namespace :radiant do namespace :extensions do namespace :sns do desc "Runs migrations for SnS, and copies public assets. Equivalent to running `rake radiant:extensions:sns:migrate` then `rake radiant:extensions:sns:update` consecutively." task :install => [:environment, :migrate, :update] do puts "The SnS extension has been successfully installed." end desc "Runs the migration of the SnS extension" task :migrate => :environment do require 'radiant/extension_migrator' if ENV["VERSION"] if [2, 3, 4].include? ENV["VERSION"].to_i puts "\n * * * * NOTICE * * * *" puts "\n Some of the older functionality of SnS has been removed and as a result" puts " several of the middle migrations no longer produce their previous results." puts "\n This isn't an issue when you're just passing through, but you" puts " can no longer safely stop at migration levels 002-004 anymore." puts "\n Your migration will not be run." puts "\n P.S. If you really must revert to one of these older migrations" puts " (levels 002-004), you'll first need to down-migrate to level 001," puts " then install the older version of SnS and use that to migrate up." puts "\n See db\\migrate\\README for more info." puts "\n * * * * * * * * * * * *\n\n" puts "Press any key to acknowledge and cancel this migration(s):" STDIN.gets raise "Invalid Migration Level Error" else SnsExtension.migrator.migrate(ENV["VERSION"].to_i) end else SnsExtension.migrator.migrate end end desc "Copies public assets of SnS to the instance public/ directory." task :update => :environment do is_svn_or_dir = proc {|path| path =~ /\.svn/ || } Dir[SnsExtension.root + "/public/**/*"].reject(&is_svn_or_dir).each do |file| path = file.sub(SnsExtension.root, '') directory = File.dirname(path) puts "Copying #{path}..." mkdir_p RAILS_ROOT + directory cp file, RAILS_ROOT + path end end desc "(Re)calculates values for all TextAssetDependencies" task :rebuild_dependencies => :environment do puts "", "== Setting/Correcting TextAssetDependency Values ==============================" TextAsset.find(:all, :order => 'id ASC').each do |text_asset| puts "", "-- setting values for #{text_asset.class.to_s.downcase}: #{}" text_asset.dependency = unless text_asset.dependency # parse/set dependency names text_asset.dependency.names = text_asset.send(:parse_dependency_names) puts ' last updated at: ' + text_asset.updated_at.to_s # initially set effective update time to asset's updated_at time effectively_updated_at = text_asset.updated_at if text_asset.dependency.names.empty? puts ' dependencies: none' else puts ' dependencies: ' + text_asset.dependency.names.join("\n" + " " * 18) dependencies_updated_at = TextAsset.find_by_name(text_asset.dependency.names, :order => 'updated_at DESC').updated_at puts ' dependencies updated: ' + dependencies_updated_at.to_s effectively_updated_at = dependencies_updated_at if effectively_updated_at < dependencies_updated_at end text_asset.dependency.effectively_updated_at = effectively_updated_at puts ' effectively updated: ' + effectively_updated_at.to_s! end end desc "Configure SnS options" task :config => :environment do new_settings = {} # Remove all ARGVs from the front that we don't care about. # This lets us handle differnt input like: # rake radiant:extensions:sns:config [param list] # rake production radiant:extensions:sns:config [param list] until ARGV.shift =~ /radiant:extensions:sns:config/; end if ARGV.first == 'restore_defaults' && ARGV.length == 1 # restore defaults print %{\nRestoring Sns::Config Defaults -> } Sns::Config.restore_defaults puts "Success" elsif ARGV.length == 0 || ((ARGV.first == '--help' || ARGV.first == '-help') && ARGV.length == 1 ) #show help text puts "Shows and/or changes SnS configuration settings." puts puts "Usage: radiant:extensions:sns:config [option] | [setting1] [setting2] ..." puts " Options (instead of using settings" puts " --help, -help Shows this info" puts puts " Settings are of the form 'setting=value' like:" puts " radiant:extensions:sns:config js_dir=my_javascripts" puts puts " Allowable settings:" puts " css_dir Sets the server's stylesheet_directory" puts " js_dir Sets the server's javascript_directory" puts " css_mime Sets the server's stylesheet_mime_type" puts " js_mime Sets the server's javascript_mime_type" puts " reset_all Restores all settings to the factory original" puts else # iterate through each argument and verify each is well-formed ARGV.each do |argument| arg_elements = argument.split("=") raise(%{Invalid parameter: "#{argument}"}) unless arg_elements.length == 2 case arg_elements.first when 'css_dir', 'stylesheet_directory' arg_elements[0] = 'stylesheet_directory' when 'js_dir', 'javascript_directory' arg_elements[0] = 'javascript_directory' when 'css_mime', 'stylesheet_mime_type' arg_elements[0] = 'stylesheet_mime_type' when 'js_mime', 'javascript_mime_type' arg_elements[0] = 'javascript_mime_type' else raise %{Invalid setting name: "#{arg_elements[0]}"} end new_settings[arg_elements[0]] = arg_elements[1] end # now that we know the input was ok, let's set 'em new_settings.each do |k,v| print %{--setting Sns::Config[#{k}] = "#{v}" -> } Sns::Config[k] = v puts "Success" end end # follow up by showing the current state of settings puts "\n Current Styles 'n Scripts Configuration:\n\n" # convert the hash into an array to sort by key name (pair[0]) Sns::Config.to_hash.to_a.sort_by { |pair| pair[0] }.each do |pair| puts %{ #{pair[0].to_s.ljust(24)} "#{pair[1].to_s}"} end end end end end