require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/orbital/orbital_soft_descriptors.rb' require "rexml/document" module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # For more information on Orbital, visit the {integration center}[] # # ==== Authentication Options # # The Orbital Gateway supports two methods of authenticating incoming requests: # Source IP authentication and Connection Username/Password authentication # # In addition, these IP addresses/Connection Usernames must be affiliated with the Merchant IDs # for which the client should be submitting transactions. # # This does allow Third Party Hosting service organizations presenting on behalf of other # merchants to submit transactions. However, each time a new customer is added, the # merchant or Third-Party hosting organization needs to ensure that the new Merchant IDs # or Chain IDs are affiliated with the hosting companies IPs or Connection Usernames. # # If the merchant expects to have more than one merchant account with the Orbital # Gateway, it should have its IP addresses/Connection Usernames affiliated at the Chain # level hierarchy within the Orbital Gateway. Each time a new merchant ID is added, as # long as it is placed within the same Chain, it will simply work. Otherwise, the additional # MIDs will need to be affiliated with the merchant IPs or Connection Usernames respectively. # For example, we generally affiliate all Salem accounts [BIN 000001] with # their Company Number [formerly called MA #] number so all MIDs or Divisions under that # Company will automatically be affiliated. class OrbitalGateway < Gateway API_VERSION = "4.6" POST_HEADERS = { "MIME-Version" => "1.0", "Content-Type" => "Application/PTI46", "Content-transfer-encoding" => "text", "Request-number" => '1', "Document-type" => "Request", "Interface-Version" => "Ruby|ActiveMerchant|Proprietary Gateway" } SUCCESS, APPROVED = '0', '00' class_attribute :secondary_test_url, :secondary_live_url self.test_url = "" self.secondary_test_url = "" self.live_url = "" self.secondary_live_url = "" self.supported_countries = ["US", "CA"] self.default_currency = "CAD" self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover, :diners_club, :jcb] self.display_name = 'Orbital Paymentech' self.homepage_url = '' self.money_format = :cents CURRENCY_CODES = { "AUD" => '036', "CAD" => '124', "CZK" => '203', "DKK" => '208', "HKD" => '344', "ICK" => '352', "JPY" => '392', "MXN" => '484', "NZD" => '554', "NOK" => '578', "SGD" => '702', "SEK" => '752', "CHF" => '756', "GBP" => '826', "USD" => '840', "EUR" => '978' } AVS_SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES = ['US', 'CA', 'UK', 'GB'] def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :merchant_id) requires!(options, :login, :password) unless options[:ip_authentication] @options = options super end # A – Authorization request def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) order = build_new_order_xml('A', money, options) do |xml| add_creditcard(xml, creditcard, options[:currency]) add_address(xml, creditcard, options) end commit(order) end # AC – Authorization and Capture def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) order = build_new_order_xml('AC', money, options) do |xml| add_creditcard(xml, creditcard, options[:currency]) add_address(xml, creditcard, options) end commit(order) end # MFC - Mark For Capture def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) commit(build_mark_for_capture_xml(money, authorization, options)) end # R – Refund request def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) order = build_new_order_xml('R', money, options.merge(:authorization => authorization)) do |xml| add_refund(xml, options[:currency]) end commit(order) end def credit(money, authorization, options= {}) deprecated CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE refund(money, authorization, options) end # setting money to nil will perform a full void def void(authorization, options = {}) order = build_void_request_xml(authorization, options) commit(order) end private def add_customer_data(xml, options) if options[:customer_ref_num] xml.tag! :CustomerProfileFromOrderInd, 'S' xml.tag! :CustomerRefNum, options[:customer_ref_num] else xml.tag! :CustomerProfileFromOrderInd, 'A' end end def add_soft_descriptors(xml, soft_desc) xml.tag! :SDMerchantName, soft_desc.merchant_name xml.tag! :SDProductDescription, soft_desc.product_description xml.tag! :SDMerchantCity, soft_desc.merchant_city xml.tag! :SDMerchantPhone, soft_desc.merchant_phone xml.tag! :SDMerchantURL, soft_desc.merchant_url xml.tag! :SDMerchantEmail, soft_desc.merchant_email end def add_address(xml, creditcard, options) if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] avs_supported = AVS_SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES.include?