require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' module Puppet::Pops module Types describe 'The Init Type' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include_context 'types_setup' context 'when used in Puppet expressions' do it 'an unparameterized type can be used' do code = <<-CODE notice(type(Init)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['Type[Init]']) end it 'a parameterized type can be used' do code = <<-CODE notice(type(Init[Integer])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['Type[Init[Integer]]']) end it 'a parameterized type can have additional arguments' do code = <<-CODE notice(type(Init[Integer, 16])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['Type[Init[Integer, 16]]']) end (all_types - abstract_types - internal_types).map { |tc| }.each do |type_name| it "can be created on a #{type_name}" do code = <<-CODE notice(type(Init[#{type_name}])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["Type[Init[#{type_name}]]"]) end end (abstract_types - internal_types).map { |tc| }.each do |type_name| it "cannot be created on a #{type_name}" do code = <<-CODE type(Init[#{type_name}]('x')) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(/Creation of new instance of type '#{type_name}' is not supported/) end end it 'an Init[Integer, 16] can create an instance from a String' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Integer, 16]('100')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['256']) end it "an Init[String,'%x'] can create an instance from an Integer" do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String,'%x'](128)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['80']) end it "an Init[String,23] raises an error because no available dispatcher exists" do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String,23](128)) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error( /The type 'Init\[String, 23\]' does not represent a valid set of parameters for String\.new\(\)/) end it 'an Init[String] can create an instance from an Integer' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String](128)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['128']) end it 'an Init[String] can create an instance from an array with an Integer' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String]([128])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['128']) end it 'an Init[String] can create an instance from an array with an Integer and a format' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String]([128, '%x'])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['80']) end it 'an Init[String] can create an instance from an array with an array' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String]([[128, '%x']])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["[128, '%x']"]) end it 'an Init[Binary] can create an instance from a string' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Binary]('b25lIHR3byB0aHJlZQ==')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['b25lIHR3byB0aHJlZQ==']) end it 'an Init[String] can not create an instance from an Integer and a format unless given as an array argument' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[String](128, '%x')) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(/'new_Init' expects 1 argument, got 2/) end it 'the array [128] is an instance of Init[String]' do code = <<-CODE notice(assert_type(Init[String], [128])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['[128]']) end it 'the value 128 is an instance of Init[String]' do code = <<-CODE notice(assert_type(Init[String], 128)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['128']) end it "the array [128] is an instance of Init[String]" do code = <<-CODE notice(assert_type(Init[String], [128])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['[128]']) end it "the array [128, '%x'] is an instance of Init[String]" do code = <<-CODE notice(assert_type(Init[String], [128, '%x'])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['[128, %x]']) end it "the array [[128, '%x']] is an instance of Init[String]" do code = <<-CODE notice(assert_type(Init[String], [[128, '%x']])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['[[128, %x]]']) end it 'RichData is assignable to Init' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init > RichData) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['true']) end it 'Runtime is not assignable to Init' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init > Runtime['ruby', 'Time']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['false']) end it 'Init is not assignable to RichData' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init < RichData) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['false']) end it 'Init[T1] is assignable to Init[T2] when T1 is assignable to T2' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Integer] < Init[Numeric]) notice(Init[Tuple[Integer]] < Init[Array[Integer]]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['true', 'true']) end it 'Init[T1] is not assignable to Init[T2] unless T1 is assignable to T2' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Integer] > Init[Numeric]) notice(Init[Tuple[Integer]] > Init[Array[Integer]]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['false', 'false']) end it 'T is assignable to Init[T]' do code = <<-CODE notice(Integer < Init[Integer]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['true']) end it 'T1 is assignable to Init[T2] if T2 can be created from instance of T1' do code = <<-CODE notice(Integer < Init[String]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['true']) end it 'a RichData value is an instance of Init' do code = <<-CODE notice( String(assert_type(Init, { 'a' => [ 1, 2, Sensitive(3) ], 2 => Timestamp('2014-12-01T13:15:00') }), { Any => { format => '%s', string_formats => { Any => '%s' }}})) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['{a => [1, 2, Sensitive [value redacted]], 2 => 2014-12-01T13:15:00.000000000 UTC}']) end it 