require 'spec_helper' require 'ms/mass' require 'ms/mass/aa' require 'ms/ident/pepxml' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/modifications' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/spectrum_query' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/search_result' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/search_hit' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/search_hit/modification_info' describe "creating an MS::Ident::Pepxml" do include MS::Ident it "can be creating in a nested fashion reflecting internal structure" do tags_that_should_be_present = %w(msms_pipeline_analysis msms_run_summary sample_enzyme search_summary spectrum_query search_result search_hit modification_info mod_aminoacid_mass search_score) pepxml = do |msms_pipeline_analysis| msms_pipeline_analysis.merge!(:summary_xml => "020.xml") do |msms_run_summary| # prep the sample enzyme and search_summary msms_run_summary.merge!( :base_name => '/home/jtprince/dev/mspire/020', :ms_manufacturer => 'Thermo', :ms_model => 'LTQ Orbitrap', :ms_ionization => 'ESI', :ms_mass_analyzer => 'Ion Trap', :ms_detector => 'UNKNOWN' ) do |sample_enzyme, search_summary, spectrum_queries| sample_enzyme.merge!(:name=>'Trypsin',:cut=>'KR',:no_cut=>'P',:sense=>'C') search_summary.merge!( :base_name=>'/path/to/file/020', :search_engine => 'SEQUEST', :precursor_mass_type =>'monoisotopic', :fragment_mass_type => 'average' ) do |search_database, enzymatic_search_constraint, modifications, parameters| search_database.merge!(:local_path => '/path/to/db.fasta', :seq_type => 'AA') # note seq_type == type enzymatic_search_constraint.merge!( :enzyme => 'Trypsin', :max_num_internal_cleavages => 2, :min_number_termini => 2 ) modifications << :aminoacid => 'M', :massdiff => 15.9994, :mass => MS::Mass::AA::MONO['M']+15.9994, :variable => 'Y', :symbol => '*') # invented, for example, a protein terminating mod modifications << :terminus => 'c', :massdiff => 23.3333, :mass => MS::Mass::MONO['oh'] + 23.3333, :variable => 'Y', :symbol => '[', :protein_terminus => 'c', :description => 'leave protein_terminus off if not protein mod' ) modifications << :terminus => 'c', :massdiff => 25.42322, :mass => MS::Mass::MONO['h+'] + 25.42322, :variable => 'N', :symbol => ']', :description => 'example: c term mod' ) parameters.merge!( :fragment_ion_tolerance => 1.0000, :digest_mass_range => '600.0 3500.0', :enzyme_info => 'Trypsin(KR/P) 1 1 KR P', # etc.... ) end spectrum_query1 = :spectrum => '', :start_scan => 3, :end_scan => 3, :precursor_neutral_mass => 1120.93743421875, :assumed_charge => 1 ) do |search_results| search_result1 = do |search_hits| modpositions = [[1, 243.1559], [6, 167.0581], [7,181.085]].map do |pair|*pair) end # order(modified_peptide, mod_aminoacid_masses, :mod_nterm_mass, :mod_cterm_mass) # or can be set by hash mod_info ='Y#RLGGS#T#K', modpositions) search_hit1 = :hit_rank=>1, :peptide=>'YRLGGSTK', :peptide_prev_aa => "R", :peptide_next_aa => "K", :protein => "gi|16130113|ref|NP_416680.1|", :num_tot_proteins => 1, :num_matched_ions => 5, :tot_num_ions => 35, :calc_neutral_pep_mass => 1120.93163442, :massdiff => 0.00579979875010395, :num_tol_term => 2, :num_missed_cleavages => 1, :is_rejected => 0, :modification_info => mod_info) do |search_scores| search_scores.merge!(:xcorr => 0.12346, :deltacn => 0.7959, :deltacnstar => 0, :spscore => 29.85, :sprank => 1) end search_hits << search_hit1 end search_results << search_result1 end spectrum_queries << spectrum_query1 end end end xml = pepxml.to_xml tags_that_should_be_present.each do |tag| xml.should match(/<#{tag} ?