module Aptible module CLI module Helpers module Ssh def connect_to_ssh_portal(operation, *extra_ssh_args) # TODO: Should we rescue Interrupt here? with_ssh_cmd(operation) do |base_ssh_cmd| ssh_cmd = base_ssh_cmd + extra_ssh_args Kernel.system(*ssh_cmd) end end def with_ssh_cmd(operation) ensure_ssh_dir! ensure_config! ensure_key! operation.with_ssh_cmd(private_key_file) do |cmd, connection| yield cmd + common_ssh_args, connection end end private def ensure_ssh_dir! FileUtils.mkdir_p(ssh_dir, mode: 0o700) end def ensure_config! return if File.exist?(ssh_config_file), 'w', 0o600) { |f| f.write('') } end def ensure_key! key_files = [private_key_file, public_key_file] return if key_files.all? { |f| File.exist?(f) } # If we're missing *some* files, then we should clean them up. key_files.each do |key_file| begin File.delete(key_file) rescue Errno::ENOENT # We don't care, that's what we want. end end begin cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', private_key_file] out, status = Open3.capture2e(*cmd) raise "Failed to generate ssh key: #{out}" unless status.success? rescue Errno::ENOENT raise 'ssh-keygen must be installed' end end def ssh_dir File.join ENV['HOME'], '.aptible', 'ssh' end def ssh_config_file File.join ssh_dir, 'config' end def private_key_file File.join ssh_dir, 'id_rsa' end def public_key_file "#{private_key_file}.pub" end def common_ssh_args log_level = ENV['APTIBLE_SSH_DEBUG'] ? 'DEBUG3' : 'ERROR' [ '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', '-o', 'KeepAlive=yes', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', "LogLevel=#{log_level}", '-o', 'ControlMaster=no', '-o', 'ControlPath=none', '-F', ssh_config_file ] end end end end end