# typed: false # frozen_string_literal: true require "propshaft" require "jbuilder" require "solid_queue" require "mission_control/jobs" module Hephaestus class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Hephaestus config.generators.api_only = true GIT_SHA = case Rails.env when "production", "staging" ENV["GIT_SHA"] || "" when "development" %x(git rev-parse HEAD) when "test" "deadbeef" end.chomp require "hephaestus/http" initializer "hephaestus.add_middleware" do |app| Hephaestus::Engine.root.glob("lib/hephaestus/middleware/*.{rb}").each { |file| require_relative file } app.config.middleware.insert(0, Hephaestus::Middleware::TracingAttributes) app.config.middleware.insert(0, Hephaestus::Middleware::MalformedRequest) app.config.middleware.use(Hephaestus::Middleware::OpenapiValidation) end initializer :append_migrations do |app| unless app.root.to_s.match?(root.to_s) config.paths["db/migrate"].expanded.each do |expanded_path| app.config.paths["db/migrate"] << expanded_path ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths << expanded_path end end end class << self def insert_routes Rails.application.routes.draw do # Staff pages get("staff", to: "staff#index") constraints(->(request) { StaffController.staff_request?(request) }) do mount(MissionControl::Jobs::Engine, at: "staff/jobs", as: :staff_jobs) end ############################################# # error pages -- these MUST be at the end! ## ############################################# get("/500", to: "application#render500") if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging? match("/", to: "application#not_found", via: :all) match("/*unmatched_route", to: "application#not_found", via: :all) end end # we need to check if the 1Password CLI is installed and load it ASAP, # because it contains all the secrets def fetch_infra_secret(label:, default:) if productionish? op_read("op://Infra/Global Secrets/#{label}") else ENV.fetch(label, default.is_a?(Pathname) ? default.read : default) end end end def op_read(label) %x(#{include_sudo?}op read "#{label}").chomp.tap do raise "Failed to fetch `#{label}` from 1Password" unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end end def check_dependencies! raise "1Password CLI is not installed" unless cli_installed? end def cli_installed? %x(#{include_sudo?}op --version 2> /dev/null) $CHILD_STATUS.success? end def include_sudo? !Rails.env.local? ? "sudo -E " : "" end check_dependencies! unless Rails.env.local? end end