module GoodData::Command class Runners def self.run_ruby_locally(brick_dir, options={}) pid = options[:project_id] fail "You have to specify a project ID" if pid.nil? fail "You have to specify directory of the brick run" if brick_dir.nil? fail "You specified file as a birck run directory. You have to specify directory." if File.exist?(brick_dir) && ! params = options[:expanded_params] || {} GoodData.connection.connect! sst = GoodData.connection.cookies[:cookies]["GDCAuthSST"] pwd = logger_stream = STDOUT server_uri = URI(options[:server]) unless options[:server].nil? scheme = server_uri.nil? ? "" : server_uri.scheme hostname = server_uri.nil? ? "" : script_body = <<-script_body require 'fileutils' FileUtils::cd(\"#{pwd+brick_dir}\") do\ require 'bundler/setup' $SCRIPT_PARAMS = { "GDC_SST" => \"#{sst}\", "GDC_PROJECT_ID" => \"#{pid}\", "GDC_PROTOCOL" => \"#{scheme}\", "GDC_HOSTNAME" => \"#{hostname}\", "GDC_LOGGER_FILE" => STDOUT, "GDC_ENV_LOCAL" => true }.merge(#{params}) eval(\"./main.rb\")) end script_body Bundler.with_clean_env do system("ruby", "-e", script_body) end end end end