'an Init[Sensitive[String]] can create an instance from a String' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Sensitive[String]]('256')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['Sensitive [value redacted]']) end it 'an Init[Type] can create an instance from a String' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Type]('Integer[2,3]')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['Integer[2, 3]']) end it 'an Init[Type[Numeric]] can not create an unassignable type from a String' do code = <<-CODE notice(Init[Type[Numeric]]('String')) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error( /Converted value from Type\[Numeric\]\.new\(\) has wrong type, expects a Type\[Numeric\] value, got Type\[String\]/) end it 'an Init with a custom object type can create an instance from a Hash' do code = <<-CODE type MyType = Object[{ attributes => { granularity => String, price => String, category => Integer } }] notice(Init[MyType]({ granularity => 'fine', price => '$10', category => 23 })) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["MyType({'granularity' => 'fine', 'price' => '$10', 'category' => 23})"]) end it 'an Init with a custom object type and additional parameters can create an instance from a value' do code = <<-CODE type MyType = Object[{ attributes => { granularity => String, price => String, category => Integer } }] notice(Init[MyType,'$5',20]('coarse')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["MyType({'granularity' => 'coarse', 'price' => '$5', 'category' => 20})"]) end it 'an Init with a custom object with one Array parameter, can be created from an Array' do code = <<-CODE type MyType = Object[{ attributes => { array => Array[String] } }] notice(Init[MyType](['a'])) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["MyType({'array' => ['a']})"]) end it 'an Init type can be used recursively' do # Even if it doesn't make sense, it should not crash code = <<-CODE type One = Object[{ attributes => { init_one => Variant[Init[One],String] } }] notice(Init[One]('w')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(["One({'init_one' => 'w'})"]) end context 'computes if x is an instance such that' do %w(true false True False TRUE FALSE tRuE FaLsE Yes No yes no YES NO YeS nO y n Y N).each do |str| it "string '#{str}' is an instance of Init[Boolean]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[Boolean])")).to eql(['true']) end end it 'arbitrary string is not an instance of Init[Boolean]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('blue' =~ Init[Boolean])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'empty string is not an instance of Init[Boolean]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('' =~ Init[Boolean])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'undef string is not an instance of Init[Boolean]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice(undef =~ Init[Boolean])")).to eql(['false']) end %w(0 1 0634 0x3b -0xba 0b1001 +0b1111 23.14 -2.3 2e-21 1.23e18 -0.23e18).each do |str| it "string '#{str}' is an instance of Init[Numeric]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[Numeric])")).to eql(['true']) end end it 'non numeric string is not an instance of Init[Numeric]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('blue' =~ Init[Numeric])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'empty string is not an instance of Init[Numeric]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('' =~ Init[Numeric])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'undef is not an instance of Init[Numeric]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice(undef =~ Init[Numeric])")).to eql(['false']) end %w(0 1 0634 0x3b -0xba 0b1001 +0b1111 23.14 -2.3 2e-21 1.23e18 -0.23e18).each do |str| it "string '#{str}' is an instance of Init[Float]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[Float])")).to eql(['true']) end end it 'non numeric string is not an instance of Init[Float]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('blue' =~ Init[Float])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'empty string is not an instance of Init[Float]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('' =~ Init[Float])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'undef is not an instance of Init[Float]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice(undef =~ Init[Float])")).to eql(['false']) end %w(0 1 0634 0x3b -0xba 0b1001 0b1111).each do |str| it "string '#{str}' is an instance of Init[Integer]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[Integer])")).to eql(['true']) end end %w(23.14 -2.3 2e-21 1.23e18 -0.23e18).each do |str| it "valid float string '#{str}' is not an instance of Init[Integer]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[Integer])")).to eql(['false']) end end it 'non numeric string is not an instance of Init[Integer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('blue' =~ Init[Integer])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'empty string is not an instance of Init[Integer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('' =~ Init[Integer])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'undef is not an instance of Init[Integer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice(undef =~ Init[Integer])")).to eql(['false']) end %w(1.2.3 1.1.1-a3 1.2.3+b3 1.2.3-a3+b3).each do |str| it "string '#{str}' is an instance of Init[SemVer]" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('#{str}' =~ Init[SemVer])")).to eql(['true']) end end it 'non SemVer compliant string is not an instance of Init[SemVer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('blue' =~ Init[SemVer])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'empty string is not an instance of Init[SemVer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice('' =~ Init[SemVer])")).to eql(['false']) end it 'undef is not an instance of Init[SemVer]' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices("notice(undef =~ Init[SemVer])")).to eql(['false']) end end end end end end