(address[:country].to_s) if avs_supported xml.tag! :AVSzip, address[:zip] xml.tag! :AVSaddress1, address[:address1] xml.tag! :AVSaddress2, address[:address2] xml.tag! :AVScity, address[:city] xml.tag! :AVSstate, address[:state] xml.tag! :AVSphoneNum, address[:phone] ? address[:phone].scan(/\d/).join.to_s : nil end xml.tag! :AVSname, xml.tag! :AVScountryCode, avs_supported ? address[:country] : '' end end def add_creditcard(xml, creditcard, currency=nil) xml.tag! :AccountNum, creditcard.number xml.tag! :Exp, expiry_date(creditcard) xml.tag! :CurrencyCode, currency_code(currency) xml.tag! :CurrencyExponent, '2' # Will need updating to support currencies such as the Yen. xml.tag! :CardSecValInd, 1 if creditcard.verification_value? && %w( visa discover ).include?(creditcard.brand) xml.tag! :CardSecVal, creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value? end def add_refund(xml, currency=nil) xml.tag! :AccountNum, nil xml.tag! :CurrencyCode, currency_code(currency) xml.tag! :CurrencyExponent, '2' # Will need updating to support currencies such as the Yen. end def parse(body) response = {} xml = root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//Response") || REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//ErrorResponse") if root root.elements.to_a.each do |node| recurring_parse_element(response, node) end end response end def recurring_parse_element(response, node) if node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|e| recurring_parse_element(response, e) } else response[] = node.text end end def commit(order) headers = POST_HEADERS.merge("Content-length" => order.size.to_s) request = lambda {return parse(ssl_post(remote_url, order, headers))} # Failover URL will be used in the event of a connection error begin response =; rescue ConnectionError; retry end, message_from(response), response, {:authorization => "#{response[:tx_ref_num]};#{response[:order_id]}", :test => self.test?, :avs_result => {:code => response[:avs_resp_code]}, :cvv_result => response[:cvv2_resp_code] } ) end def remote_url unless $!.class == ActiveMerchant::ConnectionError self.test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url else self.test? ? self.secondary_test_url : self.secondary_live_url end end def success?(response) if response[:message_type].nil? || response[:message_type] == "R" response[:proc_status] == SUCCESS else response[:proc_status] == SUCCESS && response[:resp_code] == APPROVED end end def message_from(response) success?(response) ? 'APPROVED' : response[:resp_msg] || response[:status_msg] end def ip_authentication? @options[:ip_authentication] == true end def build_new_order_xml(action, money, parameters = {}) requires!(parameters, :order_id) xml = xml_envelope xml.tag! :Request do xml.tag! :NewOrder do add_xml_credentials(xml) xml.tag! :IndustryType, parameters[:industry_type] || "EC" xml.tag! :MessageType, action add_bin_merchant_and_terminal(xml, parameters) yield xml if block_given? xml.tag! :Comments, parameters[:comments] if parameters[:comments] xml.tag! :OrderID, format_order_id(parameters[:order_id]) xml.tag! :Amount, amount(money) # Append Transaction Reference Number at the end for Refund transactions if action == "R" tx_ref_num, _ = parameters[:authorization].split(';') xml.tag! :TxRefNum, tx_ref_num end end end! end def build_mark_for_capture_xml(money, authorization, parameters = {}) tx_ref_num, order_id = authorization.split(';') xml = xml_envelope xml.tag! :Request do xml.tag! :MarkForCapture do add_xml_credentials(xml) xml.tag! :OrderID, order_id xml.tag! :Amount, amount(money) add_bin_merchant_and_terminal(xml, parameters) xml.tag! :TxRefNum, tx_ref_num end end! end def build_void_request_xml(authorization, parameters = {}) tx_ref_num, order_id = authorization.split(';') xml = xml_envelope xml.tag! :Request do xml.tag! :Reversal do add_xml_credentials(xml) xml.tag! :TxRefNum, tx_ref_num xml.tag! :TxRefIdx, parameters[:transaction_index] xml.tag! :OrderID, order_id add_bin_merchant_and_terminal(xml, parameters) end end! end def currency_code(currency) CURRENCY_CODES[(currency || self.default_currency)].to_s end def expiry_date(credit_card) "#{format(credit_card.month, :two_digits)}#{format(credit_card.year, :two_digits)}" end def bin @options[:bin] || (salem_mid? ? '000001' : '000002') end def xml_envelope xml = => 2) xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') xml end def add_xml_credentials(xml) xml.tag! :OrbitalConnectionUsername, @options[:login] unless ip_authentication? xml.tag! :OrbitalConnectionPassword, @options[:password] unless ip_authentication? end def add_bin_merchant_and_terminal(xml, parameters) xml.tag! :BIN, bin xml.tag! :MerchantID, @options[:merchant_id] xml.tag! :TerminalID, parameters[:terminal_id] || '001' end def salem_mid? @options[:merchant_id].length == 6 end # The valid characters include: # # 1. all letters and digits # 2. - , $ @ & and a space character, though the space character cannot be the leading character # 3. PINless Debit transactions can only use uppercase and lowercase alpha (A-Z, a-z) and numeric (0-9) def format_order_id(order_id) illegal_characters = /[^,$@\- \w]/ order_id = order_id.to_s.gsub(/\./, '-') order_id.gsub!(illegal_characters, '') order_id[0...22] end end end end