/** * @class ExtMVC.test.TestClient * @extends Ext.util.Observable * Simple client which interacts with a test server, polling for new tests to run and posting results */ ExtMVC.test.TestClient = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.applyIf(config, { /** * @property currentCallbackId * @type Number * The current callback number. This is incremented on every request, and allows for a unique */ currentCallbackId: 1, /** * @property lastChangesReceived * @type Date * Time the last changes array was received from the server */ lastChangesReceived: new Date() }); Ext.apply(this, config); ExtMVC.test.TestClient.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.initEvents(); this.initListeners(); /** * @property runner * @type ExtMVC.test.TestRunner * The test runner instance used to actually run the tests */ this.runner = new ExtMVC.test.TestRunner(); this.runner.on('finished', this.postResults, this); this.loadTestFiles(); Ext.TaskMgr.start({ interval: 1000, scope : this, run : function() { this.jsonpRequest("", { since: Math.floor(this.lastChangesReceived.getTime() / 1000) }, this.onChangePoll); } }); }, /** * Sets up events emitted by TestClient */ initEvents: function() { this.addEvents( /** * @event results-posted * Fires when results have been successfully sent to the test server * @param {Object} stats The stats object that was sent */ 'results-posted', /** * @event changes-received * Fires when the server has notified this client that files have changed and the appropriate * suites must be run again * @param {Array} changes The files that have changed */ 'changes-received' ); }, /** * Sets up internal listeners */ initListeners: function() { this.on('changes-received', this.onChangesReceived, this); }, /** * Retrieves the array of all test files from the server, then tells JSpec to run them * @param {Boolean} autoRun True to run test files as soon as they are loaded (defaults to true) */ loadTestFiles: function() { this.jsonpRequest('', {}, function(response) { this.runner.addTests(response.files); this.runner.runTests(); }); }, /** * Posts results back to the server * @param {Object} stats Stats object */ postResults: function(stats) { this.jsonpRequest('', stats, function() { this.fireEvent('results-posted', stats); var runner = this.runner; if (stats.failures == 0 && runner.hasRecentFailures && !runner.fullRun) { console.log('running full suite after failures'); // runner.runTests(); }; }); }, /** * Called after the client has polled the server for changes. Fires the 'changes-received' event if any files have changed * @param {Object} response The server response, should include a 'changes' property with an array of changes */ onChangePoll: function(response) { var changes = response.files; if (Ext.isArray(changes) && changes.length > 0) { this.fireEvent('changes-received', changes); }; }, /** * Called when the server has indicated that app or spec files have been modified. * Runs the test suite again. * @param {Array} changes The array of changed file names */ onChangesReceived: function(changes) { this.lastChangesReceived = new Date(); this.runner.runTests(changes); }, jsonpRequest: function(url, params, callback, scope) { scope = scope || this; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var callbackName = "stProxyCallback" + this.currentCallbackId; this.currentCallbackId += 1; window[callbackName] = function() { callback.apply(scope, arguments); }; var urlParams = ["callback=" + callbackName]; Ext.iterate(params, function(key, value) { urlParams.push(String.format("{0}={1}", key, value)); }, this); url = String.format("{0}?{1}", url, urlParams.join("&")); head.appendChild( this.buildScriptTag(url) ); }, buildScriptTag: function(filename, callback) { callback = callback || Ext.emptyFn; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = filename; //IE has a different way of handling