h1. Release history This is a record of important changes that have occurred with each release. h2. Version numbering system We _strictly_ follow the RubyGems project's "rational versioning policy":http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7 since version 6.3.0. This @major.minor.build@ numbering policy "can be summarized":http://ablog.apress.com/?p=738 as follows: * an increase in the *major* number indicates that _functionally incompatible_ changes have occurred. Thus, what may have worked in the previous version may not work in the new one. * an increase in the *minor* number indicates that _functionally compatible_ changes have occurred. Thus, what worked in the previous version will work in the new one. * an increase in the *build* number indicates that the _underlying implementation_ has changed. The functionality has not changed and no features have been added. Thus, what worked in the previous version will work in the new one. <% @history.each do |entry| %> <%= format_history_entry entry %> <% end %>