require 'spec_helper' tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir describe Conjur::Command::Init do context logged_in: false do before { File.stub(:exists?).and_return false } context "auto-fetching fingerprint" do before { HighLine.any_instance.stub(:ask).with("Enter the hostname (and optional port) of your Conjur endpoint: ").and_return "the-host" Object.any_instance.should_receive(:`).with("echo | openssl s_client -connect the-host:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint").and_return "the-fingerprint" HighLine.any_instance.stub(:ask).with(/^Trust this certificate/).and_return "yes" } describe_command 'init' do it "fetches account and writes config file" do # Stub hostname Conjur::Core::API.should_receive(:info).and_return "account" => "the-account" File.should_receive(:open) invoke end end describe_command 'init -a the-account' do it "writes config file" do File.should_receive(:open) invoke end end end describe_command 'init -a the-account -h foobar' do it "can't get the cert" do expect { invoke }.to raise_error(GLI::CustomExit, /unable to retrieve certificate/i) end end describe_command 'init -a the-account -h' do it "writes the config and cert" do HighLine.any_instance.stub(:ask).and_return "yes" File.should_receive(:open).twice invoke end end describe_command 'init -a the-account -h localhost -c the-cert' do it "writes config and cert files" do File.should_receive(:open).twice invoke end end context "in a temp dir" do describe_command "init -f #{tmpdir}/.conjurrc -a the-account -h localhost -c the-cert" do it "writes config and cert files" do invoke, ".conjurrc")).should == """--- account: the-account plugins: - environment - layer - key-pair - pubkeys appliance_url: https://localhost/api cert_file: #{tmpdir}/conjur-the-account.pem """, "conjur-the-account.pem")).should == "the-cert\n" end end end end end