# Nucleotide Codons Write a function that returns the name of an amino acid a particular codon, possibly using shorthand, encodes for. In DNA sequences of 3 nucleotides, called codons, encode for amino acids. Often several codons encode for the same amino acid. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry developed a shorthand system for designating groups of codons that encode for the same amino acid. Simply put they've expanded the four letters A, C, G and T with a bunch of letters that stand for different possibilities. For example R means A and G. So TAR stands for TAA and TAG (think of "TAR" as "TA[AG]" in regex notation). Write some code that given a codon, which may use shorthand, returns the name of the amino acid that that codon encodes for. You will be given a list of non-shorthand-codon/name pairs to base your computation on. See: [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_codon_table). ## Rust Installation Refer to the [exercism help page][help-page] for Rust installation and learning resources. ## Writing the Code Execute the tests with: ```bash $ cargo test ``` All but the first test have been ignored. After you get the first test to pass, remove the ignore flag (`#[ignore]`) from the next test and get the tests to pass again. The test file is located in the `tests` directory. You can also remove the ignore flag from all the tests to get them to run all at once if you wish. Make sure to read the [Modules](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch07-00-modules.html) chapter if you haven't already, it will help you with organizing your files. ## Feedback, Issues, Pull Requests The [exercism/rust](https://github.com/exercism/rust) repository on GitHub is the home for all of the Rust exercises. If you have feedback about an exercise, or want to help implement new exercises, head over there and create an issue. Members of the [rust track team](https://github.com/orgs/exercism/teams/rust) are happy to help! If you want to know more about Exercism, take a look at the [contribution guide](https://github.com/exercism/docs/blob/master/contributing-to-language-tracks/README.md). [help-page]: http://exercism.io/languages/rust [modules]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch07-00-modules.html [cargo]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch14-00-more-about-cargo.html ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.