// CSS for jQuery Orbit Plugin 1.4.0 // Maintained for Foundation. foundation.zurb.com // Free to use under the MIT license. // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // Orbit container //------------------------------------------------- div.orbit-wrapper width: 1px height: 1px position: relative div.orbit width: 1px height: 1px position: relative overflow: hidden &.with-bullets margin-bottom: 40px .orbit-slide max-width: 100% position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 a.orbit-slide border: none line-height: 0 display: none div.orbit-slide width: 100% height: 100% // If your slider only uses content or anchors, you're going to want to put the width and height declarations on the .orbit > div and div.orbit > a tags in addition to just the .orbit-wrapper // Timer //-------------------------------------------------- div.orbit-wrapper div.timer width: 40px height: 40px overflow: hidden position: absolute top: 10px right: 10px +opacity(0.6) cursor: pointer z-index: 31 span.rotator display: block width: 40px height: 40px position: absolute top: 0 left: -20px background: image-url('orbit/rotator-black.png') no-repeat z-index: 3 &.move left: 0 span.mask display: block width: 20px height: 40px position: absolute top: 0 right: 0 z-index: 2 overflow: hidden &.move width: 40px left: 0 background: image-url('orbit/timer-black.png') repeat 0 0 span.pause display: block width: 40px height: 40px position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 background: image-url('orbit/pause-black.png') no-repeat z-index: 4 +opacity(0) &.active background: image-url('orbit/pause-black.png') no-repeat 0 -40px div.timer:hover span.pause, span.pause.active +opacity(1) // Orbit captions //------------------------------------------------- .orbit-caption display: none +HelveticaFontStack .orbit-wrapper .orbit-caption background: #000 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6) z-index: 30 color: #fff text-align: center padding: 7px 0 +font-size(13) position: absolute right: 0 bottom: 0 width: 100% // Directional Nav //---------------------------------------------------- div.orbit-wrapper div.slider-nav display: block span width: 78px height: 100px text-indent: -99999px position: absolute z-index: 30 top: 50% margin-top: -50px cursor: pointer &.right background: image-url('orbit/right-arrow.png') right: 0 &.left background: image-url('orbit/left-arrow.png') left: 0 // Bullet Nav //-------------------------------------------------- ul.orbit-bullets position: absolute z-index: 30 list-style: none bottom: -40px left: 50% margin-left: -50px padding: 0 li float: left margin-left: 5px cursor: pointer color: #999 text-indent: -99999px background: image-url('orbit/bullets.jpg') no-repeat 4px 0 width: 13px height: 12px overflow: hidden &.active color: #222 background-position: -8px 0 &.has-thumb background: none width: 100px height: 75px &.active &.has-thumb background-position: 0 0 border-top: solid 2px $black // Fluid Layout //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- div.orbit img.fluid-placeholder visibility: hidden position: static display: block width: 100% div.orbit, div.orbit-wrapper width: 100% !important ul.orbit-bullets position: absolute z-index: 30 list-style: none bottom: -50px left: 50% margin-left: -50px padding: 0 li float: left margin-left: 5px cursor: pointer color: #999 text-indent: -9999px background: image-url('orbit/bullets.jpg') no-repeat 4px 0 width: 13px height: 12px overflow: hidden &.has-thumb background: none width: 100px height: 75px &.active color: #222 background-position: -8px 0 &.has-thumb background-position: 0 0 border-top: 2px solid #000 // Correct timer in IE .timer display: none !important div.caption background: transparent filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000,endColorstr=#99000000) zoom: 1