module Netzke # Handles all the intricate matters of component configuration. # TODO: simplify! module Configuration extend ActiveSupport::Concern CONFIGURATION_LEVELS = [:default, :initial, :independent, :session, :final] included do CONFIGURATION_LEVELS.each do |level| define_method("weak_#{level}_options"){ {} } end end module ClassMethods def setup yield self end # Config options that should not go to the client side def server_side_config_options [:lazy_loading, :class_name, :components] end def config(*args, &block) level = args.first.is_a?(Symbol) ? args.first : :final config_hash = args.last.is_a?(Hash) && args.last raise ArgumentError, "Config hash or block required" if !block_given? && !config_hash if block_given? define_method(:"weak_#{level}_options", &block) else define_method(:"weak_#{level}_options") do config_hash end end end # Used to define class-level configuration options for a component, e.g.: # # class Netzke::Basepack::GridPanel < Netzke::Base # class_config_option :rows_reordering_available, true # ... # end # # This can later be set in the application configuration: # # module RailsApp # class Application < Rails::Application # config.netzke.basepack.grid_panel.rows_reordering_available = false # ... # end # end # # Configuration options can be accessed as class attributes: # # Netzke::Basepack::GridPanel.rows_reordering_available # => false def class_config_option(name, default_value) value = if app_level_config.has_key?(name.to_sym) if app_level_config[name.to_sym].is_a?(Hash) && default_value.is_a?(Hash) default_value.deep_merge(app_level_config[name.to_sym]) else app_level_config[name.to_sym] end else default_value end class_attribute(name.to_sym) self.send("#{name}=", value) end protected def app_level_config @app_level_config ||= class_ancestors.inject({}) do |r,klass| r.deep_merge(klass.app_level_config_excluding_parents) end end def app_level_config_excluding_parents path_parts = name.split("::").map(&:underscore)[1..-1] if path_parts.present? path_parts.inject(Netzke::Core.config) do |r,part| r.send(part) end else {} end end end module InstanceMethods # Default config - before applying any passed configuration def default_config @default_config ||= {}.merge(weak_default_options).merge(self.class.default_instance_config).merge(self.class.read_inheritable_attribute(:default_config) || {}) end # Static, hardcoded config. Consists of default values merged with config that was passed during instantiation def initial_config @initial_config ||= default_config.merge(weak_initial_options).merge(@passed_config) end # Config that is not overridden by parents and sessions def independent_config @independent_config ||= initial_config.merge(weak_independent_options).merge(initial_config[:persistence] ? persistent_options : {}) end def session_config @session_config ||= independent_config.merge(weak_session_options).merge(session_options) end # Last level config, overridden only by ineritance def final_config @strong_config ||= session_config.merge(weak_final_options).merge(strong_parent_config) end def configuration final_config end # Resulting config that takes into account all possible ways to configure a component. *Read only*. # Translates into something like this: # # default_config. # deep_merge(@passed_config). # deep_merge(persistent_options). # deep_merge(strong_parent_config). # deep_merge(strong_session_config) # # Moved out to a separate method in order to provide for easy caching. # *Do not override this method*, use +Base.config+ instead. def config @config ||= configuration end def flat_config(key = nil) fc = config.flatten_with_type key.nil? ? fc :{ |c| c[:name] == key.to_sym }.first.try(:value) end def strong_parent_config @strong_parent_config ||= parent.nil? ? {} : parent.strong_children_config end def flat_independent_config(key = nil) fc = independent_config.flatten_with_type key.nil? ? fc :{ |c| c[:name] == key.to_sym }.first.try(:value) end def flat_default_config(key = nil) fc = default_config.flatten_with_type key.nil? ? fc :{ |c| c[:name] == key.to_sym }.first.try(:value) end def flat_initial_config(key = nil) fc = initial_config.flatten_with_type key.nil? ? fc :{ |c| c[:name] == key.to_sym }.first.try(:value) end # Like normal config, but stored in session # def weak_session_config # component_session[:weak_session_config] ||= {} # end # # def strong_session_config # component_session[:strong_session_config] ||= {} # end # configuration of all children will get deep_merge'd with strong_children_config # def strong_children_config= (c) # @strong_children_config = c # end # This config will be picked up by all the descendants def strong_children_config @strong_children_config ||= parent.nil? ? {} : parent.strong_children_config end # configuration of all children will get reverse_deep_merge'd with weak_children_config # def weak_children_config= (c) # @weak_children_config = c # end def weak_children_config @weak_children_config ||= {} end end end end