// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok */ module("SC.View#themes"); // TODO: This isn't passing on master. Alex needs to take a look at it. //var t1 = SC.Theme.addTheme("sc-test-1", SC.BaseTheme.extend({name: 'test-1' })); //var t2 = SC.Theme.addTheme("sc-test-2", SC.BaseTheme.extend({name: 'test-2' })); test("changing themes propagates to child view."); //test("changing themes propagates to child view.", function() { //var view = SC.View.create({ //"childViews": "child".w(), //theme: "sc-test-1", //child: SC.View.extend({ //}) //}); //ok(t1 === view.get("theme"), "view's theme should be sc-test-1"); //ok(t1 === view.child.get("theme"), "view's child's theme should be sc-test-1"); //view.set('themeName', 'sc-test-2'); //ok(t2 === view.get("theme"), "view's theme should be sc-test-2"); //ok(t2 === view.child.get("theme"), "view's child's theme should be sc-test-2"); //}); test("adding child to parent propagates theme to child view."); //test("adding child to parent propagates theme to child view.", function() { //var child = SC.View.create({}); //var view = SC.View.create({ //theme: "sc-test-1" //}); //ok(t1 === view.get("theme"), "view's theme should be sc-test-1"); //equals(child.get("theme"), SC.Theme.find('sc-base'), "view's child's theme should start at base theme"); //view.appendChild(child); //equals(t1, child.get("theme"), "view's child's theme should be sc-test-1"); //});