module Tap module Test # Used during check_audit to hold the sources and values of an audit # in the correct order. Oriented so that the next value to be checked # is at the top of the stack. Used internally. class AuditStack # :nodoc: attr_reader :test def initialize(test) @test = test @stack = [] end def load_audit(values) [values._sources, values._values].transpose.reverse_each do |sv| load(*sv) end end def load(source, value) @stack.unshift [source, value] end def next @stack.shift end end # Tap-specific testing methods to help with testing Tasks, such as the # checking of audits and test-specific modification of application # configuration. # # === Class Methods # # See {Test::Unit::TestCase}[link:classes/Test/Unit/TestCase.html] for documentation of the class methods added by TapMethods. module TapMethods # Returns the test-method-specific application. attr_reader :app # Setup creates a test-method-specific application that is initialized # to the method_root, and uses the directories and absolute paths from # trs (the test root structure, see Tap::Test::FileMethods). # # Also makes sure Tap::App.instance returns the test method app. def setup super @app = Tap::App.instance = @app end # # audit test methods # # Used to define expected audits in Tap::Test::TapMethods#assert_audit_equal class ExpAudit < Array end # Used to define merged audit trails in Tap::Test::TapMethods#assert_audit_equal class ExpMerge < Array end # Asserts that an array of audits are all equal, basically feeding # each pair of audits to assert_audit_equal. def assert_audits_equal(expected, audits) Utils.each_pair_with_index(expected, audits) do |exp, audit, index| assert_audit_equal(exp, audit, [index]) end end # Asserts that an audit is as expected. The expected audit should # be an ExpAudit (just a subclass of Array) that records the sources # and the values at each step in the audit trail. Proc objects can # be provided in place of expected records that are hard or impossible # to provide directly; the Proc will be used to validate the actual # record. Merges must be marked in the ExpAudit using ExpMerge. # # Simple assertion: # # a = # a._record(:a, 'a') # a._record(:b, 'b') # # e = ExpAudit[[:a, 'a'], [:b, 'b']] # assert_audit_equal(e, a) # # Assertion validating a record with a Proc (any number of # records can be validated with a Proc): # # a = # a._record(:a, 'a') # a._record(:b, 'b') # # e = ExpAudit[ # lambda {|source, value| source == :a && value == 'a'}, # [:b, 'b']] # assert_audit_equal(e, a) # # Assertion with merge: # # a = # a._record(:a, 'a') # a._record(:b, 'b') # # b = # b._record(:c, 'c') # b._record(:d, 'd') # # c = Tap::Support::Audit.merge(a,b) # c._record(:e, 'e') # c._record(:f, 'f') # # ea = ExpAudit[[:a, "a"], [:b, "b"]] # eb = ExpAudit[[:c, "c"], [:d, "d"]] # e = ExpAudit[ExpMerge[ea, eb], [:e, "e"], [:f, "f"]] # # assert_audit_equal(e, c) # # When assert_audit_equal fails, a string of indicies is provided # to help locate which record was unequal. For instance in the last # example, say we used: # # ea = ExpAudit[[:a, "a"], [:b, "FLUNK"]] # eb = ExpAudit[[:c, "c"], [:d, "d"]] # e = ExpAudit[ExpMerge[ea, eb], [:e, "e"], [:f, "f"]] # # The failure message will read something like 'unequal record 0:0:1' # indicating it was e[0][0][1] that failed. Working through it, # remembering that ExpAudit and ExpMerge are just subclasses of # Array: # # e # => ExpAudit[ExpMerge[ea, eb], [:e, "e"], [:f, "f"]] # e[0] # => ExpMerge[ea, eb] # e[0][0] # => ExpAudit[[:a, "a"], [:b, "FLUNK"]] # e[0][0][1] # => [:b, "FLUNK"] # def assert_audit_equal(expected, audit, nesting=[]) actual = audit._collect_records {|source, value| [source, value]} assert_audit_records_equal(expected, actual, nesting) end def assert_audit_records_equal(expected, actual, nesting=[]) assert_equal ExpAudit, expected.class assert_equal expected.length, actual.length, "unequal number of records" expected.each_with_index do |exp_record, i| case exp_record when ExpMerge flunk "empty merge #{(nesting + [i]).join(':')}" if exp_record.empty? exp_record.each_with_index do |exp_audit, j| assert_audit_records_equal(exp_audit, actual[i][j], nesting + [i,j]) end when Proc assert*actual[i]), "unconfirmed record #{(nesting + [i]).join(':')}" else assert_equal exp_record, actual[i], "unequal record #{(nesting + [i]).join(':')}" end end end # The configurations used to initialize def app_config { :root => method_root, :directories => trs.directories, :absolute_paths => trs.absolute_paths, :quiet => true, :debug => true} end # Reconfigures app with the input configurations for the # duration of the block. # # app = => true, :debug => false) # with_config({:quiet => false}, app) do # app.quiet # => false # app.debug # => false # end # # app.quiet # => true # app.debug # => false # def with_config(config={},, &block) begin hold = app.config.to_hash app.reconfigure(config) yield block if block_given? ensure app.send(:initialize_config, hold) end end end end end