# encoding: utf-8 ComfortableMexicanSofa.configure do |config| # Title of the admin area # config.cms_title = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa MicroCMS' # Module responsible for authentication. You can replace it with your own. # It simply needs to have #authenticate method. See http_auth.rb for reference. # config.admin_auth = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth' # Module responsible for public authentication. Similar to the above. You also # will have access to @cms_site, @cms_layout, @cms_page so you can use them in # your logic. Default module doesn't do anything. # config.public_auth = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa::DummyAuth' # Default url to access admin area is http://yourhost/cms-admin/ # You can change 'cms-admin' to 'admin', for example. To disable admin area # entirely set this to '' or nil # config.admin_route_prefix = 'cms-admin' # When arriving at /cms-admin you may chose to redirect to arbirtary path, # for example '/cms-admin/users' # config.admin_route_redirect = '' # By default you cannot have irb code inside your layouts/pages/snippets. # Generally this is to prevent putting something like this: # <% User.delete_all %> but if you really want to allow it... # config.allow_irb = false # File uploads use Paperclip and can support filesystem or s3 uploads. Override # the upload method and appropriate settings based on Paperclip. For S3 see: # http://rdoc.info/gems/paperclip/2.3.8/Paperclip/Storage/S3, and for # filesystem see: http://rdoc.info/gems/paperclip/2.3.8/Paperclip/Storage/S3 # config.upload_file_options = {:storage => :filesystem} # Sofa allows you to setup entire site from files. Database is updated with each # request (if nessesary). Please note that database entries are destroyed if there's # no corresponding file. Fixtures are disabled by default. # config.enable_fixtures = false # Path where fixtures can be located. # config.fixtures_path = File.expand_path('db/cms_fixtures', Rails.root) # Content for Layouts, Pages and Snippets has a revision history. You can revert # a previous version using this system. You can control how many revisions per # object you want to keep. Set it to 0 if you wish to turn this feature off. # config.revisions_limit = 25 # Locale definitions. If you want to define your own locale merge # {:locale => 'Locale Title'} with this. # config.locales = {:en => 'English', :es => 'EspaƱol'} # Admin interface will respect the locale of the site being managed. However you can # force it to English by setting this to `:en` # config.admin_locale = nil # If you want to keep your CMS tables in a location other than the default database # add a database_config. For example, setting it to 'cms' will look for a cms_#{Rails.env} # definition in your database.yml file # config.database_config = nil # When enabled files upload via the side widget will get automatically categorized for # the current layout/page/snippet (as long as it's already saved). It's disabled by default. # config.file_categorization = false end # Default credentials for ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth # YOU REALLY WANT TO CHANGE THIS BEFORE PUTTING YOUR SITE LIVE ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth.username = 'username' ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth.password = 'password' # If you need to inject some html in cms admin views you can define what partial # should be rendered into the following areas: # ComfortableMexicanSofa::ViewHooks.add(:navigation, '/layouts/admin/navigation') # ComfortableMexicanSofa::ViewHooks.add(:html_head, '/layouts/admin/html_head') # ComfortableMexicanSofa::ViewHooks.add(:page_form, '/layouts/admin/page_form')