require File::expand_path(File::join(File::dirname(__FILE__), 'image_resources')) require 'tempfile' # MojoMagick is a stateless set of module methods which present a convient interface # for accessing common tasks for ImageMagick command line library. # # MojoMagick is specifically designed to be efficient and simple and most importantly # to not leak any memory. For complex image operations, you will find MojoMagick limited. # You might consider the venerable MiniMagick or RMagick for your purposes if you care more # about ease of use rather than speed and memory management. # all commands raise "MojoMagick::MojoFailed" if command fails (ImageMagick determines command success status) # Two command-line builders, #convert and #mogrify, have been added to simplify # complex commands. Examples included below. # # Example #convert usage: # # MojoMagick::convert('source.jpg', 'dest.jpg') do |c| # c.crop '250x250+0+0' # c.repage! # c.strip # c.set 'comment', 'my favorite file' # end # # Equivalent to: # # MojoMagick::raw_command('convert', 'source.jpg -crop 250x250+0+0 +repage -strip -set comment "my favorite file" dest.jpg') # # Example #mogrify usage: # # MojoMagick::mogrify('image.jpg') {|i| i.shave '10x10'} # # Equivalent to: # # MojoMagick::raw_command('mogrify', '-shave 10x10 image.jpg') # # Example showing some additional options: # # MojoMagick::convert do |c| # c.file 'source.jpg' # c.blob my_binary_data # c.append # c.crop '256x256+0+0' # c.repage! # c.file 'output.jpg' # end # # Use .file to specify file names, .blob to create and include a tempfile. The # bang (!) can be appended to command names to use the '+' versions # instead of '-' versions. # module MojoMagick class MojoMagickException < StandardError; end class MojoError < MojoMagickException; end class MojoFailed < MojoMagickException; end # enable resource limiting functionality extend ImageMagickResources::ResourceLimits def MojoMagick::windows? mem_fix = 1 !(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/).nil? end def MojoMagick::raw_command(command, args, options = {}) # this suppress error messages to the console err_pipe = windows? ? "2>nul" : "2>/dev/null" begin execute = "#{command} #{get_limits_as_params} #{args} #{err_pipe}" puts execute retval = `#{execute}` # guarantee that only MojoError exceptions are raised here rescue Exception => e raise MojoError, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" end if $? && !$?.success? err_msg = options[:err_msg] || "MojoMagick command failed: #{command}." raise(MojoFailed, "#{err_msg} (Exit status: #{$?.exitstatus})\n Command: #{execute}") end retval end def MojoMagick::shrink(source_file, dest_file, options) opts = options.dup opts.delete(:expand_only) MojoMagick::resize(source_file, dest_file, opts.merge(:shrink_only => true)) end def MojoMagick::expand(source_file, dest_file, options) opts = options.dup opts.delete(:shrink_only) MojoMagick::resize(source_file, dest_file, opts.merge(:expand_only => true)) end # resizes an image and returns the filename written to # options: # :width / :height => scale to these dimensions # :scale => pass scale options such as ">" to force shrink scaling only or "!" to force absolute width/height scaling (do not preserve aspect ratio) # :percent => scale image to this percentage (do not specify :width/:height in this case) def MojoMagick::resize(source_file, dest_file, options) retval = nil scale_options = [] scale_options << '">"' unless options[:shrink_only].nil? scale_options << '"<"' unless options[:expand_only].nil? scale_options << '"!"' unless options[:absolute_aspect].nil? scale_options << '"^"' unless options[:fill].nil? scale_options = scale_options.join(' ') extras = [] if !options[:width].nil? && !options[:height].nil? geometry = "#{options[:width]}X#{options[:height]}" elsif !options[:percent].nil? geometry = "#{options[:percent]}%" else raise MojoMagickError, "Unknown options for method resize: #{options.inspect}" end if !options[:fill].nil? && !options[:crop].nil? extras << "-gravity Center" extras << "-extent #{geometry}" end retval = raw_command("convert", "\"#{source_file}\" -resize #{geometry}#{scale_options} #{extras.join(' ')} \"#{dest_file}\"") dest_file end # returns an empty hash or a hash with :width and :height set (e.g. {:width => INT, :height => INT}) # raises MojoFailed when results are indeterminate (width and height could not be determined) def MojoMagick::get_image_size(source_file) # returns width, height of image if available, nil if not retval = raw_command("identify", "-format \"w:%w h:%h\" \"#{source_file}\"") return {} if !retval width = retval.match(%r{w:([0-9]+) }) width = width ? width[1].to_i : nil height = retval.match(%r{h:([0-9]+)}) height = height ? height[1].to_i : nil raise(MojoFailed, "Indeterminate results in get_image_size: #{source_file}") if !height || !width {:width=>width, :height=>height} end def MojoMagick::convert(source = nil, dest = nil) opts = opts.file source if source yield opts opts.file dest if dest raw_command('convert', opts.to_s) end def MojoMagick::mogrify(dest = nil) opts = yield opts opts.file dest if dest raw_command('mogrify', opts.to_s) end def MojoMagick::tempfile(*opts) begin data = opts[0] rest = opts[1] ext = rest && rest[:format] file =["mojo", ext ? '.' + ext.to_s : '']) file.binmode file.write(data) file.path rescue Exception => ex raise end ensure file.close end # Option builder used in #convert and #mogrify helpers. class OptBuilder def initialize @opts = [] end # Add command-line options with no processing def <<(arg) if arg.is_a?(Array) @opts += arg else @opts << arg end self end # Add files to command line, formatted if necessary def file(*args) args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end self end alias files file # Create a temporary file for the given image and add to command line def format(*args) @opts << '-format' args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end end def blob(*args) data = args[0] opts = args[1] || {} opts.each do |k,v| send(k.to_s,v.to_s) end tmpfile = MojoMagick::tempfile(data, opts) file tmpfile end # Generic commands. Arguments will be formatted if necessary def method_missing(command, *args) if command.to_s[-1, 1] == '!' @opts << "+#{command.to_s.chop}" else @opts << "-#{command}" end args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end self end def to_s @opts.join ' ' end protected def add_formatted(arg) # Quote anything that would cause problems on *nix or windows if arg =~ /[<>^|&();` ]/ @opts << "\"#{arg.gsub('"', '\"')}\"" else @opts << arg end end end end # MojoMagick