/* -*-C-*- ******************************************************************************** * * File: permdawg.c (Formerly permdawg.c) * Description: * Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology * Created: Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987 * Modified: Tue Jul 9 15:43:18 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt * Language: C * Package: N/A * Status: Reusable Software Component * * (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. * *********************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- I n c l u d e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "permdawg.h" #include "debug.h" #include "hyphen.h" #include "permute.h" #include "tordvars.h" #include "context.h" #include "stopper.h" #include "freelist.h" #include "globals.h" #include "tprintf.h" #include "cutil.h" #include "dawg.h" #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- T y p e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FREQ_WERD 1.0 #define GOOD_WERD 1.1 #define OK_WERD 1.3125 #define MAX_FREQ_EDGES 1500 #define NO_RATING -1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- V a r i a b l e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static EDGE_ARRAY frequent_words; static float rating_margin; static float rating_pad = 5.0; make_toggle_var (dawg_debug, 0, make_dawg_debug, 8, 10, set_dawg_debug, "DAWG Debug "); make_float_var (ok_word, OK_WERD, make_ok_word, 8, 17, set_ok_word, "Bad word adjustment"); make_float_var (good_word, GOOD_WERD, make_good_word, 8, 18, set_good_word, "Good word adjustment"); make_float_var (freq_word, FREQ_WERD, make_freq_word, 8, 19, set_freq_word, "Freq word adjustment"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- F u n c t i o n s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************** * adjust_word * * Assign an adjusted value to a string that is a word. The value * that this word choice has is based on case and punctuation rules. **********************************************************************/ void adjust_word(A_CHOICE *best_choice, float *certainty_array) { char *this_word; int punct_status; float adjust_factor; if (adjust_debug) tprintf ("%s %4.2f ", class_string (best_choice), class_probability (best_choice)); this_word = class_string (best_choice); punct_status = punctuation_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice)); class_probability (best_choice) += RATING_PAD; if (case_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice)) && punct_status != -1) { if (punct_status < 1 && word_in_dawg (frequent_words, this_word)) { class_probability (best_choice) *= freq_word; class_permuter (best_choice) = FREQ_DAWG_PERM; adjust_factor = freq_word; if (adjust_debug) tprintf(", F, %4.2f ", freq_word); } else { class_probability (best_choice) *= good_word; adjust_factor = good_word; if (adjust_debug) tprintf(", %4.2f ", good_word); } } else { class_probability (best_choice) *= ok_word; adjust_factor = ok_word; if (adjust_debug) { if (!case_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice))) tprintf(", C"); if (punctuation_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice)) == -1) tprintf(", P"); tprintf(", %4.2f ", ok_word); } } class_probability (best_choice) -= RATING_PAD; LogNewWordChoice(best_choice, adjust_factor, certainty_array); if (adjust_debug) tprintf(" --> %4.2f\n", class_probability (best_choice)); } /********************************************************************** * append_next_choice * * Check to see whether or not the next choice is worth appending to * the string being generated. If so then keep going deeper into the * word. **********************************************************************/ void append_next_choice( /*previous option */ EDGE_ARRAY dawg, NODE_REF node, char permuter, char *word, char unichar_lengths[], int unichar_offsets[], CHOICES_LIST choices, int char_index, A_CHOICE *this_choice, const char *prevchar, float *limit, float rating, float certainty, float *rating_array, float *certainty_array, int word_ending, int last_word, CHOICES *result) { A_CHOICE *better_choice; /* Add new character */ strcpy(word + unichar_offsets[char_index], class_string (this_choice)); unichar_lengths[char_index] = strlen(class_string (this_choice)); unichar_lengths[char_index + 1] = 0; unichar_offsets[char_index + 1] = unichar_offsets[char_index] + unichar_lengths[char_index]; if (word[unichar_offsets[char_index]] == '\0') { word[unichar_offsets[char_index]] = ' '; word[unichar_offsets[char_index] + 1] = '\0'; unichar_lengths[char_index] = 1; unichar_lengths[char_index + 1] = 0; unichar_offsets[char_index + 1] = unichar_offsets[char_index] + unichar_lengths[char_index]; } certainty_array[char_index] = class_certainty (this_choice); rating += class_probability (this_choice); certainty = min (class_certainty (this_choice), certainty); if (rating_array[char_index] == NO_RATING) { /* Prune bad subwords */ rating_array[char_index] = rating; } else { if (rating_array[char_index] * rating_margin + rating_pad < rating) { if (dawg_debug) { tprintf("early pruned word rating=%4.2f, limit=%4.2f", rating, *limit); print_word_string(word); tprintf("\n"); } return; } } /* Deal with hyphens */ if (word_ending && last_word && word[unichar_offsets[char_index]] == '-' && char_index > 0) { *limit = rating; if (dawg_debug) tprintf("new hyphen choice = %s\n", word); better_choice = new_choice (word, unichar_lengths, rating, certainty, -1, permuter); adjust_word(better_choice, certainty_array); push_on(*result, better_choice); if (permuter == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM) { // Until dawg is a class, it is only safe to use set_hyphen_word // on a single dawg type, as it saves permuter state to use on another // word in hyphen_state, and this *must* apply to the same dawg. set_hyphen_word(word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets, rating, node); } } /* Look up char in DAWG */ else { int sub_offset = 0; NODE_REF node_saved = node; while (sub_offset < unichar_lengths[char_index] && letter_is_okay (dawg, &node, unichar_offsets[char_index] + sub_offset, *prevchar, word, word_ending && sub_offset == unichar_lengths[char_index] - 1)) ++sub_offset; if (sub_offset == unichar_lengths[char_index]) { /* Add a new word choice */ if (word_ending) { if (dawg_debug == 1) tprintf("new choice = %s\n", word); *limit = rating; better_choice = new_choice (hyphen_tail (word), unichar_lengths + hyphen_base_size(), rating, certainty, -1, permuter); adjust_word (better_choice, &certainty_array[hyphen_base_size ()]); push_on(*result, better_choice); } else { /* Search the next letter */ JOIN_ON (*result, dawg_permute (dawg, node, permuter, choices, char_index + 1, limit, word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets, rating, certainty, rating_array, certainty_array, last_word)); } } else { if (dawg_debug == 1) { tprintf("letter not OK at char %d, index %d + sub index %d/%d\n", char_index, unichar_offsets[char_index], sub_offset, unichar_lengths[char_index]); tprintf("Word"); print_word_string(word); tprintf("\nRejected tail"); print_word_string(word + unichar_offsets[char_index]); tprintf("\n"); } if (node != 0) node = node_saved; } } } /********************************************************************** * dawg_permute * * Permute all the valid words that can be created with this starting * point. The node (in the DAWG) and the word string define a base * from which to start adding the remaining character choices. **********************************************************************/ CHOICES dawg_permute(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, NODE_REF node, char permuter, CHOICES_LIST choices, int char_index, float *limit, char *word, char unichar_lengths[], int unichar_offsets[], float rating, float certainty, float *rating_array, float *certainty_array, int last_word) { CHOICES result = NIL; CHOICES c; char *prevchar; int word_ending = FALSE; if (dawg_debug) { tprintf("dawg_permute (node=" REFFORMAT ", char_index=%d, limit=%f, word=", node, char_index, *limit); print_word_string(word); tprintf(", rating=%4.2f, certainty=%4.2f)\n", rating, certainty); } /* Check for EOW */ if (1 + char_index == array_count (choices) + hyphen_base_size ()) word_ending = TRUE; if (char_index < array_count (choices) + hyphen_base_size ()) { prevchar = NULL; iterate_list (c, (CHOICES) array_index (choices, char_index - hyphen_base_size ())) { append_next_choice (dawg, node, permuter, word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets, choices, char_index, (A_CHOICE *) first_node (c), prevchar != NULL ? prevchar : "", limit, rating, certainty, rating_array, certainty_array, word_ending, last_word, &result); prevchar = best_string (c); } } if (result && (dawg_debug == 1)) print_choices ("dawg_permute", result); return (result); } /********************************************************************** * dawg_permute_and_select * * Use a DAWG type data structure to enumerate all the valid strings * in some gramar. Compare each of the choices against the best choice * so far. Update the best choice if needed. **********************************************************************/ void dawg_permute_and_select(const char *string, EDGE_ARRAY dawg, char permuter, CHOICES_LIST character_choices, A_CHOICE *best_choice) { CHOICES result = NIL; char word[UNICHAR_LEN * MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; char unichar_lengths[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; int unichar_offsets[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; float certainty_array[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; float rating_array[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; float rating; int char_index; NODE_REF dawg_node = 0; /* Pruning margin ratio */ rating_margin = ok_word / good_word; word[0] = '\0'; unichar_lengths[0] = 0; unichar_offsets[0] = 0; rating = class_probability (best_choice); for (char_index = 0; char_index < MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1; char_index++) rating_array[char_index] = NO_RATING; char_index = 0; if (!is_last_word () && hyphen_string) { strcpy(word, hyphen_string); strcpy(unichar_lengths, hyphen_unichar_lengths); memcpy(unichar_offsets, hyphen_unichar_offsets, (hyphen_base_size()) * sizeof (int)); unichar_offsets[hyphen_base_size()] = unichar_offsets[hyphen_base_size() - 1] + unichar_lengths[hyphen_base_size() - 1]; char_index = strlen (hyphen_unichar_lengths); if (permuter == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM) // Until dawg is a class, it is only safe to use set_hyphen_word // on a single dawg type, as it saves permuter state to use on another // word in hyphen_state, and this *must* apply to the same dawg. dawg_node = hyphen_state; } result = dawg_permute (dawg, dawg_node, permuter, character_choices, char_index, &rating, word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets, 0.0, 0.0, rating_array, certainty_array, is_last_word ()); if (display_ratings && result) { print_choices(string, result); } while (result != NIL) { if (best_probability (result) < class_probability (best_choice)) { clone_choice (best_choice, first_node (result)); } free_choice (first_node (result)); pop_off(result); } } /********************************************************************** * init_permdawg * * Initialize the variables needed by this file. **********************************************************************/ void init_permdawg_vars() { make_dawg_debug(); make_ok_word(); make_good_word(); make_freq_word(); } void init_permdawg() { STRING name; name = language_data_path_prefix; name += "freq-dawg"; frequent_words = read_squished_dawg(name.string()); } void end_permdawg() { memfree(frequent_words); frequent_words = NULL; } /********************************************************************** * test_freq_words() * * Tests a word against the frequent word dawg **********************************************************************/ int test_freq_words(const char *word) { return (word_in_dawg (frequent_words, word)); }