module Padrino
module Helpers
# Helpers related to producing form related tags and inputs into templates.
module FormHelpers
# Constructs a form for object using given or default form_builder
# @param [Object] object
# The object for which the form is being built.
# @param [String] url
# The url this form will submit to.
# @param [Hash] settings
# The settings associated with this form. Accepts html options.
# @option settings [String] :builder ("StandardFormBuilder")
# The FormBuilder class to use such as StandardFormBuilder.
# @param [Proc] block
# The fields and content inside this form.
# @yield [AbstractFormBuilder] The form builder used to compose fields.
# @return [String] The html object-backed form with the specified options and input fields.
# @example
# form_for :user, '/register' do |f| ... end
# form_for @user, '/register', :id => 'register' do |f| ... end
# @api public
def form_for(object, url, settings={}, &block)
form_html = capture_html(builder_instance(object, settings), &block)
form_tag(url, settings) { form_html }
# Constructs form fields for an object using given or default form_builder
# Used within an existing form to allow alternate objects within one form
# @param [Object] object
# The object for which the fields are being built.
# @param [Hash] settings
# The settings associated with these fields. Accepts html options.
# @param [Proc] block
# The content inside this set of fields.
# @return [String] The html fields with the specified options.
# @example
# fields_for @user.assignment do |assignment| ... end
# fields_for :assignment do |assigment| ... end
# @api public
def fields_for(object, settings={}, &block)
instance = builder_instance(object, settings)
fields_html = capture_html(instance, &block)
fields_html << instance.hidden_field(:id) if instance.send(:nested_object_id)
concat_content fields_html
# Constructs a form without object based on options
# @param [String] url
# The url this form will submit to.
# @param [Hash] options
# The html options associated with this form.
# @param [Proc] block
# The fields and content inside this form.
# @return [String] The html form with the specified options and input fields.
# @example
# form_tag '/register', :class => "registration_form" do ... end
# @api public
def form_tag(url, options={}, &block)
desired_method = options[:method]
data_method = options.delete(:method) if options[:method].to_s !~ /get|post/i
options.reverse_merge!(:method => "post", :action => url)
options[:enctype] = "multipart/form-data" if options.delete(:multipart)
options["data-remote"] = "true" if options.delete(:remote)
options["data-method"] = data_method if data_method
options["accept-charset"] ||= "UTF-8"
inner_form_html = hidden_form_method_field(desired_method)
inner_form_html += capture_html(&block)
concat_content content_tag(:form, inner_form_html, options)
# Returns the hidden method field for 'put' and 'delete' forms
# Only 'get' and 'post' are allowed within browsers;
# 'put' and 'delete' are just specified using hidden fields with form action still 'put'.
# @param [String] desired_method
# The method this hidden field represents (i.e put or delete))
# @return [String] The hidden field representing the +desired_method+ for the form.
# @example
# # Generate:
# hidden_form_method_field('delete')
# @api semipublic
def hidden_form_method_field(desired_method)
return '' if desired_method.blank? || desired_method.to_s =~ /get|post/i
hidden_field_tag(:_method, :value => desired_method)
# Constructs a field_set to group fields with given options
# @overload field_set_tag(legend=nil, options={}, &block)
# @param [String] legend The legend caption for the fieldset
# @param [Hash] options The html options for the fieldset.
# @param [Proc] block The content inside the fieldset.
# @overload field_set_tag(options={}, &block)
# @param [Hash] options The html options for the fieldset.
# @param [Proc] block The content inside the fieldset.
# @return [String] The html for the fieldset tag based on given +options+.
# @example
# field_set_tag(:class => "office-set") { }
# field_set_tag("Office", :class => 'office-set') { }
# @api public
def field_set_tag(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
legend_text = args[0].is_a?(String) ? args.first : nil
legend_html = legend_text.blank? ? '' : content_tag(:legend, legend_text)
field_set_content = legend_html + capture_html(&block)
concat_content content_tag(:fieldset, field_set_content, options)
# Constructs list html for the errors for a given symbol
# @overload error_messages_for(*objects, options = {})
# @param [Array