require 'dock_health_api' require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe DockHealthApi::Organization do let (:organization) { {domain: "TestOrg",name:"TESTORG", identifier: "908"}} let (:update_organization) { {domain: "TestOrg",name:"TESTORG!", identifier: "908"}} let (:id) {"6ec62151-e64a-42b0-809a-9f5d7eecdae7"} describe '#list' do context "list all organizations" do it 'should list all organization' do response = DockHealthApi::Organization.list expect(response.first.is_a?(DockHealthApi::Organization)) end end end describe '#create' do context "create a new organization" do xit 'should create a organization' do response = DockHealthApi::Organization.create(organization) expect(response["domain"]).to eq(organization[:domain]) end end end describe '#get' do context "get a specfic organization" do it 'should get the organization' do response = DockHealthApi::Organization.get(id) expect(response["domain"]).to eq(organization[:domain]) end end end describe '#update' do context "update a specific organization" do it 'should update the organization first name' do params = update_organization.merge!({id:id}) revert = organization.merge!({id: id}) response = DockHealthApi::Organization.update(params) expect(response["domain"]).to eq(update_organization[:domain]) DockHealthApi::Organization.update(revert) end end end describe '#delete' do context "delete a specific organization" do xit 'should delete the organization' do response = DockHealthApi::Organization.delete({id: id}) expect(response).to eq("") end end end end