ResqueSpec ========== A simple RSpec and Cucumber matcher for Resque.enqueue and Resque.enqueue_at (from `ResqueScheduler`), loosely based on []( ResqueSpec will also fire Resque hooks if you are using them. See below. This should work with `Resque v1.15.0` and up and `RSpec v2.5.0` and up. If you are using `RSpec ~> 1.3.0`, you should use version `~> 0.2.0`. This branch is not actively maintained. Install ------- Install the gem % gem install resque_spec And update your Gemfile (Not using bundler? Do the necessary thing for your app's gem management) group :test do gem 'resque_spec' end Resque with Specs ----------------- Given this scenario Given a person When I recalculate Then the person has calculate queued And I write this spec using the `resque_spec` matcher describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queued(, :calculate) end end (And I take note of the `before` block that is calling `reset!` for every spec) And I might use the `in` statement to specify the queue: describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queued(, :calculate).in(:people) end end And I might write this as a Cucumber step Then /the (\w?) has (\w?) queued/ do |thing, method| thing_obj = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}") thing_obj.class.should have_queued(, method.to_sym) end Then I write some code to make it pass: class Person @queue = :people def recalculate Resque.enqueue(Person, id, :calculate) end end ResqueScheduler with Specs -------------------------- To use with ResqueScheduler, add this require `require 'resque_spec/scheduler'` Given this scenario Given a person When I schedule a recalculate Then the person has calculate scheduled And I write this spec using the `resque_spec` matcher describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_scheduled(, :calculate) end end (And I take note of the `before` block that is calling `reset!` for every spec) *(There is also a **have_scheduled_at** matcher)* And I might write this as a Cucumber step Then /the (\w?) has (\w?) scheduled/ do |thing, method| thing_obj = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}") thing_obj.class.should have_scheduled(, method.to_sym) end Then I write some code to make it pass: class Person @queue = :people def recalculate Resque.enqueue_at( + 3600, Person, id, :calculate) end end Queue Size Specs ---------------- You can check the size of the queue in your specs too. describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds an entry to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queue_size_of(1) end end Performing Jobs in Specs ------------------------ Normally, Resque does not perform queued jobs within tests. You may want to make assertions based on the result of your jobs. To process jobs immediately, you can pass a block to the `with_resque` helper: Given this scenario Given a game When I score Then the game has a score I might write this as a Cucumber step When /I score/ do with_resque do visit game_path click_link 'Score!' end end Or I write this spec using the `with_resque` helper describe "#score!" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "increases the score" do with_resque do game.score! end game.score.should == 10 end end You can turn this behavior on by setting `ResqueSpec.inline = true`. Hooks ----- Resque provides hooks at different points of the queueing lifecylce. ResqueSpec fires these hooks when appropriate. The after enqueue hook is always called when you use `Resque#enqueue`. The `perform` hooks: before, around, after, and on failure are fired by ResqueSpec if you are using the `with_resque` helper or set `ResqueSpec.inline = true`. Important! `Resque#enqueue_at` does not fire the after enqueue hook (the job has not been queued yet!), but will fire the `perform` hooks if you are using `inline` mode. Note on Patches/Pull Requests ============================= * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Les Hill. See LICENSE for details.