# HTML::Pipeline, LinuxFr.org edition LinuxFr.org uses markdown as its wiki syntax, but with some differences with the standard markdown: * the heading levels for titles range from `<h2>` to `<h5>` * `[[Foobar]]` is transformed to a link to wikipedia (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar) * URL are automatically transformed in links * words with several underscores are left unchanged (no italics) * PHP Markdown Extra-style tables are supported * external images are proxified * `$ eqn $` and `$$ eqn $$` are transformed to SVG (TeX maths support) * and some other extensions To do that, I hacked the html-pipeline from Github to remove some dependencies and use custom filters. ---- The README.md of the original html-pipeline: # HTML::Pipeline GitHub HTML processing filters and utilities. This module includes a small framework for defining DOM based content filters and applying them to user provided content. Read an introduction about this project in [this blog post](https://github.com/blog/1311-html-pipeline-chainable-content-filters). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'html-pipeline' ``` And then execute: ```sh $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```sh $ gem install html-pipeline ``` ## Usage This library provides a handful of chainable HTML filters to transform user content into markup. A filter takes an HTML string or `Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment`, optionally manipulates it, and then outputs the result. For example, to transform Markdown source into Markdown HTML: ```ruby require 'html/pipeline' filter = HTML::Pipeline::MarkdownFilter.new("Hi **world**!") filter.call ``` Filters can be combined into a pipeline which causes each filter to hand its output to the next filter's input. So if you wanted to have content be filtered through Markdown and be syntax highlighted, you can create the following pipeline: ```ruby pipeline = HTML::Pipeline.new [ HTML::Pipeline::MarkdownFilter, HTML::Pipeline::SyntaxHighlightFilter ] result = pipeline.call <<-CODE This is *great*: some_code(:first) CODE result[:output].to_s ``` Prints: ```html <p>This is <em>great</em>:</p> <div class="highlight"> <pre><span class="n">some_code</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="ss">:first</span><span class="p">)</span> </pre> </div> ``` Some filters take an optional **context** and/or **result** hash. These are used to pass around arguments and metadata between filters in a pipeline. For example, if you want don't want to use GitHub formatted Markdown, you can pass an option in the context hash: ```ruby filter = HTML::Pipeline::MarkdownFilter.new("Hi **world**!", :gfm => false) filter.call ``` ## Filters * `MentionFilter` - replace `@user` mentions with links * `AbsoluteSourceFilter` - replace relative image urls with fully qualified versions * `AutoLinkFilter` - auto_linking urls in HTML * `CamoFilter` - replace http image urls with [camo-fied](https://github.com/atmos/camo) https versions * `EmailReplyFilter` - util filter for working with emails * `EmojiFilter` - everyone loves [emoji](http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/)! * `HttpsFilter` - HTML Filter for replacing http github urls with https versions. * `ImageMaxWidthFilter` - link to full size image for large images * `MarkdownFilter` - convert markdown to html * `PlainTextInputFilter` - html escape text and wrap the result in a div * `SanitizationFilter` - whitelist sanitize user markup * `SyntaxHighlightFilter` - [code syntax highlighter](#syntax-highlighting) * `TextileFilter` - convert textile to html * `TableOfContentsFilter` - anchor headings with name attributes ## Syntax highlighting `SyntaxHighlightFilter` uses [github-linguist](https://github.com/github/linguist) to detect and highlight languages. It isn't included as a dependency by default because it's a large dependency and [a hassle to build on heroku](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline/issues/33). To use the filter, add the following to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'github-linguist' ``` ## Examples We define different pipelines for different parts of our app. Here are a few paraphrased snippets to get you started: ```ruby # The context hash is how you pass options between different filters. # See