness: true) # => [[0x3000_F000, 0x44332211], [0x3000_F004, 0x88776655], [0x3000_F008, 0x99AABBCC], ...]
my_srec.to_a(data_width_in_bytes: 2) # => [[0x3000_F000, 0x1122], [0x3000_F002, 0x3344], [0x3000_F004, 0x5566], ...]
my_srec.to_a(crop: [0x3000_F004]) # => [[0x3000_F004, 0x55667788], [0x3000_F008, 0x99AABBCC], ...]
my_srec.to_a(crop: [0x3000_F000, 0x3000_F004]) # => [[0x3000_F000, 0x11223344], [0x3000_F004, 0x55667788]]
Such an array can be iterated on like this to separate the address and data:
my_srec.to_a.each do |address, data|
# Process as required
### Currently Supported Formats
#### S-Records
Any valid S-record:
#### Hex Files
The data lines can be grouped into any size:
1E E0 02 1C 22 40 1B E0 02 1C 22 43 18 E0 02 1C
5A 78 0A 43 03 E0 03 4B F7 21 5A 78 0A 40 00 20
22 E0 84 42 22 D3 1F E0 84 42 1F D9 1C E0 84 42
002B20D1 03E0012A 01D1002B 1BD00223
2340022A 02D1002B 15D103E0 032A01D1
#### Binary Files
A binary file:
#### Intel Hex
Any valid Intel Hex file:
### How To Setup a Development Environment
[Clone the repository from Github](https://github.com/Origen-SDK/origen_memory_image).
Follow the instructions here if you want to make a 3rd party app
workspace use your development copy of the <%= Origen.app.config.initials %> plugin:
[Setting up a Plugin Development Environment](http://origen-sdk.org/origen/latest/guides/plugins)
This plugin also contains a test suite, makes sure this passes before committing
any changes!
origen specs
% end