# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*-
require 'mime/types/loader_path'
# This class is responsible for initializing the MIME::Types registry from
# the data files supplied with the mime-types library.
# The Loader will use one of the following paths:
# 1. The +path+ provided in its constructor argument;
# 2. The value of ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA']; or
# 3. The value of MIME::Types::Loader::PATH.
# When #load is called, the +path+ will be searched recursively for all YAML
# (.yml or .yaml) files. By convention, there is one file for each media
# type (application.yml, audio.yml, etc.), but this is not required.
class MIME::Types::Loader
# The path that will be read for the MIME::Types files.
attr_reader :path
# The MIME::Types container instance that will be loaded. If not provided
# at initialization, a new MIME::Types instance will be constructed.
attr_reader :container
# Creates a Loader object that can be used to load MIME::Types registries
# into memory, using YAML, JSON, or v1 registry format loaders.
def initialize(path = nil, container = nil)
path = path || ENV['RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA'] ||
@path = File.expand_path(File.join(path, '**'))
@container = container || MIME::Types.new
# Loads a MIME::Types registry from YAML files (*.yml or
# *.yaml) recursively found in +path+.
# It is expected that the YAML objects contained within the registry array
# will be tagged as !ruby/object:MIME::Type.
# Note that the YAML format is about 2½ times *slower* than either the v1
# format or the JSON format.
# NOTE: The purpose of this format is purely for maintenance reasons.
def load_yaml
Dir[yaml_path].sort.each do |f|
container.add(*self.class.load_from_yaml(f), :silent)
# Loads a MIME::Types registry from JSON files (*.json)
# recursively found in +path+.
# It is expected that the JSON objects will be an array of hash objects.
# The JSON format is the registry format for the MIME types registry
# shipped with the mime-types library.
# This method is aliased to #load.
def load_json
Dir[json_path].sort.each do |f|
types = self.class.load_from_json(f)
container.add(*types, :silent)
alias_method :load, :load_json
# Loads a MIME::Types registry from files found in +path+ that are in the
# v1 data format. The file search for this will exclude both JSON
# (*.json) and YAML (*.yml or *.yaml) files.
# This method has been deprecated.
def load_v1
MIME.deprecated(self.class, __method__)
Dir[v1_path].sort.each do |f|
next if f =~ /\.ya?ml$|\.json$/
container.add(self.class.load_from_v1(f), true)
# Raised when a V1 format file is discovered.
BadV1Format = Class.new(Exception)
class << self
# Loads the default MIME::Type registry.
def load
# Build the type list from a file in the format:
# [*][!][os:]mt/st[@ext][:enc]['url-list][=docs]
# == *
# An unofficial MIME type. This should be used if and only if the MIME type
# is not properly specified (that is, not under either x-type or
# vnd.name.type).
# == !
# An obsolete MIME type. May be used with an unofficial MIME type.
# == os:
# Platform-specific MIME type definition.
# == mt
# The media type.
# == st
# The media subtype.
# == @ext
# The list of comma-separated extensions.
# == :enc
# The encoding.
# == 'url-list
# The list of comma-separated URLs.
# == =docs
# The documentation string.
# That is, everything except the media type and the subtype is optional. The
# more information that's available, though, the richer the values that can
# be provided.
def load_from_v1(filename)
MIME.deprecated(self.class, __method__)
data = read_file(filename).split($/)
mime = MIME::Types.new
data.each_with_index { |line, index|
item = line.chomp.strip
next if item.empty?
m = V1_FORMAT.match(item)
unless m
warn <<-EOS
#{filename}:#{index + 1}: Parsing error in v1 MIME type definition.
=> #{line}
raise BadV1Format, line
unregistered, obsolete, platform, mediatype, subtype, extensions,
encoding, urls, docs, _ = *m.captures
next if mediatype.nil?
extensions &&= extensions.split(/,/)
urls &&= urls.split(/,/)
if docs.nil?
use_instead = nil
use_instead = docs.scan(%r{use-instead:(\S+)}).flatten
docs = docs.gsub(%r{use-instead:\S+}, "").squeeze(" \t")
mime_type = MIME::Type.new("#{mediatype}/#{subtype}") do |t|
t.extensions = extensions
t.encoding = encoding
t.system = platform
t.obsolete = obsolete
t.registered = false if unregistered
t.use_instead = use_instead
t.docs = docs
t.references = urls
mime.add_type(mime_type, true)
# Loads MIME::Types from a single YAML file.
# It is expected that the YAML objects contained within the registry
# array will be tagged as !ruby/object:MIME::Type.
# Note that the YAML format is about 2½ times *slower* than either the v1
# format or the JSON format.
# NOTE: The purpose of this format is purely for maintenance reasons.
def load_from_yaml(filename)
require 'psych'
rescue LoadError
require 'yaml'
# Loads MIME::Types from a single JSON file.
# It is expected that the JSON objects will be an array of hash objects.
# The JSON format is the registry format for the MIME types registry
# shipped with the mime-types library.
def load_from_json(filename)
require 'json'
JSON.parse(read_file(filename)).map { |type| MIME::Type.new(type) }
def read_file(filename)
File.open(filename, 'r:UTF-8:-') { |f| f.read }
def yaml_path
File.join(path, '*.y{,a}ml')
def json_path
File.join(path, '*.json')
def v1_path
File.join(path, '*')
# The regular expression used to match a v1-format file-based MIME type
# definition.
V1_FORMAT = # :nodoc:
([*])? # 0: Unregistered?
(!)? # 1: Obsolete?
(?:(\w+):)? # 2: Platform marker
([-\w.+]+)/([-\w.+]*) # 3, 4: Media Type
(?:\s+@(\S+))? # 5: Extensions
(?:\s+:(base64|7bit|8bit|quoted\-printable))? # 6: Encoding
(?:\s+'(\S+))? # 7: URL list
(?:\s+=(.+))? # 8: Documentation
(?:\s*([#].*)?)? # Comments
private_constant :V1_FORMAT if respond_to? :private_constant