/) end xml.should match( /<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>/ ) xml.should match( %r{<\?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/tools/bin/TPP/tpp/schema/pepXML_std.xsl"\?>} ) end end =begin # splits string on ' 'and matches the line found by find_line_regexp in # lines def match_modline_pieces(lines, find_line_regexp, string) pieces = string.split(' ').map {|v| /#{Regexp.escape(v)}/ } lines.each do |line| if line =~ find_line_regexp pieces.each do |piece| line.should =~ piece end end end end it 'gets modifications right in real run' do @out_files.each do |fn| fn.exist_as_a_file?.should be_true beginning = lines = beginning.split("\n") [ [/aminoacid="M"/, ''], ].each do |a,b| match_modline_pieces(lines, a, b) end [ '', '', '', '', '' ].each do |line| beginning.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape(line)}/ # "a modification info for a peptide") end end end end end =begin describe "MS::Ident::Pepxml created from small bioworks.xml" do spec_large do before(:all) do tf_mzxml_path = Tfiles_l + "/yeast_gly_mzXML" tf_params = Tfiles + "/bioworks32.params" tf_bioworks_xml = Tfiles + "/bioworks_small.xml" out_path = Tfiles @pepxml_objs = Sequest::Pepxml.set_from_bioworks(tf_bioworks_xml, :params => tf_params, :ms_data => tf_mzxml_path, :out_path => out_path) end it 'gets some spectrum queries' do @pepxml_objs.each do |obj| (obj.spectrum_queries.size > 2).should be_true (obj.spectrum_queries.first.search_results.first.search_hits.size > 0).should be_true end #@pepxml_objs.each do |pep| puts pep.to_pepxml end end end end describe Sequest::Pepxml, " created from large bioworks.xml" do # assert_equal_by_pairs (really any old array) def assert_equal_pairs(obj, arrs) arrs.each do |arr| #if obj.send(arr[1]) != arr[0] # puts "HELLO" # puts "OBJ answer" # p obj.send(arr[1]) # puts "ar0" # p arr[0] # puts "ar1" # p arr[1] #end if arr[0].is_a? Float obj.send(arr[1]).should be_close(arr[0], 0.0000000001) else obj.send(arr[1]).should == arr[0] end end end #swap the first to guys first def assert_equal_pairs_swapped(obj, arrs) arrs.each do |arr| arr[0], arr[1] = arr[1], arr[0] end assert_equal_pairs(obj, arrs) end spec_large do before(:all) do st = params = Tfiles + "/opd1/sequest.3.2.params" bioworks_xml = Tfiles_l + "/opd1/bioworks.000.oldparams.xml" mzxml_path = Tfiles_l + "/opd1" out_path = Tfiles @pepxml_version = 18 @pepxml_objs = Sequest::Pepxml.set_from_bioworks_xml(bioworks_xml, params, {:ms_data => mzxml_path, :out_path => out_path, :pepxml_version => @pepxml_version}) puts "- takes #{ - st} secs" end it 'extracts MSMSPipelineAnalysis' do ######## HMMMMM... Sequest::Pepxml.pepxml_version.should == @pepxml_version # MSMSPipelineAnalysis po = @pepxml_objs.first msms_pipeline = po.msms_pipeline_analysis msms_pipeline.xmlns.should == '' msms_pipeline.xmlns_xsi.should == '' msms_pipeline.xsi_schema_location.should == ' /tools/bin/TPP/tpp/schema/pepXML_v18.xsd' msms_pipeline.summary_xml.should == '000.xml' end it 'extracts MSmSRunSummary' do # MSMSRunSummary rs = @pepxml_objs.first.msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary rs.base_name.should =~ /\/000/ assert_equal_pairs(rs, [ ['ThermoFinnigan', :ms_manufacturer], ['LCQ Deca XP Plus', :ms_model], ['ESI', :ms_ionization], ['Ion Trap', :ms_mass_analyzer], ['UNKNOWN', :ms_detector], ['raw', :raw_data_type], ['.mzXML', :raw_data], ]) end it 'extracts SampleEnzyme' do # SampleEnzyme se = @pepxml_objs.first.msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.sample_enzyme assert_equal_pairs(se, [ ['Trypsin', :name], ['KR', :cut], [nil, :no_cut], ['C', :sense], ]) end it 'extracts SearchSummary' do # SearchSummary ss = @pepxml_objs.first.msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.search_summary ss.is_a?