module Watir module Locators class Element class SelectorBuilder include Exception attr_reader :custom_attributes, :built WILDCARD_ATTRIBUTE = /^(aria|data)_(.+)$/.freeze INTEGER_CLASS = <'2.4') ? Fixnum : Integer VALID_WHATS =[String, Regexp, TrueClass, FalseClass]).merge(adjacent: [::Symbol], xpath: [String], css: [String], index: [INTEGER_CLASS], visible: [TrueClass, FalseClass], tag_name: [String, Regexp, ::Symbol], visible_text: [String, Regexp], scope: [Hash], text: [String, Regexp]).freeze def initialize(valid_attributes, query_scope) @valid_attributes = valid_attributes @custom_attributes = [] @query_scope = query_scope end def build(selector) @selector = selector deprecated_locators normalize_selector inspected = selector.inspect scope = @query_scope unless @selector.key?(:scope) || @query_scope.is_a?(Watir::Browser) @built = wd_locator(@selector.keys).nil? ? build_wd_selector(@selector) : @selector @built.delete(:index) if @built[:index]&.zero? @built[:scope] = scope if scope "Converted #{inspected} to #{@built.inspect}" @built end def wd_locator(keys) (Watir::Locators::W3C_FINDERS & keys).first end private def normalize_selector wd_locators = @selector.keys & Watir::Locators::W3C_FINDERS raise LocatorException, "Can not locate element with #{wd_locators}" if wd_locators.size > 1 @selector[:scope] = @query_scope.selector_builder.built if use_scope? if @selector.key?(:class) || @selector.key?(:class_name) classes = ([@selector[:class]].flatten + [@selector.delete(:class_name)].flatten).compact classes.each do |class_name| next unless class_name.is_a?(String) && class_name.strip.include?(' ') deprecate_class_array(class_name) end @selector[:class] = classes end if @selector[:adjacent] == :ancestor && @selector.key?(:text) raise LocatorException, 'Can not find parent element with text locator' end @selector.keys.each do |key| check_type(key, @selector[key]) how, what = normalize_locator(key, @selector.delete(key)) @selector[how] = what end end def use_scope? return false if @query_scope.is_a?(Browser) !@selector.key?(:adjacent) && (Watir::Locators::W3C_FINDERS & @selector.keys).empty? && !(@query_scope.is_a?(Watir::IFrame) || @query_scope.is_a?(Watir::Radio)) && @query_scope.selector_builder.built&.size == 1 end def deprecate_class_array(class_name) dep = "Using the :class locator to locate multiple classes with a String value (i.e. \"#{class_name}\")" Watir.logger.deprecate dep, "Array (e.g. #{class_name.split})", ids: [:class_array] end def check_type(how, what) if %i[class class_name].include? how [what].flatten.each { |value| raise_unless(value, VALID_WHATS[how]) } else raise_unless(what, VALID_WHATS[how]) end end def should_use_label_element? !valid_attribute?(:label) end def normalize_locator(how, what) case how when 'text' Watir.logger.deprecate "String 'text' as a locator", 'Symbol :text', ids: [:text_string] [:text, what] when :tag_name what = what.to_s if what.is_a?(::Symbol) [how, what] when :text, :xpath, :index, :css, :visible, :visible_text, :adjacent [how, what] when :class what = false if what.tap { |arr| arr.delete('') }.empty? [how, what] when :link [:link_text, what] when :label, :visible_label if should_use_label_element? ["#{how}_element".to_sym, what] else [how, what] end when :caption # This allows any element to be located with 'caption' instead of 'text' Watir.logger.deprecate('Locating elements with :caption', ':text locator', ids: [:caption]) [:text, what] else check_custom_attribute how [how, what] end end def check_custom_attribute(attribute) return if valid_attribute?(attribute) || attribute.to_s =~ WILDCARD_ATTRIBUTE @custom_attributes << attribute.to_s end # Implement this method when creating a different selector builder def build_wd_selector(selector) Kernel.const_get("#{}::XPath") end def valid_attribute?(attribute) @valid_attributes&.include?(attribute) end def combine_with_xpath_or_css?(selector) keys = selector.keys keys.reject! { |key| %i[visible visible_text index].include? key } if (keys - [:tag_name]).empty? true elsif selector[:tag_name] == 'input' && keys == %i[tag_name type] true else false end end def raise_unless(what, types) return if types.include?(what.class) raise TypeError, "expected one of #{types}, got #{what.inspect}:#{what.class}" end def deprecated_locators %i[partial_link_text link_text link].each do |locator| next unless @selector.key?(locator) Watir.logger.deprecate(":#{locator} locator", ':visible_text', ids: [:link_text]) tag = @selector[:tag_name] next if tag.nil? || tag == 'a' raise LocatorException, "Can not use #{locator} locator to find a #{tag} element" end end end end end end