individual filter source for explanation of options. context = { :asset_root => "http://your-domain.com/where/your/images/live/icons", :base_url => "http://your-domain.com" } # Pipeline providing sanitization and image hijacking but no mention # related features. SimplePipeline = Pipeline.new [ SanitizationFilter, TableOfContentsFilter, # add 'name' anchors to all headers CamoFilter, ImageMaxWidthFilter, SyntaxHighlightFilter, EmojiFilter, AutolinkFilter ], context # Pipeline used for user provided content on the web MarkdownPipeline = Pipeline.new [ MarkdownFilter, SanitizationFilter, CamoFilter, ImageMaxWidthFilter, HttpsFilter, MentionFilter, EmojiFilter, SyntaxHighlightFilter ], context.merge(:gfm => true) # enable github formatted markdown # Define a pipeline based on another pipeline's filters NonGFMMarkdownPipeline = Pipeline.new(MarkdownPipeline.filters, context.merge(:gfm => false)) # Pipelines aren't limited to the web. You can use them for email # processing also. HtmlEmailPipeline = Pipeline.new [ ImageMaxWidthFilter ], {} # Just emoji. EmojiPipeline = Pipeline.new [ HTMLInputFilter, EmojiFilter ], context ``` ## Extending To write a custom filter, you need a class with a `call` method that inherits from `HTML::Pipeline::Filter`. For example this filter adds a base url to images that are root relative: ```ruby require 'uri' class RootRelativeFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter def call doc.search("img").each do |img| next if img['src'].nil? src = img['src'].strip if src.start_with? '/' img["src"] = URI.join(context[:base_url], src).to_s end end doc end end ``` Now this filter can be used in a pipeline: ```ruby Pipeline.new [ RootRelativeFilter ], { :base_url => 'http://somehost.com' } ``` ## Instrumenting Filters and Pipelines can be set up to be instrumented when called. The pipeline must be setup with an [ActiveSupport::Notifications] (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Notifications.html) compatible service object and a name. New pipeline objects will default to the `HTML::Pipeline.default_instrumentation_service` object. ``` ruby # the AS::Notifications-compatible service object service = ActiveSupport::Notifications # instrument a specific pipeline pipeline = HTML::Pipeline.new [MarkdownFilter], context pipeline.setup_instrumentation "MarkdownPipeline", service # or set default instrumentation service for all new pipelines HTML::Pipeline.default_instrumentation_service = service pipeline = HTML::Pipeline.new [MarkdownFilter], context pipeline.setup_instrumentation "MarkdownPipeline" ``` Filters are instrumented when they are run through the pipeline. A `call_filter.html_pipeline` event is published once the filter finishes. The `payload` should include the `filter` name. Each filter will trigger its own instrumentation call. ``` ruby service.subscribe "call_filter.html_pipeline" do |event, start, ending, transaction_id, payload| payload[:pipeline] #=> "MarkdownPipeline", set with `setup_instrumentation` payload[:filter] #=> "MarkdownFilter" payload[:context] #=> context Hash payload[:result] #=> instance of result class payload[:result][:output] #=> output HTML String or Nokogiri::DocumentFragment end ``` The full pipeline is also instrumented: ``` ruby service.subscribe "call_pipeline.html_pipeline" do |event, start, ending, transaction_id, payload| payload[:pipeline] #=> "MarkdownPipeline", set with `setup_instrumentation` payload[:filters] #=> ["MarkdownFilter"] payload[:doc] #=> HTML String or Nokogiri::DocumentFragment payload[:context] #=> context Hash payload[:result] #=> instance of result class payload[:result][:output] #=> output HTML String or Nokogiri::DocumentFragment end ``` ## Documentation Full reference documentation can be [found here](http://rubydoc.info/gems/html-pipeline/frames). ## Development To see what has changed in recent versions, see the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). ```sh bundle rake test ``` ## Contributing 1. [Fork it](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new [Pull Request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests) ## Contributors Thanks to all of [these contributors](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline/graphs/contributors). Project is a member of the [OSS Manifesto](http://ossmanifesto.org/).