(Sequest::Pepxml::SearchSummary).should be_true ss.base_name.should =~ /\/000/ ss.peptide_mass_tol.should =~ /1\.500/ assert_equal_pairs_swapped(ss, [ # normal attributes [:search_engine, "SEQUEST"], [:precursor_mass_type, "average"], [:fragment_mass_type, "average"], [:out_data_type, "out"], [:out_data, ".tgz"], [:search_id, "1"], # enzymatic_search_constraint [:enzyme, 'Trypsin'], [:max_num_internal_cleavages, '2'], [:min_number_termini, '2'], # parameters [:fragment_ion_tol, "1.0000"], [:ion_series, "0 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0"], [:max_num_differential_AA_per_mod, "3"], [:nucleotide_reading_frame, "0"], [:num_output_lines, "10"], [:remove_precursor_peak, "0"], [:ion_cutoff_percentage, "0.0000"], [:match_peak_count, "0"], [:match_peak_allowed_error, "1"], [:match_peak_tolerance, "1.0000"], [:protein_mass_filter, "0 0"], ]) end it 'extracts SearchDatabase' do # SearchDatabase sd = @pepxml_objs.first.msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.search_summary.search_database sd.is_a?(Sequest::Pepxml::SearchDatabase).should be_true assert_equal_pairs_swapped(sd, [ [:local_path, "C:\\Xcalibur\\database\\ecoli_K12.fasta"], [:seq_type, 'AA'], ]) end it 'returns SpectrumQueries' do # SpectrumQueries sq = @pepxml_objs.first.msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.spectrum_queries spec = sq.first assert_equal_pairs_swapped(spec, [ [:spectrum, ""], [:start_scan, "100"], [:end_scan, "100"], #[:precursor_neutral_mass, "1074.5920"], # out2summary [:precursor_neutral_mass, 1074.666926], # mine [:assumed_charge, 1], [:index, "1"], ]) sh = spec.search_results.first.search_hits.first assert_equal_pairs_swapped(sh, [ # normal attributes [:hit_rank, 1], [:peptide, "SIYFRNFK"], [:peptide_prev_aa, "R"], [:peptide_next_aa, "G"], [:protein, "gi|16130084|ref|NP_416651.1|"], [:num_tot_proteins, 1], [:num_matched_ions, 4], [:tot_num_ions, 14], #[:calc_neutral_pep_mass, "1074.1920"], # out2summary [:calc_neutral_pep_mass, 1074.23261], # mine #[:massdiff, "+0.400000"], # out2summary [:massdiff, 0.434316000000081], # mine [:num_tol_term, 2], [:num_missed_cleavages, 1], [:is_rejected, 0], # search_score [:xcorr, 0.4], [:deltacn, 0.023], [:deltacnstar, "0"], [:spscore, 78.8], [:sprank, 1], ]) spec = sq[1] assert_equal_pairs_swapped(spec, [ [:spectrum, "000.1000.1000.1"], [:start_scan, "1000"], [:end_scan, "1000"], #[:precursor_neutral_mass, "663.1920"], # out2summary [:precursor_neutral_mass, 663.206111], # mine [:assumed_charge, 1], [:index, "2"], ]) sh = spec.search_results.first.search_hits.first assert_equal_pairs_swapped(sh, [ # normal attributes [:hit_rank, 1], [:peptide, "ALADFK"], [:peptide_prev_aa, "R"], [:peptide_next_aa, "S"], [:protein, "gi|16128765|ref|NP_415318.1|"], [:num_tot_proteins, 1], [:num_matched_ions, 5], [:tot_num_ions, 10], [:num_tol_term, 2], [:num_missed_cleavages, 0], [:is_rejected, 0], #[:massdiff, "-0.600000"], # out2summary [:massdiff, -0.556499000000031], # mine #[:calc_neutral_pep_mass, 663.7920], # out2summary [:calc_neutral_pep_mass, 663.76261], # mine # search_score [:xcorr, 