module Matchy module Expectations # Class to handle operator expectations. # # ==== Examples # # 13.should == 13 # "hello".length.should_not == 2 # class OperatorExpectation < Base def initialize(receiver, match) @receiver = receiver @match = match end def ==(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:==, expected) == @match pass! else fail!("==") end end def ===(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:===, expected) == @match pass! else fail!("===") end end def =~(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:=~, expected).nil? != @match pass! else fail!("=~") end end def >(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:>, expected) == @match pass! else fail!(">") end end def <(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:<, expected) == @match pass! else fail!("<") end end def >=(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:>=, expected) == @match pass! else fail!(">=") end end def <=(expected) @expected = expected if @receiver.send(:<=, expected) == @match pass! else fail!("<=") end end protected def pass! assert true end def fail!(operator) flunk @match ? failure_message(operator) : negative_failure_message(operator) end def failure_message(operator) "Expected #{@receiver.inspect} to #{operator} #{@expected.inspect}." end def negative_failure_message(operator) "Expected #{@receiver.inspect} to not #{operator} #{@expected.inspect}." end end end end