0.965], [:deltacn, 0.132], [:deltacnstar, "0"], [:spscore, 81.1], [:sprank, 1], ]) spec = sq[9] assert_equal_pairs_swapped(spec, [ [:spectrum, "000.1008.1008.2"], [:start_scan, "1008"], [:end_scan, "1008"], [:assumed_charge, 2], #[:precursor_neutral_mass, "691.0920"], # out2summary [:precursor_neutral_mass, 691.150992], # mine ]) sh = spec.search_results.first.search_hits.first assert_equal_pairs_swapped(sh, [ # normal attributes [:hit_rank, 1], [:peptide, "RLFTR"], [:peptide_prev_aa, "R"], [:peptide_next_aa, "A"], [:protein, "gi|16130457|ref|NP_417027.1|"], [:num_tot_proteins, 1], [:num_matched_ions, 5], [:tot_num_ions, 8], [:num_tol_term, 2], #[:num_missed_cleavages, "0"], # out2summary misses this! [:num_missed_cleavages, 1], [:is_rejected, 0], #[:calc_neutral_pep_mass, "691.7920"], # out2summary [:calc_neutral_pep_mass, 691.82261], # mine #[:massdiff, "-0.700000"], # out2summary [:massdiff, -0.67161800000008], # mine # search_score [:xcorr, 0.903], [:deltacn, 0.333], [:deltacnstar, "0"], [:spscore, 172.8], [:sprank, 1], ]) end it 'can generate correct pepxml file' do ## IF OUR OBJECT IS CORRECT, THEN WE GET THE OUTPUT: string = @pepxml_objs.first.to_pepxml ans_lines = + "/opd1/000.my_answer.100lines.xml").split("\n") base_name_re = /base_name=".*?files\//o date_re = /date=".*?"/ string.split("\n").each_with_index do |line,i| if i > 99 ; break end ans, exp = if i == 1 [line.sub(date_re,''), ans_lines[i].sub(date_re,'')] elsif i == 2 [line.sub(base_name_re,''), ans_lines[i].sub(base_name_re, '').sub(/^\s+/, "\t")] elsif i == 6 [line.sub(base_name_re,''), ans_lines[i].sub(base_name_re, '').sub(/^\s+/, "\t\t")] else [line, ans_lines[i]] end #ans.split('').zip(exp.split('')) do |l,a| # if l != a # puts line # puts ans_lines[i] # puts l # puts a # end #end if ans != exp puts ans puts exp end ans.should == exp #line.sub(base_name_re,'').should == ans_lines[i].sub(base_name_re,'') end end end end describe Sequest::Pepxml::Modifications do before(:each) do tf_params = Tfiles + "/bioworks32.params" @params = # The params object here is completely unnecessary for this test, except # that it sets up the mass table @obj =, "(M* +15.90000) (M# +29.00000) (S@ +80.00000) (C^ +12.00000) (ct[ +12.33000) (nt] +14.20000) ") end it 'creates a mod_symbols_hash' do answ = {[:C, 12.0]=>"^", [:S, 80.0]=>"@", [:M, 29.0]=>"#", [:M, 15.9]=>"*", [:ct, 12.33]=>"[", [:nt, 14.2]=>"]"} @obj.mod_symbols_hash.should == answ ## need more here end it 'creates a ModificationInfo object given a special peptide sequence' do mod_string = "(M* +15.90000) (M# +29.00000) (S@ +80.00000) (C^ +12.00000) (ct[ +12.33000) (nt] +14.20000) " @params.diff_search_options = "15.90000 M 29.00000 M 80.00000 S 12.00000 C" @params.term_diff_search_options = "14.20000 12.33000" mod =, mod_string) ## no mods peptide = "PEPTIDE" mod.modification_info(peptide).should be_nil peptide = "]M*EC^S@IDM#M*EMSCM[" modinfo = mod.modification_info(peptide) modinfo.modified_peptide.should == peptide modinfo.mod_nterm_mass.should be_close(146.40054, 0.000001) modinfo.mod_cterm_mass.should be_close(160.52994, 0.000001) end end describe Sequest::Pepxml::SearchHit::ModificationInfo do before(:each) do modaaobjs = [[3, 150.3], [6, 345.2]].map do |ar| end hash = { :mod_nterm_mass => 520.2, :modified_peptide => "MOD*IFI^E&D", :mod_aminoacid_masses => modaaobjs, } #answ = "\n\t\n\t\n\n" @obj = end def _re(st) /#{Regexp.escape(st)}/ end it 'can produce pepxml' do answ = @obj.to_pepxml answ.should =~ _re('") end end =end